
Here you can see how to make any smartphone LCD or any touch screen device scratch proof / scratch resistant using Liquid Sapphire.

  1. i2DtovMeMZcanwQI
    • Use Liquid Sapphire scratch proof nanotechnology coating

  2. O2d4LHOaEnrZZxWE
    • Add 3 drops of Liquid Sapphire to the LCD

    • With a microfibre cloth wipe up and down until the LCD surface is covered.

  4. hLaWWkPfwAdfRAYS
    • keep wiping up and down until a Grey/White coat starts forming, it will look similar to a widow smear.

  5. yc2RHXW4sqs52dkh
    • Leave to dry for 10 minuets and then buff off with a shammy (Chamois) Repeat the steps 3 times in total. The device can be used immediately. Keep clear of any objects that might scratch your screen until fully cured, in 24hrs.

  6. Here is a coin scratching an iphone 5 LCD, watch and see what happens.
    • Here is a coin scratching an iphone 5 LCD, watch and see what happens.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Irish Jack

Member since: 09/08/13

2452 Reputation


Dead product link

Jdwashere -

Does this product/method work if you already have a couple of light scratches on the screen?

Thank you,


Gary Zehnpfennig -

Does this product/method work if you already have a couple of light scratches on the screen.

Gary Zehnpfennig -

Does this product/method work if you already have a couple of light scratches on the screen —

Gary Zehnpfennig -