
After approximately 2 years my phone decided to play dead. This behavior is very common among a variety of manufacturers and devices.

Symptoms: Display is black. There seems to be no feedback while pushing buttons or touching the fingerprint reader. When phone is connected to charger there is also no light indicating a status

While connected to the charger the phone seems to be taking approximately 80mA

  1. TZYbd1bIjJfZbOUG
    • Use heat gun and suction cups to remove the housing

  2. NRE4b4RrSuwnCGo5
    • Remove screws with T5 and also remove the plate they are holding.

    • Remove the plate from left to right

  3. sAsQXHNM2AqDAlu6
    • Disconnect the battery and keep it disconnected for ~30s. Reconnect the battery again and try to turn on or recharge the phone.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Tomas Euro

Member since: 15/02/21

124 Reputation