
This device was made sometime around 2003. There was not much information about when it was created but a manual that was found for the device was dated October 2003.

This device includes four main components. One is the spirometer, the second is the balloon valve, the third is the Microtach, and lastly the gas analyzers. It has a computer that needs to be used with it along with tubes going to a mouthpiece for the individual getting a test.

This device helps with testing the total capacity of the patient's lungs and the muscles that support the lungs and breathing. It also tests the functional residual capacity or FRC of a person's lungs.


To identify this device you will want to look for a few main things. One is the serial number which is going to be located on the CPL body on the outside. Another way to identify this device would be the shape as it has a curved top and tubes coming out of the top of the device. It also seems to have a "CPL pf" logo on the front toward the keyboard. Lastly, there are always four or so tanks filled with gases like oxygen and helium and a few compound gases. They sit with the device and allow it to conduct the tests that it needs to conduct.

Technical Specifications

Dimensions: 27"W x 15.5"H x 17.25'D

Weight: 65 lbs.

Electrical Requirements: 115 - 240 VAC 50 - 60 Hz, 3.15 Amps

Operating Environment: Temperature, 13 to 46 degrees C (55 to 105 degrees F)

Relative Humidity, 0% to 95%

Computer Specifications:

• Intel Pentium® II-based PC (350 MHz or greater. Intel Celeron-based systems are not acceptable.)

• 800 x 600 resolution, 16-bit color graphics subsystem minimum

• 128 MB RAM (minimum)

• 3 GB Hard drive (minimum - 2 GB available disk space.) (6 GB if a dual operating system)

• MS Windows® 2000 Professional (Version 5.0, Build 2195 or later) installed on the computer. If a computer has Windows® 98 installed it must be completely removed and a full version of Windows® 2000 installed. (DO NOT UPGRADE 98 to 2000).

• One available ISA bus socket for standard Collins I/O card set to address 31 Oh, IRQ 5, wait state ON.

• A Windows® 2000 compatible printer must be installed on the system.

• USB (Universal Serial Bus) ports for the camera, printer, and any Collins devices that require such ports. (Number required depends on system configuration)

Additional Information

This device uses software called Collins Plus 2000 which is vital for the device to work properly and run the tests that it is intended to do. This software also stores the data and interprets the data for the person conducting the test. Additionally, this device and software are dated but they still are important to understand some key information about how they work and what they need to work properly.

Here are a few resources used for the information above: database

Pulmonary Function Test Video

Collins Plus 2000 (The software the CPL uses)