Background and Identification

The Novametrix Model 515 is a portable pulse oximeter manufactured by Novametrix Medical Systems. This model is sometimes called the 515A. Pulse oximeters are non-invasive devices used to monitor a patient’s oxygen saturation. Novametrix was a producer of airway pressure monitors, transcutaneous blood gas monitors, pulse oximeters, capnographs, respiratory mechanics monitors, and volumetric carbon dioxide monitors. Novametrix is now owned by Philips Respironics, a medical device conglomerate.

The Novametrix Model 515 provides continuous measurement, display, and alerts for the patient’s pulse rate and oxygen saturation. Pulse rate is measured in beats per minute, while oxygen saturation is measured as a percentage. The oxygen saturated blood absorbs different amounts of light compared to unsaturated blood, so the amount of light absorbed by the patient’s blood is used to calculate oxygen saturation. Oxygen saturation monitoring is commonly used in a variety of clinical situations, including anesthesia, intensive care, respiratory therapy, and emergency care.

The 515 pulse oximeter includes a lead-acid gel-cell battery that can last up to two hours on one charge. The monitor’s “low battery” indicator will start to flash when 15 minutes of battery life remain.

The 515 model includes four main assemblies: the Power Supply Unit (PSU), the Digital Board, the Analog Board, and the Bezel Assembly. This model 515 includes the name “NOVAMETRIX MEDICAL SYSTEMS INC.” printed in capital letters at the bottom of the monitor’s front panel. The number “515” is printed along the right-hand side of the monitor’s front face.

Technical Specifications

Oxygen Saturation

  • Range: 0 - 100 %
  • Accuracy (1 standard deviation):
  • 80 - 100%, ±2%,
    • 0 - 79 %, unspecified
  • Display Resolution: 1%
  • Averaging Time: User selectable times of 2, 4, 8, and 16 seconds
  • Audible Sa02 Trend Feature: Pitch of (user selectable) Pulse Rale "beep" tracks the Sa02 value (i.e., decreasing Sa02 values are signaled by lower-pitched "beeps") Sixteen (16) different pitches are linked to the upper Sa02 alarm limit setting.
  • Settling Time: Display settles to within 1% of the final reading less than 15 seconds after the sensor is properly applied.
  • Alerts: User selectable high and low limits. Visible alarm is immediate. Audible alarm occurs after 10 seconds of continuous violation of the set limit. Limit values are retained in memory when monitor is turned off.

Pulse Rate (PR) Section

  • Range: 30 - 250 beats per minute (bpm)
  • Accuracy (1 standard deviation): ± 1% of full scale
  • Display Resolution: 1 bpm
  • Averaging Time: User selectable times of 2, 4, 8,and 16 seconds
  • Settling Time: Display settles to within 1% of the final reading loss than 15 seconds after the sensor is properly applied.
  • Alerts: User selectable high and low limits. Visible alarm is immediate. Audible alarm occurs after 10 seconds of continuous violation of the set limit. Limit values are retained in memory when monitor is turned off.

General Specifications

  • Operating Environment:
    • 10-40°C (50- 1CM°F)
    • 0 - 90% relative humidity (non-condensing)
  • Weight: approximately 10 lbs. (4.54 kg)
  • Dimensions:
    • Height: 3.6 inches (9.14 cm)
    • Width: 9.0 inches (22.86 cm)
    • Depth: 10.25 inches (26.035 cm)
  • Power: 100/120/220/240 Vac ±10%, 50/60 Hz
  • Fuse Rating:
    • U.S. specification: 0.25 A, 250 V, Slow-Blow
    • European specification: T 125 mA 250 V (x2)
  • Battery Type: lead-acid gel-cell
  • Battery Life: 2 hours
  • (Note: Excessive alerting reduces battery life.) When 15 minutes of battery life remain, the "low battery" indicator starts to flash. When the battery becomes exhausted, the monitor shuts off. Connect to AC power to recharge the battery. Battery fully recharged in 8 hours max.

Additional Information

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Novametrix Model 515 Manuals

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