Background Information

Racking is the process of moving beer, or other kinds of alcohol, from one vessel to another. Typically this can be done with either a raking cane or an electric Brewers Pump.

Traditionally, the term racking referred to when oak-aged beers were transferred from barrels into other vessels, however, in home brewing, racking refers to transferring beer to a secondary vessel, bottles, or kegs.

The importance of good racking skills

While the process of racking is as simple as allowing the liquid to flow, it is significantly more involved than just pouring or pumping liquid and can easily make or break a beer. Typically this process involves transferring the beer in a way that is both efficiently quick and causes no damage to the beer.

Under ideal conditions, beer should be pumped quietly and carefully, using sterile hoses with no exposure to open air or potentially contaminated surfaces.

Additional Information