
If your Dell Inspiron 15-7548 is operating slowly, it may be place to replace your motherboard.

Make sure your current software is up to date before deciding to replace your motherboard.

Before beginning, make sure to power off your laptop completely and disconnect from any external power source.

  1. knLVFeuIYeP2ABLa
    • Remove the six 6 mm screws from the back panel with a Phillips #1 screwdriver.

    • Loosen the four captive screws at the bottom using a Phillips #1 screwdriver.

    • The four screws on the bottom are captive screws and cannot be removed.

  2. PAVmaqoSkSONEdWP
    • Pry out the back panel using the flat head side of the spudger.

    • Do not insert the spudger more than half an inch when separating the bottom and right side of the back panel.

  3. MmndrjwhUnEpiEIP
    • Remove the screws holding the battery.

  4. 4bLL4JtjEs6Mny1m
    • Disconnect the battery ribbon connector.

  5. GHhgWAynL1md4PJk
    • Disconnect the CPU fan ribbon.

  6. brpytXCnisNuvJRH
    • Disconnect the display screen ribbon connector.

  7. jfrboxMAkG3ctDkt
    • Disconnect the blue ribbon connector.

  8. gnZaJEmFWdTfM34D
    • Disconnect the blue and gold ribbon connectors.

  9. oVgDKOCgw3mXqKpZ
    • Disconnect the speaker cable.

  10. YXQKlvRnkjPFkKNq
    • Disconnect the WiFi card connections.

  11. mTEWYYsHlhGdqDWI
    • Remove the screws securing the heat sink.

  12. CKiskvYs1HIhSPQX
    • Remove the heat sink.

  13. cO6s3rLSQKQET2fL
    • Remove the motherboard screws.

  14. UvcFNfvm2HOU2LhY
    • Remove the motherboard.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Michael Nunez

Member since: 12/04/22

325 Reputation