
These are some common tools used to work on this device. You might not need every tool for every procedure.


If you are having issues with your Vizio VTAB1008, check out the troubleshooting guide

Background and Identification

The Vizio VTAB1008 was the first and only tablet made by Vizio in 2011. The tablet has an 8-inch screen (measured from corner to corner). Overall the black tablet measures 6.6x8.1x0.5 inches.

The modestly priced tablet is priced at $299 on release day and weighs 1.2 pounds. There is one recharging port on the bottom (micro USB) and one headphone jack on the top corner of the device.

The front is a nice glossy screen finish with a matte plastic backing. The VTAB1008 is loading with a modified Android operating system that can do just about anything you would like to do.

Additional Information

Vizio VTAB1008 User Guide

Vizio VTAB1008 Review

Vizio VTAB1008 Online Retailer