This guide will assume you are familiar with installing Windows on previous devices. Not all features may work perfectly in this installation. You will *not* have to flash the BIOS to achieve a Windows installation, but you will have to flash it if you want all the devices to work properly.
Important Note: As of mid-2019, there is no viable method for getting the Pixel’s trackpad working in Windows 10. This is due to proprietary firmware used in the trackpad bundle, the code for which is not available from the manufacturer. If you’re okay using this with a USB mouse, or trying your luck with Bluetooth, carry on! As of mid-2023, there is an I2C driver currently undergoing testing for the Pixel's trackpad and touch screen. It will be available soon.
Backup your data before we begin
You'll want to prepare a MBR bootable USB 8.1/10 drive using Rufus or the Window 10 installation tool
Have an external USB keyboard and mouse ready
Enable developer mode and legacy USB boot
Boot into ChromeOS
You'll get to the developer mode on screen. Press "ctrl" + "L" to boot into the legacy SeaBIOS
Plug in your USB keyboard
Select the flash drive containing your Windows 10 installation
Boot into Windows 10
Use the advanced tools to open up an elevated command prompt
Run diskpart and clean the storage on your SSD boot drive
Reboot into the Windows installer from your USB drive
Click Install Now to install Windows 10
Select your SSD as the default install location
Let Windows 10 install
Whenever the computer reboots. Press "ctrl" + "L" to get back to the BIOS
Follow the on-screen guide to finish installing Windows
Wi-Fi and audio should work out of the box, but you'll still need your USB keyboard/mouse to continue with the setup
We'll install drivers shortly
Cortana will likely be really loud.
Plug in a pair of headphones or silence her by clicking the mute button on the bottom right of the screen.
Install all of your Windows device drivers (keyboard, trackpad, touchscreen) from Coolstar's webpage
Note that drivers may be buggy. You might have to reinstall ChromeOS by using recovery in order to flash/re-flash the BIOS.
This is risky business, so only flash it if your drivers don't work out of the box and you have the technical know-how to fix it.
Enjoy running Windows on your Pixel and have the satisfaction that not many have attempted this feat!
Hello, have you successfully gotten the trackpad to work? Last time I heard Coolstar claimed that this wouldn't be possible.
Yup, the track-pad works (mostly) how it supposed to. I just can't post the driver since Mr. Chromebox noted that it's closed source; therefore I've decided to go solo with my work. It's definitely not impossible, just hard to figure out how to use the Intel I2C interface which drives the touchpad. I'd recommend starting your research on the official Intel datasheet for the specification and take a look at the Linux community drivers written in C for inspiration. You should check the Reddit page in case Coolstar or Mr. Chromebox has found a way to circumvent the legality issues or issued a fix of their own.
Hey did you end up doing this therealpurplesound? I want to do this as well but the trackpad, touchscreen, audio and other basic features that I haven't got a solid answer on stop me.
Does it rotate when you do it?
Hi, in a comment above you mention that the touchpad / trackpad mostly works as it's supposed to , but for reasons you cannot link it, can you elaborate on this? Is there a public solution as I am a bit confused and wish to gather more information before going forward.
I just wish to understand if the Pixel 2013 will work (keyboard, touchpad, touchscreen, etc) under Windows 10 as a normal functioning laptop.
Thank you.
The Pixel will function as a normal laptop. The addition of peripherals such as a USB mouse will greatly help aid your use of the laptop in Windows. The driver that I was able to create was (and still is) buggy. I have since sold my Pixel laptop a month ago and discontinued development. Mr. Chromebox, various others in the Reddit community recognize that by releasing a public driver without the consent of Intel might spell trouble. So no such driver will be released for the original Pixel system architecture.
Can you add in a video to ease our understanding? Thx in advance :)
No response from the author to my own comment, I'm assuming he doesn't check this any more.
The real question at the end of the day is what does work and what doesn't, have you been able to find any more information and / or guides related to this?
@ adimas hanindika -> No video (I have since sold my laptop). However, you are welcome to make your own and link it in the iFixit description :)
I do check the posts that you guys leave, I'm just not active in responding to them since I don't contribute to iFixit as much as I used to. I made a post on the Chromebook Reddit page a few months ago listing what does and doesn't work. One of the things that doesn't work without the drivers are the trackpad and touchscreen. You'd need to learn I2C interfacing via the Intel iGPU and unfortunately that information isn't really public (I think?) This is one of the reasons why Coolstar hasn't been able to make it work.
I definitely miss working on the Pixel, but the thing just gets way too hot and the battery life is abysmal. instruções de como inicializar com o boot
lucasanjos63 -