Replace dead or dying battery to solve for laptop powering off right away or quickly when unplugged
Slide the latch, to the right, away from the lock symbol.
Slide the cover away from the latch to remove it.
Once the cover is removed you will be able to see the battery and the two latches that hold it in place.
The two latches should be pulled back, one of which is spring loaded and must be held in place in order to remove the battery.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
Where do I buy another battery and how long does it last on the laptop? 4hr or more?
Passt auch für HP Elitebook 850 G2.
Die Anleitung und der Ersatzakku konnten auch bei einem HP Elitebook 850 G2 (Bezeichnung lt. Systeminfo des Notebooks) verwendet werden, das der Akku exakt der gleiche war (HP CM03)
Raller -
Slide to your "other left", on this screen it would be to the right, to slide open the cover
petunia8107 -