A quick tutorial on how to replace your keyboard.
To remove the battery, place your thumb beneath the tab and begin to lift.
Pinching the battery, lift up at an angle from the bottom of the phone.
Insert your spudger along the slit between the keyboard and the external casing. Pry open as shown.
Remove the keyboard ribbon from the motherboard. To do this, simply grasp the ribbon at its base and pry it up at an angle. The ribbon has a metal end that is easily removed from the motherboard.
Using a Phillips Head size 0 screwdriver, remove the 3 screws holding in the battery compartment.
Remove the ribbon covering the battery compartment by pinching it at the base and lifting.
Move the black slider over to the side without the keyboard ribbon. This is done as to allow the display ribbon to slide out later.
Using a PH 0 screwdriver, remove the 4 screws on the black slider.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.