
These are some common tools used to work on this device. You might not need every tool for every procedure.


Our troubleshooting page can be found here.

Background and Identification

The Canon Power Shot N is the first camera of it's type and creates a new way to express photography. The 2.8 inch tilt-type LCD screen allows users to take images from an endless amount of angles, producing images that were once difficult to make. This WiFi capable camera can share images and videos at breathtaking speeds and with Android and Apple iOs applications, these images and videos can be posted online from anywhere. Yielding a 28mm wide angle lens capable of 8x optical zoom is impressive for a camera of such small size (3.09 x 2.37 x 1.15 in.) and capturing stunning 1080p full HD video is easy with the "movie" button located on the camera. The Canon Power Shot N was released in August 2013.

Additional Information

Canon gives lots of information on their products on their website. There you can find all the information necessary before purchasing the device. The device page on the Canon store site can be found here here.

CNET is a media website which brings you unbiased editorial reviews and ratings for tech products. Information such as specs, user reviews, and prices are included on their site. CNET's review for the Canon Powershot N can be found here.

Digital Camera Review is known for giving the best reviews on digital cameras. They also give information regarding spec, prices, etc, but focus only on camera technology. Digital Camera Review's review of the Canon Powershot N can be found here.

The replacement guide for the Cannon Power Shot N can be found here Canon PowerShot N Teardown