
The Game Ready GRPro 2.1 is a cold and compression unit that utilizes different styles of compression wraps combined with cold therapy to better enhance surgery or injury recovery. The GRPro 2.1 circulates water through the wrap while compressing, reducing swelling and pain. This technique is part of Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation, also known as RICE. The GRPro 2.1 innovates and combines this technique all into a simple unit. The unit itself is portable, containing a battery pack and a carry bag for convenience.

Therapeutic hypothermia, the act of using the cold to heal the body, has been around for a long time. The first known use of this tactic can be traced to 3,500 B.C.E., by a man named Edwin Papyrus. Ever since, different techniques and therapies have been practiced, evolving over time, transforming into the cold therapy we see today.

There are many benefits for using cold therapy, such as the portability factor of the unit. Due to the use of compression, it is also more beneficial than using ice therapy. It has also been known to lessen opioid use.

Source: Campbell County Health


The GRPro 2.1 has two parts: the base unit and the wrap. The base unit has a digital screen in the middle, and a big temperature knob on the top as well. Many buttons are scattered on the top, such as the start button, the temperature control, and other settings.

The base unit is maroon, with a big tub on one side for the ice and water. On the side as well is a place to plug in the wrap. The wrap is puffy and black in color, and can come in different styles to fit the need of the patient.

Technical Specifications

Base Unit Dimensions: 7.5" W x 16" L x 7.75" H

Weight when base unit is empty: 7.3 lbs.

Hose Connections on base unit: 1 port

Additional Information

Campbell County Health - Benefits of Cold Therapy

GRPro 2.1 Specifics

Medical News Today - History of Cold Therapy