Zarfin (Spelljammer Supplement)

Statistical information

Spherical earth body
30 minutes
Outpost 237, Mudball
24 hours
120 days
Elves, Kender, fey creatures and Demons

The Azzdanspace Sun 400 million miles/4 days travel

Telmark 250 million miles/2.5 days travel

Azzdan's Tradepost and Shipyard 800 million miles/8 days travel

Sphere 1,000 million miles/10 days travel


Zarfin was a dead world that once supported life. The world was one of 2 worlds which supported life in the system. The other which was completely destroyed was called Barfin. These worlds where ruled over by a human king the had turned mad and made a deal with a demon to gain great power. This deal required a building of a grand portal on Zarfin which resulted in the world being overrun by the demons of the abyss. When Azzdan and his friends destroyed the Demon lord the portal was destroyed also, but it was to late for the non demons inhabits of Zarfin. They had been sacrificed by the demons to created a powerful artifact the allowed the demon lord to absorb all the magic of the realm into himself. After the battle Azzdan with the help of his friends settled some of their armies on this planet to live. The planet is currently covered in forests except at The Scar , The Farmlands of New Kendermore and the Feywild portal.


The world is always in a state similar to Summer. It connection to the Feywild has grown over the years due to the main portal magics seeping into the world. there are multiple natural portals the are open to the feywild and most are always open. Due to this close connection to the Feywild, the Shadowfell cannot be reached from this planet.

Plants that are planted in the soil mature overnight and always have fruit on them if the produce it. Any food grown on Zarfin has a magical property that keeps the food from rotting for 1 year after it has been picked.

Prominent Land Features

Portal to the Feywild Azzdan lived here while he was getting his shipyard ready. he rebuilt the portal fearful that the weakened point in the prime, where the last portal was, could be reopened. He choose to connect it to the Feywild due to the large group of elves living on Zarfin and his friend Mellon a faerie dragon wishing to reconnect with his family there. The earth based avatar of Azzdan still can be found at the castle near the portal or taking a walk in the forests with Mellon.

The Scar The Scar is about 50 miles wide at its widest point and 200 miles long. this was the location of the mass sacrifice the created the artifact that the demon lord used to drain all magic. This is the stronghold of the demons that remain on Zarfin. Deep within is a portal to realm of Azzagrat, in the abyss. Surrounding this portal is the town of Belatar. The scar is protected from attack due to a deal made with Graz'zt that helped kill the demon lord. the deal states the demons have full control of the Scar and the access to the caves that connect to it but the rest of the surface of Zarfin is off limits

Farmlands of Kendermore The Farmlands of Kendermore

Ports of Call

IEN base The IEN Base is much bigger than it appears . The majority of the base in under ground in a huge cavern. The IEN has just finished building this base. The base is going to cause a wonderful problem for the IEN. Because of the unique feature of the planet the elves can now produce ships faster than they will ever be able to man them. The base can produce when fully staffed, 1 man o wars, 20 Flitters and 50 gadabouts a week or one Armada a month. The base has dry docks that can store 30 man-0-wars, 100 Flitters and 3 Armadas The active docks can support 10 Man o wars docked at one time. There are 6 currently stationed at the base.

New Kendermore New Kendermore is the largest settlement of Kender outside of Krynnspace New Kendermore is the bread basket of Azzdanspace. The port is very busy shipping supplies toAzzdan's Tradepost and Shipyard were there are sold to ships that visit the port to restock supplies. There is a large lake that allows water landing for ships near the main city.

Belatar Belater reason to exist is to create a large enough group of believers that Graz'zt is a god that he actually becomes one. He is building colony ships to take them to Duskspace where other than a few lizard folk deity's no other gods have followers there.


Zarfin is an exporter of food due to its magical properties. It is also an importer of rare and expensive items to gain the devotion of the people of Belatar for Graz'zt.

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gollark: Denied.
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