if the screen broken/scratched and needs to be replaced here is the guide. (only screwdrivers required).
Remove the black wire that connects the screen to the motherboard by pulling up with a plastic iFixit opening tool.
Disconnect the ribbon cable with a plastic iFixit opening tool by lifting up the black clip and pulling the white ribbon off.
Pull aside the ribbon cable.
Disconnect the wire that is connected to the wireless card with a plastic iFixit opening tool by lifting up slowly, then pulling the wires aside.
Use a PH00 size screwdriver to remove the 8 screws that secure the battery.
Six 3mm screws.
Two 5mm screws.
Insert a plastic iFixit opening tool in between the port and the wires to remove the battery cable.
After removing the battery, start to remove the wireless wire and making it through the other wires connected under the battery.
Remove the screws with a PH1 size screwdriver.
Each side of the brackets that are holding the screen down are going to have two 3mm screws in each side.
That would be the guide to take off the upper DISPLAY ASSEMBLY, not the screen.
I was expecting you to bring iOpeners and get the actual glass LCD out …
But it’s a good guide.
Is there a way only the screen can be replaced on Dell XPS 13, not the entire display assembly. From what I have got so far, the entire panel above the keyboard is a single unit
Abhi B -