
This guide shows the steps on how to replace a keyboard in an Acer Chromebook C730 Series. (C730-C4V9)

PLEASE NOTE: The Chromebook Keyboard isn't supposed to be replaced! This guide involves breaking plastic clips to successfully replace the keyboard! It is recommended to replace individual keys or purchase a new device but if you wish to keep your Chromebook or the keyboard is too far gone, follow this guide.

  1. YPxoxkl4FlYnLOAW
    • Be sure to have completely shut down the device before attempting to open it.

    • Flip the device over and remove the twelve screws.

    • Using a spudger slowly pry the case open by inserting the plastic opening tool at the hinges and wedging it between the Back cover and the body.

    • Be careful when removing the cover off the device, a ribbon cable is connected to it

  2. Hpw5LMpk6J4X5NSk
    • Remove the USB Ribbon cable by opening the connector on the motherboard and sliding the cable out.

  3. OrkS1ayXqhOTqyKi
    • Remove the two screws on the sides of the battery.

    • Carefully slide the battery forward and the lift up

    • Unplug the battery from the motherboard to prevent shortages.

  4. 5iXQRcCvdrTxfRlc
    • Remove the screw from the Wi-Fi chip

    • Unplug the aerials

    • Remember the order of the aerials! (Generally black then white)

    • Slide the chip away from the motherboard

  5. w3bGaWJFv5RtOHxL
    • Remove the screen cable by using the tab and pulling up.

    • Remove the track pad cable by opening the connector and sliding the cable away from the motherboard.

    • Remove the keyboard cable by opening the connector and sliding it away from the motherboard.

    • The speaker cable can be a bit tricky, with the assistance of the plastic opening tool, pull/pry the plug towards you (Carefully!)

  6. cRp21yQThokuGQvA
    • Remove the six screws from the hinges.

  7. XjnA11S4TOAF1fGc
    • Using the plastic opening tool, slide it under the right hinge and lift the hinge up so its not sitting on the motherboard.

    • Remove the five screws holding the motherboard in.

    • Lift the motherboard up slowly.

    • Try to lift the motherboard up as straight as possible as there is solid thermal grease on the bottom.

  8. pVCSldIFNd6xyIbo
    • Using the plastic opening tool, insert it under the speakers in the middle and pry them up

    • The speakers are held on with double sided tape and will be glued back later. (You can use double sided tape if you wish)

  9. NEABDCEgI45mK1xI
    • This step is optional, I do it because it makes life so much easier!! But its totally up to you.

    • While holding your thumbs on the hinges to keep them in place, open the screen slowly

    • Once the screen is almost flat you should feel the hinges come loose.

    • Lift the screen up from the body and it should separate.

  10. 5t15WgvW2wF3QXFZ
    • The motherboard plate is held onto the frame by plastic pins.

    • Work your way along the edges of the plate and attempt to remove the top off every single pen if possible.

  11. W3F2tZphLtEcgmeH
    • After removing as many pins as possible work your way around the plate and pry it up.

    • Start working your way under the plate to disconnect it from the keyboard.

  12. VJMwbOe1mjFYMYT3
    • The keyboard is held onto the frame by plastic pins.

    • Work your way along the edges of the keyboard and attempt to remove the top off every single pen if possible.

    • Do not cut the pins that stick out above the keyboard, these are for the motherboard plate.

    • After you have removed the top off every pin, using the plastic opening tool work your way around the keyboard, it should lift right out.

  13. XPX4Io1pYZYSoKAA
    • Place the new keyboard in the frame and ensure it is sitting nicely.

    • Once in place, using a hot glue gun start putting small drops of glue on the pins you cut off the keyboard.

    • While gluing, keep a constant pressure on the keyboard to ensure it sets while in its optimal position!

    • Avoid gluing the pins that are risen! This will affect the fitment of the motherboard plate.

    • Do NOT put glue in the keyboard holes that haven't got pins! These holes will leak glue underneath the keys! ONLY place glue on the keyboard pins

  14. ROqyuugtZLFyJi6S
    • Work your way around the plate putting glue on the plastic pins.

    • While gluing, keep a constant pressure on the plate to ensure it sets while in its optimal position!

    • Only put glue on the plastic pins you cut the tops off!

  15. TjRfGnDhunuTUSeC
    • Chose whether to use glue or double sided tape.

    • Put a dab of glue at the top and bottom of the speaker (Where the old double sided tape is)

    • Place speaker into position.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Dylan Baldwin

Member since: 12/12/18

351 Reputation

One comment

Your detailed and well explained instructions have let me replace the keyboard with success. So many thanks!!!!!

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