
If your SoundLink III exhibits significantly decreased battery life or no longer takes a charge, you may need a new battery. In this guide, you will learn how to open up your Bose Soundlink III and replace the battery.

  1. bUNBr4SekJWplwle
    • Use a spudger to pry the rubber pads off of the bottom panel of the SoundLink.

    • The rubber pads should have enough adhesive to stick when you reassemble them at the end. If not, however, you may need your own adhesive.

    • Remove the two 12.5 mm screws using a Phillips #2 screwdriver.

    • These screws may be difficult to remove. If necessary, use a lever for extra torque.

    • Remove the bottom panel.

    easy peasy. great instructions!

    couple things: 1. you dont need to remove the rubber pads completely; just enough to get the screws in & out. 2. if you get a small screw driver with the battery, its crap. use your own.

    thank you ifixit for another great tutorial.


    Scott Oakley -

    My SL III battery lasted nearly 8 years with almost daily use—but recently stopped holding a charge for more than 15-20 minutes. Replacement was super easy so thanks for posting. Bose quality is exceptional as always!

    hoya -

  3. eMZkUBaYKZ4miSjq
    • Flip the rear panel back to allow access to the SoundLink's battery.

  4. pRIlRrX3TBsYfpOU
    • Remove the two 12.5 mm Phillips #2 screws from the sides of the battery.

    Super Erklärt!!

    Ralf s -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Dakoda Sanders

Member since: 04/02/16

1540 Reputation


Hello, I wonder where I could buy a raplacement battery for my Bose Soundlink III. (I'm from Belgium)

Thanks for the response.

Gabriel Lohest -

Gabriel, ik heb Bose gecontacteerd en ze zeggen dat ze dat niet apart verkopen. Het enigste wat ik heb gevonden is dit:

Of als het nog onder garantie valt, gewoon terug opsturen.


Gabrial, I've contacted Bose and they say that they didn't sell them seperately. The only thing that I've found is this:

If it still falls under warranty, send the speaker back.

JJ Hu -

yea i'm also interested to buy bose soundlink 3 battery hurmmm where could i get it....

Admin Fluffy -

Yes please, where do you get replacement batteries (I'm from Australia and Bose here want to charge me $149 to remove and replace 4 screws!)

Bob Mandassa -

I want to buy also. I'm here in Saudi arabia dammam

alphamendoza5 -

My bose SL3 just stopped working so I thought maybe a charge...nothing ..charge indicator just pulses yellow and doesn't do anything no other lights will turn on anytime and won't charge or play ..was fine till instantly..done

Robert Johnson -

What batteries are needed for Bose Bluetooth Soundlink 3

Norman -

What batteries are needed to replace Bose Bluetooth Soundlink 3

Norman -

Hi everyone, is there anybody find a store to buy battery for Bose Bluetooth Soundlink III. Please help..

floreswb -

I purchase a replacement battery for your bose Soundlink 3 from Amazon.It work well.You could purchase it on Amazon.


Emily -

im from the uk is there anywhere in England I can buy a battery for the bose soundlink 3 please

tonybowman9163 -

just contact they have them for 20 bucks

Robert Wisniewski -

I’ve changed the battery (easy) but now battery indicator light keeps flashing red ? What’s going on

karenbudden1968 -

Here is a link to new batteri for your soundlink 3 3 years warranty and good price as well

Rolf Carlsson -

I'm from fiji, battery indicator keeps flashing red,what does that mean

niumaia lawanicina -

Bought the replacement battery on Amazon. Used this video guide to replace. Went without a hitch. Thanks Dakoda.

Paul Zuhoski -

:( Sorry only now I saw your answer

Ed Oliver -

Found it cheaper at Amazon

Ed Oliver -

i found this battery if anyone needs it…. 19 eur

Nuno -

the battery assembly is just 3x 1850 cells or similar problem is they are chipped. so no good will from Bose. you could try to transfer the chip to 3 new cells .

Todd -

Thank you for a straightforward and comprehensive guide. My first time at this and it was as easy as changing a regular torch battery, only with an extra screw or two.

Joan Hammond -

Thanks, Dakota! I followed your instructions and found them to be accurate and complete. I thank you for them. There are various sellers on Ebay for these replacement batteries.

Del Tucker -

Perfect instructions!! Thanks!!

Angela Martin -

Need to work on adapter because battery is too expensive kindly guide or give data of that 5 pin 1&5 is 11.2 2&3 sda&sdc can we by pass by erasing eeprom data 9323011568 Mumbai

paulfun11 -