
This is the default guide in which is needed to be done in order to reach all of the other components of the device. It is an easy replacement guide which is comprised of only 4 screws and some clips holding it together.

  1. nEXAOIfRiFNKwfiP
    • Remove all the tape and plugs to access the screws beneath.

  2. xejHLVYLRiDbH2bn
    • Unscrew all 5 of the .3mm t4 screws from the back plate of the device.

  3. Mnvd5QPB4RJWyBuy
    • Gently go around the outside of the back plate and pry the back cover off.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Joshua Stoddard

Member since: 28/10/15

529 Reputation