The Macintosh IIsi came with a red-ribbon 1.44MB "SuperDrive" (and yes, just like DVD-Burning "SuperDrives" this was the best available option)
Now lift these two clips, and slowly pivot the case up.
You can now seperate the top of the computer from the rest of the machine.
The "SuperDrive" is mounted similarly to the hard drive, and positioned right next to it.
Push these two tabs out, and lift the drive up.
Flip the drive so it is on top of the power supply, and remove the "Red-Ribbon" cable.
This drive was manufactured by Sony in 1990.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
One comment
Hi there, I have IIsi Mac but the driver couldn’t read all the floppy dsks!
note: it was stored for more than 7 years.
Q. How can I clean it and what is the suitable cleaning items you recommend?