
  1. cfETLt41br2XEg2S
    • This is the JMGO GS1. It is the same machine as G1, but a little bit more improved in image quality... and with a more premium color: gold instead of silver. But internally, it is basically the same machine.

    • The first thing to do in order to disassemble the projector:

    • Three feet supporting the projector. You can unscrew them by hand.

    • One Phillips 1 screw.

    • Turn the bottom case a little bit to the left.

    • Now we can see the internals of the projector.

  3. uUST5IaVDGkqo2iV
    • Here you can see the powerful speakers, and the fan that keeps the projector cool. And I think this view is also cool, don't you?

    • The first thing we can see is some information regarding the sound capabilities of the machine. Nice detail.

    • The numbers are just the location of each of the four speakers. Although what it seems the explanation of each of them is... weird. Mix of life advice, and strange facts...

  4. cJi2nTnQBSLfdkGJ
    • Now it's time for the fan.

    • Peel off the sticker joining the fan to the heat sink, you don't need to remove it completely, just to split the two components.

    • Remove the two screws located here.

  5. yJ4ywSMuqMCW22QM
    • Carefully lift up the fan. Take care as it is still connected to the projector.

    • Pull up the connector to liberate the fan.

  6. mb4uYJteMnUFRYRL
    • The Speakers have a total of 6 screws.

    • Two of them are covered by a warn signal. Don't worry, take off the sticks and, go ahead!

    • You see? no dragons down there.

  7. o5vvaNV5uVMn4tVk
    • Lift slightly up the speakers to have access to the connectors to the matherboard.

    • Pull out the connectors and free the speakers.

    • Don't pull out completely yet! The speakers also host an antenna, and the connector is still attached to the matherboard.

    • Disconnect the antena from the WiFi/Bluetooth card and free the speakers.

  8. Vsbn22FsTVDpAits
    • Here you can see the antenna attached to the speakers.

    • And a little more detail on the speaker component itself.

  9. dFsMXgoeCqX3cFZ4
    • Here we can see what is left from the device.

    • The main board, which hosts the Android OS.

    • This is the WiFi module.

    • And the optics part of the projector. Underneath the main board there is the other part for the projector to work: the DLP electronics.

    • Time to continue disassembling it.

  10. fCZywBP6DLANBMGh
    • We start disconnecting power cable, and the connection with the DPL board.

    • Then unscrew the three left screws securing the board to the main body.

    • Then we open carefully the gate that holds the ribbon cable as shown in the next two pictures. Just pull out and up.

    • Don't push the board just yet, we need to undo another connection in the next step.

  11. w6yg3MHZLgFEIl2m
    • Move the board a little bit to the side to expose the last connection.

    • The both connectors at the end of the cable are held in place by glue. Chose the one easier for you to disconnect.

    • When assembling back the device, there is no need to put glue back.

  12. WTYcgDeDtEOHyIiS
    • Now we will disassembly the DLP board.

    • I think this board is the bluetooth, but not sure.

    • First, we unscrew the plate securing the connection of the board with the optics.

  13. PcO1FZOwCjvTJXtm
    • We disconnect the antenna.

    • This two screws.

    • And some more connections.

    • And the whole board can know be extracted.

  14. YiPvbl1LVscLsDa4
    • Let's have a break and admire the three big pieces that compose this JmGO GS1 device.

  15. dLFkuTOPjVeLk2lX
    • Disconnect the motor from the board.

    • Undo this three screws.

    • And the motor is free now to be extracted.

  16. ZNmbbNJD2LiVwvFX
    • There are four screws to undo.

    • And these three connections.

  17. aQRQEEchl16h4FSk
    • Now, the optics should be easy to extract.

  18. VopJ2BlJVcqnUTTu
    • The motor uses a small lever to move the focus.

    • This is how it looks in the lower position.

  19. 3ND3Z4KNfTJF23br
    • And this is how it looks in the upper position.

  20. And now, in full motion.
    • And now, in full motion.

  21. K1PiPRacyolhikD1
    • You can disassembly the motor and give it a good lubrication (I had to do it, that is main the reason of this guide).

    • Sorry for not showing you the screws, I forgot to photograph them, but they are located here. Five in total.

    How can I test the motor - do you know the voltage? My GMGO works perfectly except no focus !!

    Peter Sewell -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Alvaro Gutierrez Romero

Member since: 25/03/12

313 Reputation


What voltage is the motor, I stripped it down and put it all back together but focus still not working everything else works :(

Peter Sewell -

I also had problems with focus, it was a trial of prove and error, but I ended opening the motor because maybe it was a problem of some contacts. if you feel like you have the ability to check that and put it back together then give it a try. Anyway after I put back everything together, I hear the motor was working but the focus wasn't working and I realized it was because the casing that puts the motors and the gears together was too tight, so I loosed the screws a little bit and it was working great again :). I hope it helps

davidavid36 -

Good news,

I checked the connector voltages for the focus motor and it was giving out -1.7v to +1.7v depending on direction of focus in or out. I then tested the continuity of the tiny focus motor expecting 10 Ohms or thereabouts (the motor winding through the commutator). Open circuit!!

I dismantled the focus unit, all the cogs were fine and the tiny keyway into the motor drive cog was intact.

I prized open the motor tabs and removed the armature. gave the commutator a clean. Tested the continuity between the 3 commutators and 10 ohms between each so armature is good. Rebuilt motor and checked again 10ohms thos time. Tested the motor using 1.5v battery and it and the gearbox now work fine.

Rebuilt projector and now have focus again :) happy days.

Peter Sewell -

Wow, you have knowledge man.

Yes, when I opened the projector I tested the motor with a normal AA battery to check that it was moving. In my case it was easier than in you case. I cleaned the motor housing and, after putting back all together, it worked just fine.

Alvaro Gutierrez Romero -

Tengo un problema con el jmgo G1pro. Al ponerle la alimentación se enciende directamente el los led del botón de encendido se ponen casi verde, la pantalla se pone solo azul y no hace mas nada. Piede tener solución?

David Moreno -

Hola David, ¿al final lo solucionaste? Tiene mala pinta la verdad. Yo tuve problemas también y tuve que reintalar el software, pero lo hice a través de su interfaz. Es un Android y no sé si tiene alguna posibilidad de conectarse a un ordena para intentar rootearlo, aunque lo dudo.

Alvaro Gutierrez Romero -

hello all,

i just had the same issue but the motor is dead, i tried to power on with 1.5v battey and isnt moving at all.

do you know where i can find one ?


James -

Hi James, I don't know if you managed to get a new motor, but your best chance is to find for something similar in Aliexpress. Measure the size of the motor, try to measure the voltage the JmGo device provide to the motor, and search in Aliexpress, they have almost everything.

Good luck!

Alvaro Gutierrez Romero -

How to change language

Murad Mejid -

Thank you so much for this guide. Do you know how to replace light parts? Blue light seems died on mine. Thank you

Romeu Pereira -

Hi Romeu,

I doubt that JMGO would sell parts. If you are skilled, you can try to further open the device and try to change faulty LED.


Alvaro Gutierrez Romero -


Soy Miguel Guinot

Tengo un proyector jmgo con problemas de enfoque? ¿Es posible contactar contigo para unas dudas?



Buenas tardes Álvaro

Soy Miguel, tengo un proyector Jmgo g1s

Es nuevo pero el foco no responde no se a que es debido ? Sale el gráfico de enfoque pero no hace ni siquiera ruido de motor



Hola Miguel, claro, podemos verlo. Te escribo, y con lo que saquemos en claro, lo podemos compartir por aquí.


Alvaro Gutierrez Romero -