
These are some common tools used to work on this device. You might not need every tool for every procedure.

Identification and Background

The Juke SCH-u470 weighs 2.82 ounces, with dimensions of 3.82"x1.18"x.83" and comes in navy blue, red, or teal. The Juke's carrier is Samsung, Verizon Wireless but is now discontinued. Included with purchase is a one year warrenty for cellphone and included accessories.

  • Features include
    • Memory:64 MB Flash/32 MB RAM+2GB Music Storage
    • Camera; Camera Resolution-VGA
    • Music Player
    • Conncectivity: Bluetooth, USB

For all features visit SPECS Juke SCH-u470


To locate hardware problems use troubleshooting Juke SCH-u470.


Use guides provided by iFixit to replace faulty hardware, purche desired parts at Juke SCH-u470 parts.