Today wood is expensive, so replacing dented or damaged wood can get extremely costly. Wooden counters and tabletops can be dented by everyday wear and tear. This step-by-step guide will teach you how to properly get dents out of wooden surfaces using just a household flat iron and a wet hand towel. Be sure to know how your own household flat iron operates to avoid injury.
Fill a medium-sized bowl with room-temperature water.
Dip a hand towel into the bowl of water.
Wring the hand towel out a bit until it is damp rather than dripping wet.
In the wood surface, find the dent you wish to remove.
Place the damp hand towel over the dented area as flat as possible.
Firmly press the flat iron down on the damp hand towel.
While pressing down, move the iron in circular or back and forth motions.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
Your lighting from above doesn't show the dent. Frankly, your present shot Before looks like an After. Suggest you re-shoot but first light very low from only one side so the dent has a shadow. Then you will show Before and After.
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