
While trying to resurrect a G602 I had laying around, I finally resorted to reflowing the PCB of the 500Hz receiver module. To my surprise that solved the issue!

    • To disassemble to receiver, grip both ends of the receiver with pliers then pull to separate.

    • Remove the PCB from the receiver plastics and ensure there is no residual plastic remaining on the PCB.

    • Solder flux may be applied at this stage to help with the reflow process.

    • Place the PCB in a temperature resistant tray/container. The PCB will be heated to ~500 degrees Fahrenheit, ensure the container can withstand this level of heat.

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    • Reflow according to the attached information following as closely as possible to avoid damage. Use a thermometer to track your progress if using a standard heat gun. Make sure not to exceed the maximum temperature and apply even heating to the PCB.

    • Note: When reflowing if too much heat is applied to the edges of the PCB the PCB can begin to delaminate.

    • Note: Reflow profile follows Nordic Semiconductors guidelines. Nordic Semiconductor is the manufacturer of the SoC Transceiver used in this device.

    • Optional: If using a reflow oven set profile according to the attached documents.

    • Optional: This can be performed in a standard kitchen oven, though this is not recommended unless the PCB is sealed in an airtight container to prevent potentially toxic gasses from escaping and depositing inside the oven.

    • Allow the PCB to cool and reassemble the device.

    • Once the device is cooled and assembled, test your connection to the receiver using the Logitech receiver connection utility.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Justin Edwards

Member since: 30/06/23

121 Reputation