Hall of Mirrors

A strange land filled with mirrors. Break magic mirrors and mirage clouds to gain treasures and helpful Mimics.

The Hall of Mirrors is a zone unlocked after collecting 30 treasures. In it are two different types of treasures, blue "Magic Mirrors" and pink "Clouds of Mirage." Both of these only spawn on hexagons. Each yields a Shard, the treasure of the zone, when picked up, and spawns Mimics, echoes of you as helpers.

There are two types of Mimic, red and blue. Magic Mirrors spawn three Blue Mimics in a triangle on adjacent tiles, while Mirage Clouds spawn six Red Mimics, one in each direction, with one tile between you and them. Red Mimics move in the same direction as you, but will quickly drift away from you as a result of the hyperbolic geometry. Blue Mimics, on the other hand, move in the opposite direction to the one you take. Mimics can kill enemies and can be killed by enemies. If a Mimic collides with you or another Mimic, it disappears. If a Mimic breaks a Magic Mirror or Cloud of Mirage, it spawns more Mimics, but does not give the player a shard.

Two types of monsters spawn in Mirror Land: Narcissists, and Mirror Spirits.


Mirror Spirit


Orb of the Mirror

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