
Not using a printer for a long period of time can cause the ink inside it to dry. When we can’t use the dried ink cartridge, most of us get rid of it and buy a new cartridge, which contributes to the increasing e-waste. Instead of discarding a dry cartridge, this guide will help you to fix it in a few easy steps with a couple of things needed which can be found right in your house.

  1. CYyeTuWLQoQ5ybQJ
    • Open the top case of your printer.

    • Carefully remove the dried cartridge by lifting the flap in the bottom right section of the printer.

  2. 21VESL2JwtCK5PHI
    • Place the cartridge on a clean surface and apply a few drops of alcohol-based hand sanitizer to the ink nozzle.

    • It's best to use an unscented hand sanitizer, as some scents or colors in the hand sanitizer may affect your ink cartridge's performance.

    • Gently rub your finger on the ink nozzle once or twice.

    • Let the sanitizer seep in for a few minutes.

    • While you wait, fill a bowl halfway with warm tap water.

  3. SoL4ckqTDF2FK22M
    • Wipe out the ink nozzle where you applied the sanitizer with a clean cloth or paper towel.

  4. QsvUAMMSCcUjRyfS
    • Place the nozzle side of the cartridge into a bowl filled with warm water.

    • Do not completely submerge the cartridge inside the water, just half of it.

    • Wait for 5-10 mins or until you see ink leaking out into the water.

    • Once you see ink leaking out, remove the cartridge from the water carefully.

    • It may be a good idea to keep a bit of paper towel or a rag handy to catch any drips from the ink cart.

  5. yDuf6TIXZblMHenW
    • After removing it from the water, completely clean the cartridge with a soft cloth or a paper towel and dry it out.

    • DO NOT put a wet cartridge inside the printer, else it can damage it.

  6. FfZinH2wbXbxA1xY
    • To make sure the cartridge is fully working now, take a piece of paper and rub the ink nozzle over it.

    • When you see an ink line on the paper, that means you are good to go.

  7. YNo6Ob6Ov2aKp4rk
    • Once the body of the cartridge has completely dried, place it back into the slot in the printer.

    I followed your instructions and it worked great on my dried up cartridge. It wasn't a long procedure at all and it saved me another trip to the store. Thank you.

    Janet Gates -

    Worked great on the black cartridge, but the color one is only printing yellow..go figure... great guide anyway

    Jacopo Grassi -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Hariom Godhani

Member since: 01/10/21

382 Reputation


Thank you. This worked for me.

Thomas Grace -

Thank you 👍

Suzan Duran -

This actually worked . Did just as you instructed , didn't see ink in the hot water but after a few minutes I dried the cartridges off and had ink on the paper towel . Worked great ,Thanks Hariom .

Tim -

Tried this with HP 60 black and tri-colour cartridges, which were both brand new, sealed cartridges, but were probably sitting in the box since ~2008. It did manage to loosen the ink up enough that if I ran the nozzle along a damp coffee filter, it would leave a solid black line, or in the case of the colour cartridge, a line of 3 stripes: cyan, yellow, then magenta. Unfortunately, the moment I dry them off and pop them back in the printer, nothing happens. I did manage to get the faded mostly cyan top third of a test page once, but that was it. Repeated the process more thoroughly, and got a more consistent output of ink on the filter, but the result after that was nothing but blank sheets.

Not really sure what to do beyond this, because I could probably just pick up a new printer for the price of these cartridges. This would probably work well for newer cartridges that were printing fine, but then were just left idle for a few months too long between prints.

Jordan “gordo” Zanatta -

At least you tried it and you know what to do if the cartridges aren't left for a lessor time.