
The Samsung NX30 has the cool feature of sending photos directly from the camera to phone. This guide will teach you how to do it quickly and with ease.

  1. 1u4kFEHQ2NlRNbFX
    • To begin you must have the Samsung Smart Camera App on your phone. You can install this for free from the App Store.

  2. ZYhC1lFgTEJRulDa
    • Next you have to put the camera on Wifi mode.

    • Then choose the MobileLink application that will appear on the screen when you have changed the camera to Wifi mode.

    • Then select the option to send files from camera.

  3. yT5aFDG2plp3YGNG
    • On your phone, connect to the Wifi network your camera is sending out (Phone must have the wifi on)

    • The Wifi network name may have a similar name to: "AP_SSC_NX30_0-79:1C:EA."

    under this wifi series of letters, i have "security recommendation" on my iPhone. it will not let me connect.

    Kim R -

    the wifi network cant be found on my phone, can someone give solution? and my camera cant found wifi network to.

    byanggo -

  4. F1fKWNvFL5oFrAQw
    • On the camera, you will have to choose the pictures to send to the phone.

    • Click on each image you would like to send.

    • Hit the send button on the camera screen to send the selected pictures!

    • Finally, you can see the photos that were sent on the Samsung Smart Camera App on your phone.

    Hello, it is on phone connection, but there is no internet access?? What is the problem?? Thanks

    nina ivanchenko -

    Did you ever figure it out?

    Kenni -

Rupinderpal Singh

Member since: 03/02/16

267 Reputation


Thanks but it didn't work. I think the new IOS doesn't work with it.

Feras Bugnah -

i connected the wifi from the camera but somehow the wifi doesn't work on my iPhone. it used to work though, i don't know why it doesn't anymore?

anastasia.caresa -

Mine worked for several transfers but then it would no longer transfer. Could my iPad be to full ?

Barry Myers -

Didn’t work. Tried to connect into face book. The message on my camera screen no response from server. I did all correct. But this keeps showing up.

pitbullchichi -

Mine worked perfect on my old phone. Just crashes constantly while trying to transfer files. Never had to alter my WiFi before either, or just did it once. Absolute rubbish

Christine Netherwood -