
Note that disconnecting the so-called CMOS battery does not reset the BIOS settings or clear a BIOS password. In fact its only purpose is to maintain the real time clock when no other power source is available.

The CMOS battery should last for around 10 years. If the computer forgets the date and time when you remove both the mains adapter and the main battery then you need to replace the CMOS battery.

  1. c415i2FgcxWEtmnS
    • Flip the computer over.

    • Slide the battery release latch to the unlock position.

    • Slide the other battery release latch to the unlock position.

    • Slide the battery and remove it from the computer.

  4. sTpEkaPL3CEKyVOE
    • Turn the laptop over and remove two screws securing the service cover.

  5. qrSEmfBmTDMk3tPT
    • Prise up the service cover and remove it from the computer. Clips along the edges can be snapped open except for those on the left hand edge (as shown in the photo) which have to be disengaged after all the others by romoving the cover in the direction shown.

    • On resassembly, insert the clips on the left hand edge then snap all te others home by applying firm pressure along the other edges of the cover.

  6. GN6nYwUUId5Qb2A4
    • Locate the CMOS battery

    • Gently disengage its connector.

    • Do not disengage the connector by pulling the leads as you may tear them out of the connector. Instead, pull on the connector itself, ideally with a pair of tweezers, rocking it back and forth alternately in the directions of the red and black leads.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Philip Le Riche

Member since: 18/02/14

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