Yamelia (Campaign Seed)

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Yamelia, also known as the imperial city, is the capital city of the Yameli empire. The city lies within the Zyamboco valley which was created in 752 B.G.I (Before Galuk invasion)



The area that is now the Zyamboco valley was first settled around 15,000 BGI by a human people group known as the Maguavida. they lived in small wooden huts and would explore the surrounding forest

Pre-history to Empire

Around 12,000 BGI other human groups started settling in the area most likely leading to small-scale conflicts between them and the Maguavida. Around 11,500 BGI however, Elven settlers moved into the area this move led to the human tribes joining together in an attempt to drive out the elves. The conflict between the Humans and the Elves is often known as the first elven war. While the Humans were ultimately unsuccessful in driving out the Elves their union became permanent and they started to view themselves as a single people group. From 11,500-10,873 BGI Human society flourished the humans moved from wooden homes to more sturdy brick buildings and developed more sophisticated agricultural techniques. around this time three villages started growing closer and closer to each other eventually becoming one city which they named Yamelia possibly named after the king that supposedly joined the tribes together during the first elven war. in 10,873 BGI, believing themselves to be much better equipped to fight the elves, the humans decided to renew their campaign against them. the war lasted five years but was not very violent according to secondhand accounts of the time. The elves once again were able to fight off the Humans and forced them to sign the peace treaty of copanti which lead to a 1,000 year long era of peace between the two races. While the elves and the humans were at peace they did not interact much at all until there was a drought in 9,850 GBI. The lack of resources led to small scale conflicts between the two groups which quickly boiled over into a full scale war between the two groups this was the Last of the Elven wars and the Humans were successful against the elves, however, instead of forcing them to leave their settlement the Humans decided to annex it. . Soon after the annexation the Yamelies began to expand their landholdings by taking over nearby states

Invasion of Orcus

during the Second imperial Era Yamelia was a great seat of power the city was also the site of a large temple dedicated to the god Aendar, the temple was a very popular pilgrimage destination with visitors traveling from as far as Dambreth to pray to aendar. because of the city's power and religious status the demon lord Orcus targeted the city as his first step in his conquest of earth

Post invation

After the Destruction of Old Yamelia and the creation of the Zyamboco crater the yamelian empire collapsed. Yamelia's land shrunk down to the surrounding area and a few islands in the sea of swords during this time Yamelia was Ruled From a nearby Town that was spared in the battle.Around 652 BGI Under Empress Yiğara the Yameli started to settle back inside the crater. Because of it's importance during the Imperial Era, Many Roads still led to the site of the crater allowing Yamelia to becoming an important hub for trade.


Because Yamelia was once the capital of a large empire and its current role as a trade city, Yamelia is a Multi-ethnic city

Yamelia is split into 8 Communes

  1. zai'am

the wealthiest commune composed of villas and fields surrounding the base of the holy hill Many of the City's elite own homes in Zai'am

  1. Jumeirah

a commune mostly made up of middle class citizens, the most notable thing about Jumeirah is that Emperor Chaldeen (the First emperor to be born inside of the rebuilt Yamelia) was born in the Commune his childhood home is now open to the public

  1. Oni'amae

The only commune to be split in two by the Zyamboco river Oni'ama is known as the entertainment district due to the fact that the Public hippodrome and the Arena are located inside it

  1. Pixam

Pixam is very much a hotspot in Yamelia due to the fact that the Sijang Grand market is located inside of it

  1. Ariguani

The site of the Imperial Palace and the great library

  1. Sunqu

Sunqu is mostly a business district as it outlines the eastern section of the Port of Yamelia

  1. Tajiri

The only commune in Yamelia that is almost entirely composed of foreigners, Tajiri is also one of the poorest areas in the city and is the site of the Guluk massacre building

  1. Liosia

the only commune that is not located within the walls of the city Liosa is more of a vacation spot than a residential area due to its large beach

  1. Kogui

One of the most exclusive communes in the City, Kogui is where the city's richest residents go to have fun at the hippodrome

  1. Yamelia

The site of the Sacred forest and the Temple Yamelia was the only part of the city that was not destroyed by Orcus

  1. Oire m'teo

One of Yamelia's poorer neighborhoods Oire m'Teo means city of god in Yameli

Yameli Currency Yamelia officially recognizes three types of coin a copper known as the tajiri, a silver known as a won which is worth ten copper and a gold known as the Lempira worth ten silver

Notable locations

  • The Bassaelian Chain
  • The Temple of
  • The Palace of the Zaque
  • The Sunken Ruins of Old Yamelia
  • Sijang Grand Market
  • Aleni Public Hippodrome
  • Hippodrome 2
  • The Maroon Orc Village
  • The Monastery
  • Cocora Vineyards' Floating Café
  • The Jadisğen Bath house
  • Fountainhead Plaza
  • The Arena
  • The Amphitheater
  • Orcan History Museum
  • Guluk Isbali Massacre Memorial Building
  • The Temple forest
  • Beach 1
  • Beach 2
  • Emperor Chaldeen's Childhood Home
  • Gabeira Music lounge
  • The Palace of
  • the Great Library
  • Theater
  • The Site of the Orc revolt
  • Hall of fine arts
  • pig dick plaza

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