Background and Identification

Steris was originally AMSCO or American Sterilizer Company in 1894 and later became the major core of what would be Steris Corporation.

Founded in 1985, Steris Corporation is an Irish medical equipment company that specializes in sterilization and surgical products for the U.S. healthcare system. Steris produces steam sterilizers also known as autoclaves, which are a vital aspect of the decontamination and sterilization process performed by sterile processing departments in healthcare facilities. Offered in three sizes, small, medium, and large, Steris has sterilizers for facilities of all sizes.

Steris sterilizer machines can eliminate living organisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and spores. It's steam sterilizers reduce downtime and operating costs.

Some common issues or alarms in Steris Sterilizers include the following:

  • Aborted cycles
  • Air utility failure alarm (evolution products)
  • Bowie-Dick failure
  • Display Screen
  • No Power
  • Printer Fault
  • Steam leaking from door(gasket failure)
  • Steam utility failure aka Boiler failure Alarms
  • Too long in charge alarm
  • Under temperature alarm

To find out about the potential causes for these issues and to take the corrective measures, please refer to the Quick Troubleshooting Guide by Steris.

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Steris Steam Sterilizers

Quick Troubleshooting Guide