
The brush spring pushes the brush against the armature. The spring can lose its tensioning properties due to overheat. Make sure to always unplug your device before fixing it. Pay close attention to the position of the spring and only work on one at the time (in case you forget how is position you can look at the other one).

  1. hCbgQfnNQ4VqSEyZ
    • Turn to the bottom of the device and remove the 5/8" (17mm) screw shown using a T15 Torx Screwdriver.

  2. MK4SnXBg1VcqRpuK
    • Remove outer casing by pulling the end handle away from the field case.

  3. mFSC4JjZADnTtDoN
    • Locate the brush springs on either side of the device.

  4. rPeAIsrVPQcqyR2A
    • Using an iFixit opening tool, remove the female terminal connecting the carbon brush wire to the male terminal.

    • Remove the spring by sliding it out of the center post (use an iFixit opening tool if needed).

    • When replacing the spring you need to tension it. Watch this video at 1:55 to see how.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Jesus Quinones

Member since: 04/04/19

290 Reputation