
This guide takes you step by step through the process required to replace the batteries of the Amazon Fire TV Stick remote. This task is simple and should not take more than a few minutes. To complete this you will need a plastic opening tool and two new batteries. If you follow the easy steps you will successfully change the remote batteries in your Amazon fireTV stick.

  1. oRljTluMMr3w6Uue
    • Use the plastic opening tool to press into the seam between the remote and battery cover.

    • With the same tool to help pop the batteries out.

  2. tbahtCSP5ueZ1jaF
    • Place two fresh batteries back inside the remote and slide the cover back on.

    • Ensure positive ends of the batteries both point towards the top of the remote.

    My remote must be older?

    Beth Bauman -

    My remote must be older; it looks different, and I cannot get into the back of it…

    Beth Bauman -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Andrew Busse

Member since: 12/07/16

870 Reputation


do you have to use amazon remote doesn't work with duracell

mtimken -

Hey @mtimken ! As far we know, there isnt anything special about Amazon's AAA batteries. Any two *new* AAA batteries should work just fine. Are you certain both of your Duracell batteries are new? Are they rechargeable batteries that need to be charged up fully? Let us know what you find out! Good luck.

Kelsea Weber -

That's my question what type of batteries do I need for my Amazon Fire stick

biba.anderson41 -

The remote takes two AAA batteries. See the answer to the comment above. In the future, go ahead and post your question in the Answers forum : You may get an answer faster by posting where all of our community members can see your question. I hope this helps. Happy fixing!

Kelsea Weber -

Hello having problem with firestick Remote cant get it to work ? i change batteries still not working?

denise carter -

Hi Denise,

You posted your question as a comment on this guide, but it'll get more attention from our repair community in the Answers forum. Try posting your question at

Kelsea Weber -

Changed batteries still does not work

Stanley E. Royal -

Does the fire stick come with an opening device? Can it be purchase in-store like at target or something?

gwen fountain -

The opening tool used in this guide is from the iFixit store. Any plastic or nylon prying tool should work.

Kelsea Weber -

No tool is needed to get the batteries out though. Not sure why the user who wrote the guide used it.

Kelsea Weber -

The community in the answers forum are all having the same problem which doesn't appear to have a satisfactory solution. Why don't the batteries last longer than a couple of days.

Pat Armstrong

Pat Armstrong -

I don't think it's the batteries. I've found if I unplug the fire stick from tv and turn tv off for about 5 minutes, it then works.

Maureene Timken

mtimken -

How do i get my firestick remote to work? I have the remote with Alexa on it. Its not working done changed the batteries in it. Do I have to have the Amazon batteries?

Adrian Hughes -

Hi, can anyone help, my fire stick has gone mad !! It loads onto the TV fine, but it races across or down the screen and the remote is unable to control it, I'm totally exasperated !!

Kim Bell -

My Amazon fire stick remote control is not working with AAA Duracell batteries. Do I need to purchase Amazon batteries?

Ket ! -

My name is Stephanie my fire stick batteries are Amazon way do the batteries keep needing replacing it is the one with the mic on it i have bought so many batteries for it.I need help .Do i have to have Amazon batteries help what is a good to use. Thanks

Mccants Family -

Im having same. Bloody issue.. AMAZON bayyries died. Replaced wi new ones and still not working. Tried several different companies inc duracel. Stil not working. Even tried mitiken solution above, inplug +turn tv off 5 mins +, no joy…. Help?..?

nawazomar -

my firestick remote did the same thing just stop working with the firestick just unresponsive to commands and i tried the tips above still no response is there something else I could try?

exhill -

My firestick remote does not have any way of opening it to change batteries.

drunruh1998 -

I can only speak for myself but one time I've had the batteries in the wrong way and it blew up my firestick I'm not joking it would never work again and my dad who's the mechanic said that when I put the batteries in the wrong way that it Fried it. I bought another one because we never could get it to work and I'm really good with this stuff

amandalambert6228232 -

I have read all these comments and it looks like we're all having the same problem with our fire stick !!! Has anyone got the answer yet !!!! I was using our tv remote til my husband went and put the Amazon stick back to factory settings .. Because he didn't like all the app ……. HELP

Kim -

How can you tell if it’s the remote not working

Kev upton -

Changed batteries still won't work

Stanley E. Royal -

Changed batteries in Firestick and it will not work. What a ripoff. Pleas someone invent something to replace firestick

carole ray -

Please ensure that the batteries are not inserted incorrectly, and that they have a charge.

TheYootz Media Group -

I cannot open the remote firestick to replace the batteries. Help.

roberttomasino -

for the people that are still having trouble with their Amazon fire stick remote not working. This is what I had to do and it worked. Change your batteries out. Unplug your fire stick for 10 minutes. The remote still did not work for me at this time so I manually turned on The TV and the fire stick starter back up you have to go completely through the whole set up again with your remote. Not saying that’s the issue with your remote but that’s what I did and it worked for me because I was having the same problem of my remote not working. Good luck hope it works for you.

signs 1 -

I have a newer style fire stick remote that I can’t get open. There isn’t a slot to insert the special tool. What should I do?

Dennis Ivans -

I have purchased AAA batteries from Amazon, Rechargeable Amazon basics 800mah. They work in regular remotes but not in Amazon fire TV remote.

Srinivas J -

My remote is different from the one used ?

Marlyn Findlay -

If you don't have a "plastic opening tool", a paring knife works.

Mary Beth Dietrick -

Why does firestick remote blink yellow with new batteries?

TAllen1964 -

Still does not work with new batteries

Alfreda God -

The batteries are consumed in 2 days

German pazmiño -

Keep getting signs in different languages

Magdalene Rando -