
This guide walks through the replacement of the keyboard in a Dell XPS laptop. It also includes instructions to remove of all the components necessary to access the keyboard.

Make sure to have a safe location to store all of the small screws while completing this guide, as the screws are very small and easy to lose.

  1. JhVaoLMhBEGlcqFG
    • Turn the laptop upside down.

    • Make sure the laptop is turned off.

    • Use a T5 Torx Screwdriver to remove the ten 3 mm long screws from the perimeter of the back of the laptop.

  2. OgImtWUkApWrFIPl
    • Open up the information panel door (on the middle of the back side).

    • While holding the door open, use a Phillips #00 Screwdriver to remove the two 10 mm long screws.

    use a J1, fits a lot better. no risk of rounding

    noah.mooresmith -

    Size is Philips #0 not #00

    Brandon McKee -

  3. KbpdJc6ueEstOgy3
    • Carefully lift the 2 corners of the back panel close to the hinge upwards, to release the whole panel.

    • Do not force the panel off. If it does not come off easily, try to use a plastic spudger where it is stuck.

    Dégouté d'avoir suivi cette étape à la lettre ?

    N'ouvrez SURTOUT PAS le panneau par les deux coins arrières du côté de la charnière !!!

    Et N'utiliser SURTOUT PAS une spatule en plastique pour l'ouvrir si le panneau ne se détache pas facilement !!!

    Le panneau est fait pour s'ouvrir par les coins avant!!! A l'arrière des picots servent justement à l'empêcher de s'ouvrir !!!

    Le résultat si vous utiliser uns spatule à l'arrière… c'est que ces picots cassent… ?

    IL FAUT DONC OUVRIR LE PANNEAU PAR L'AVANT !! Et il est juste posé donc inutile d'utiliser une spatule…

    Voilà voilà je suis dégoûté d'avoir fait cette connerie alors qu'en cliquant sur un autre tuto (lien juste en dessous sur Google) ils le disent…

    J'espère qu'après mon commentaire l'auteur de ce tuto fera la modif…

    Sur ce… merci pour le tuto…

    Tanguy de Guenyveau -

    Bonjour Tanguy ! Désolée de votre mésaventure :( Et merci de ce retour fort précieux à qui voudra effectuer la réparation ! Votre commentaire est visible par tous, donc les utilisateurs seront avertis. iFixit est un wiki ; si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez également adapter le tutoriel d’origine pour inclure votre retour d’expérience.

    Claire Miesch -

    • There are 2 separate RAM sticks.

    • Gently push down on the 2 outside tabs of the RAM stick you want to replace.

    • While still pushing down, gently push the tabs outwards, causing the RAM stick to flip up.

    Removing the RAM to replace the keyboard isn't entirely necessary. It's such an easy step though that protecting your RAM might be worth doing.

    Peter Moeykens -

  5. UchGXirswvJKuZsO
    • Firmly grasp the RAM stick from the flipped up edge and gently pull out, to release the RAM stick.

  6. DSI3aDruPcjinIYM
    • With a Philips #00 Screwdriver bit, remove one 4 mm long black screw located by the antenna connections on the wireless card.

    • Set the screw and metal holder aside.

  7. jsInUQShxNvUdv5A
    • Gently lift up each of the antennas (3) to disconnect them from the wireless card.

    • These are similar to a coat button, the antennas snap on and snap off.

    This step requires an extremely delicate touch. Those "buttons" will take the "snaps" right off the WIFI card and the hair-thin wiring on the card will break at the slightest pressure. If possible, remove the card and leave it attached to the wires rather than trying to pop off the connectors.

    Peter Moeykens -

  8. itwBFCLHEtuNhJHr
    • With the antennas disconnected, gently pull the wireless card out at the angle it sits at.

    • The wireless card has been successfully removed!

    How do you know what are compatible wifi cards?

    Moises Vasquez -

    Removing the WLAN card was easy. However, I have problems reconnecting the antenna cables to the card. Is a lot of force necessary?

    Do you recommend pliers, a pinch tool or something similar?

    I don't want to break anything (and that's why I've had a WLAN stick for a few weeks now :( ).

    Rudolf Glaser -

  9. BfIbDEhYgLpQ52jN
    • Use the Small Plastic Spudger to carefully disconnect the white connector from the black port.

  10. FftMIkBSkSQpyAMA
    • Use the Phillips #00 Screwdriver to remove the two 4 mm long screws.

    • The location of the 2 screws is different on each fan.

    • The left fan screw locations are circled in red.

    • The right fan screw locations are circled in orange.

  11. imIFbMjLoQLUZDOl
    • With the screws removed, lift up on the fan and remove it from the laptop.

  12. LOotfKueBLS1jHnU
    • Use a Philips #00 Screwdriver to remove the seven 3 mm long screws from the perimeter of the battery.

    • Each screw is labeled "M2X4" with an arrow pointing to the screw.

    Everything went great to this point … but the #00 Philips screws securing the battery will not move! The seven screws holding the battery are torqued down so crazy tight the #00 Phillips screwdriver is stripping the heads of the screws. I stopped trying before damaging the screw heads any further. A quick Google search indicates this is not an uncommon problem, but there are no clear solutions (other than sending the computer to Dell). Does anyone know how to get these screws to move without heavily damaging them?

    Taber Bucknell -

    iFixit has a guide with several tips on removing stripped screws here. Just make sure to take care as you work through the guide and stop and move on to the next method immediately once you notice the current one isn’t working so you don’t further strip the screws. One last tip: instead of using a rotary tool with a cutting wheel like in the last few steps of the guide, you can use a flat head that is oversized for the stripped screw as a small chisel to slowly and carefully carve out a notch in the screw head. This works just like the cutting wheel (albeit slowly) to create a notch you can use to remove the screws. Damaging the screws isn’t ideal, but replacement screws are fairly inexpensive and widely available. Good Luck!

    Tarun Thiruma -

    Please note: for those with a 56 Wh battery, there are four 3 mm long screws holding the battery.

    Linton -

  13. 3fSGjDyHv51dJItD
    • Gently lift up on the backside of the battery.

    • Firmly grasp the black connector on both sides.

    • Carefully pull the connector towards the battery, to release the connector and the battery from the laptop.

  15. E3KPklvfy51osYBU
    • The touchpad has two ZIF connectors at the bottom of the motherboard. Use a flat plastic tool to lift the tabs (see picture 2) and gently pull the ribbon cables free.

    • When re-assembling, make sure the connectors are set straight and square before closing the tabs.

  16. dRApOitHeagBolBR
    • Pull this Monitor connector out by its plastic edges

  17. Fn2yJKQ1TSGSjsDv
    • Remove the single Phillips screw to take off this plate and reveal the connector underneath.

    • Pull up the black strap with the plastic spudger, and use your fingers to gently but firmly pull straight up.

    This step is optional if you are willing to just gently lift the motherboard and flip it over toward the hinge of the laptop. I had to do this when the head of my screw was stripped due to someone previously using the wrong screwdriver bit on it. Again, you can leave the cable connected since you're not replacing the motherboard in this fixit guide.

    Peter Moeykens -

  18. XS1iLaPAXJBxFpoD
    • Pull up on the plastic edges to remove the indicated connector at the bottom right of the motherboard.

  19. U2MGJsCZYLTe21YK
    • This connector in the top left might be taped in two places. Simply pull up to loosen the tape, and use the plastic edges of the connector to pull it out. Have some tape on hand for reassembly, as the tape might have lost its adhesive backing.

    This may only be for touch screen displays?

    David Lafayette -

  20. EMPsPjM3XVdM2A26
    • With all mounted components removed, unscrew the motherboard Phillips-head screws.

    There is an additional step to remove the cooling apparatus that sits on top of the board PCI and GPU (black tunnels from fans that run over board)

    David Lafayette -

    There are three motherboard screws in the lower right circle

    David Lafayette -

  21. VLiMh1eHasVtZdw1
    • Remove the 14 #00 Phillips screws from the perimeter of the keyboard.

  22. uthETynAwaXF4US1
    • Remove 6 exposed #00 Phillips screws from the center of the keyboard.

  23. TjalaQMqmlmyMopS
    • Use small tweezers to peel back the covers for the remaining 9 #00 Phillips screws.

    • Remove the remaining screws.

    • Theses screws can be difficult to access. The flaps are glued down and need to be peeled back with a moderate amount of force.

    Check your new keyboard. It might not have this protective film on it - which is ok. Since the film is part of the keyboard you are replacing, don't sweat it if you scratch or tear this protective film.

    Peter Moeykens -

  24. EkZknte3mVWAMmTU
    • Unplug the keyboard from the laptop by flipping up the small ZIF tabs and pulling the ribbon cables straight out.

  25. hA1eH5SV4dpEltQX
    • Gently remove the keyboard from the laptop.


Now you have successfully removed your keyboard. To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Zach Jones

Member since: 25/03/22

352 Reputation


Will this work with a Dell Precision 5520? I have noticed that these two laptops use many of the same components.

Bryan White -

This was an excellent guide! The entire process took me a full two hours. Most of the time was spent trying to figure out how to fix a broken antenna filament on the wifi card. See my note regarding that step. My daughter's laptop keyboard is now brand new and I was able to remove all the dog hair and dust at the same time!

Peter Moeykens -

This was super-helpful. I have an XPS 7590, and a few things were slightly different, but this guide matched my machine closely enough. I now have a fully working machine with a new keyboard. Thanks!

Brad Compton -

wonderfully written & diagrammed guide, thank you internet friend!

admin admin -