Wuxia Monk (3.5e Class)

Note: because it is intended as a replacement for the Monk class, this page refers to the class as simply "Monk" rather than the full name "Wuxia Monk".

Wuxia Monk


Give a man a sword, and he will use the sword. Give a man a spear, and he will use the spear. Give a man nothing, and he will fight with his hands, feet, knees and elbows. Yet a man carrying a sword has these too, but will not use them; he becomes the sword, not the man holding a sword. Monks are believers in the strength of their own bodies. Unlike most warriors, a monk fights using every limb, viewing the weapon he holds as a transitory tool rather than an extension of his being.

A monk's awareness of the capabilities of his own body leads him to be capable of seemingly superhuman feats of athleticism. While his abilities in combat are impressive, they are not the greatest measure of his prowess. A monk can swim like a fish, climb like a spider, and jump high enough to put a rabbit to shame. The most adept of monks can make leaps that seem as much like flight as they do like a mere jump.

Through intense focus on their body and the way energy that floats through it, the monk becomes aware of a spiritual force called ki and slowly learns to manipulate its flow to heighten their prowess. Although ki is a natural force that flows through all creatures, the monk brings it to truly supernatural results: some monks can even project their internal reserves of ki outwards to form a short-lived shield.

Making a Monk

Abilities: Many monk abilities are based on wisdom, and as such this should likely be a monk's highest score. As a melee combatant, strength and constitution are also important.

Races: Any race without a wisdom penalty can be a capable monk.

Alignment: Any. The path of a monk is a wide one, and many follow it. True to their name, most monks learn their skills from a monastery, and are thus often lawful. However, the teachings that lead to a monk's powers can be learned through passion as easily as through diligence, and monks of all alignments exist. Whether these lessons are applied for good or evil, too, are the monk's decision.

Adventures:: Becoming a monk requires some degree of dedication to the betterment of one's abilities. Most adventuring monks share their desire to continue seeking greater prowess. However, the way a monk seeks this prowess is a decision made by individuals. Many monks adventure to see more and learn more of the world in hopes of finding inspiration. Others merely seek out worthy opponents to test their limits and find ways to surmount them. Still others seek magical enhancement to supplement their abilities.

Role: Monks are durable, hard-hitting, and fast combatants. Their speed and mobility make them excellent scouts, and they can resist most things that would stop them. However, only the monk's mobility is unlimited. A monk must choose which blows to protect himself against and which strikes to augment, lest his Ki runs out. Good monks dart around the battlefield and disable the greatest threats, rather than wasting their energy on lesser foes.

Starting Gold: As monk.

Starting Age: Moderate

{{Table: The Monk

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Unarmed
1st1222 Ki, Movement Bonus, Unarmed Strike, Decisive Strike 1d610ft11
2nd2333 Powerful Blow, Freedom of Weaponry, AC Bonus 2d610ft13
3rd3333 Ki Shield, Fleet of Foot 2d610ft16
4th4444 Ki protection Ki Strike (Magic) 2d620ft20
5th5444 Kung Fu, Wall Climbing 2d620ft25
6th6/1555 Walk on Water, Ki Healing 2d620ft31
7th7/2555 Freedom of Weaponry 2, Ki Strike (Alignment) 1d1030ft38
8th8/3666 Paralyzing Strike, Ceiling Climbing 1d1030ft46
9th9/4666 Crippling Strike (Strength), Unburdened Step 1d1030ft55
10th10/5777 Soaring Leap (clumsy) 1d1240ft65
11th11/6/1777 Crippling Strike (Dexterity), Jump Bonus +10 1d1240ft76
12th12/7/2888 Freedom of Weaponry 3 1d1240ft88
13th13/8/3888 Crippling Strike (Mental) 3d650ft101
14th14/9/4999 Soaring Leap (poor) 3d650ft115
15th15/10/5999 Crippling Strike (Constitution), Jump Bonus +20 3d650ft130
16th16/11/6/1101010 Death Strike 4d660ft146
17th17/12/7/2101010 Soaring Leap (average), Freedom of Weaponry 4 3d860ft163
18th18/13/8/3111111 Controlling Strike, Jump Bonus +30 3d860ft181
19th19/14/9/4111111 Ki Strike (Adamantine) 4d870ft200
20th20/15/10/5121212 Soaring leap (good) 4d870ft220

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Escape Artist, Heal, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (Nature), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Profession, Sense Motive, Spot, Swim, Tumble.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Monk.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Monks are proficient with all simple weapons and the kama, nunchaku, sai, shuriken, siangham, bastard sword (exotic and martial), flail, rapier, glaive, and guisarme. Monks are not proficient with any armor or shields. When wearing armor, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load, a monk loses his movement bonus, jump bonus, and AC bonus.

Ki (Ex): Monks have access to an inner force called Ki, which they use this force to supplement their abilities. Ki is measured in points, which are spent using various monk abilities. A monk can only use so much Ki per day: to regain Ki points he must receive a day's rest, as a sorcerer or wizard does to regain spells. The amount of Ki a monk has available in a day is shown in the monk's class table. Ki-based abilities allow the monk to decide how much Ki to spend on them as he uses them. However, the monk cannot spend more Ki in a single use than his class level for any Ki-based ability.

Unarmed Strike (Ex): At 1st level, a monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A monk's attacks may be with either fist interchangeably or even from elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a monk may even make unarmed strikes with her hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed: a monk may thus apply her full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all her unarmed strikes. A monk's unarmed strike is treated both as a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons. A monk also deals more damage with her unarmed strikes than a normal person would, as shown on the monk's class table.

Movement Bonus (Ex): At level one, the monk gains a +10ft competence bonus to his base land speed. Every three levels thereafter, the bonus increases by another 10ft. Additionally, the monk gains a competence bonus to Balance, Climb, Swim, and Tumble checks equal to his class level, and a competence bonus to Jump checks equal to three times his class level.

Powerful Blow (Ex): Starting at level two, the monk can spend Ki when making an attack to increase the damage he deals to his opponent. For any attack the monk gains a bonus to damage equal to twice the amount of Ki spent on that attack. When using Decisive Strike and Powerful Blow at the same time, the Monk must spend Ki for them separately.

Freedom of Weaponry (Ex): Starting at level two, the monk's penalty for using improvised weapons and weapons he is not proficient with is reduced. At level two, the penalty is reduced by 1 (for a -3 penalty). Every five levels thereafter, the penalty is reduced by one more, to a maximum of 4 (no penalty) at level seventeen.

AC Bonus (Ex): Starting at level two, the monk gains an insight bonus to AC equal to his wisdom modifier. This bonus applies to both the monk's touch AC and the monk's flat-footed AC. The monk only loses this bonus when immobilized or helpless.

Ki Shield (Su): Starting at level three, the monk can spend ki as an immediate action when being attacked to deflect the incoming attack. Whenever attacked the monk gains a deflection bonus to AC equal to half the amount of ki he spends for 1 round. To use this ability, the monk must be aware of the incoming attack.

Fleet of Foot (Ex): Starting at level three, the monk can ignore the effects of difficult terrain on movement.

Ki Protection : Starting at level four, the monk can spend ki to protect himself from danger. Whenever the monk makes a save, he gains a resistance bonus on that save equal to half the amount of ki he spends on that save.

Ki Strike (Su): At 4th level, a Wuxia Monk’s unarmed attacks are empowered with ki. Her unarmed attacks are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction. Ki strike improves with the character’s monk level. At 7th level, her unarmed attacks are also treated as whatever her alignment is weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction. At 19th level, her unarmed attacks are treated as adamantine weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction and bypassing hardness.

Kung Fu (Ex): At level five, the monk can apply a portion of his mastery of unarmed fighting to the use of weaponry. When using a weapon he is proficient with, the monk can deal his unarmed damage dice instead of the weapon's normal damage dice (whichever is better). This does not apply to weapon proficiency feats not provided by this class.

Wall Climbing (Ex): At level five, the monk can take 10 on climb checks made to climb any slope that is less than 90 degrees from straight up (all slopes that are not overhangs).

Ki Healing (Su): Starting at level six, the monk can spend Ki to heal his wounds. As a swift action, the monk can heal himself a number of hit points equal to the ki spent.

Walk on Water (Su): Starting at level six, the monk can walk on water as if under the effects of the water walk spell. If the water is not calm, the monk may require balance checks to stay standing, the same as if the ground were undulating beneath him.

Paralyzing Strike (Ex): Starting at level eight, the monk can use a pressure point strike to paralyze an opponent. As a standard action using 10 ki points, the monk can make a single attack. If this attack hits, the opponent must make a Fortitude save (Save DC 10 + half the monk's class level + the monk's wisdom modifier) or be stunned for one round.

Ceiling Climbing (Ex): Starting at level eight, the monk can take 10 on all climb checks.

Crippling Strike (Ex): Starting at level nine, the monk can use a pressure point strike to cripple an opponent. This functions like Paralyzing Strike except that the target takes 1d6 Strength or Dexterity damage (save for half) instead of being paralyzed. The monk chooses which ability to target when he makes the strike.

Unburdened Step (Ex): Starting at level nine, the monk can use Ki to escape magical entrapment. Each round the monk can spend up to nine Ki on unburdened step. Each round he does so, the monk ignores magical impediments as if under a Freedom of Movement spell. However, unlike the spell, Unburdened Step only works to counter spells of whose level is equal to or less than the amount of Ki the monk spent that round, and does not effect grapple checks. For example, a monk can ignore the spell Grease by spending one Ki per round, but would still be effected by Web unless he increased his Ki spending to two per round or more.

Soaring Leap (Ex): At level ten, the monk's aerial maneuverability becomes so great that it begins to resemble flight. To activate Soaring Leap, make a jump check. The monk gains a fly speed equal to his land speed, which lasts until he has moved a number of feet equal to the result of his initial jump check. Once he has moved this far, the monk begins to fall straight downwards. If the monk moves less than the minimum speed to stay airborne (see the rules for flight), Soaring Leap ends and he cannot regain lift. Soaring Leap can only be started while touching a solid surface. At level ten, the monk's flight speed is clumsy. This improves to poor at level 14, average at level 17, and good at level 20. Soaring leap qualifies a monk for the feat Flyby Attack, even though the monk does not always have a fly speed. Finally, at level 14 you can make a special version of a trip attack against other airborne enemies while using Soaring Leap. If this trip attack succeeds, you may make a new jump check to replenish your range, and your target begins to fall. Creatures that fly naturally merely stall, and can regain speed after falling for one round. If the creature is flying through the use of spells, however, all the creature's flight spells end abruptly.

Jump Bonus (Su): At level eleven, the monk gains a +10 enhancement bonus to jump checks. This bonus improves by 10 at level 15 and 18.

Death Strike (Ex): Starting at level sixteen, the monk can use a pressure point strike to kill an opponent outright. As a standard action using at least 16 Ki points, the monk can make a single attack. If this attack hits, the opponent must make a Fortitude save (Save DC 10 + half the monk's class level + the monk's wisdom modifier + the number of Ki points spent beyond 16) or die.

Controlling Strike (Ex): Starting at level eighteen, the monk can use a pressure point strike to force an opponent to obey his will. As a standard action using at least 18 Ki points, the monk can make a single attack. If this attack hits, the opponent must make a Fortitude save (Save DC 10 + half the monk's class level + the monk's wisdom modifier + the number of Ki points spent beyond 18) or be put under the monk's control as if under the effects of a Dominate spell. The effect's duration is equal to the number of Ki points spent. Controlling Strike, unlike Dominate, is not a mind-effecting ability, and thus some creatures normally immune to Dominate may still be effected.

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gollark: *charps*
gollark: *chorps*
gollark: All coppers are mine. Also, xenowyrms, some nebulae, risensongs, possibly setsongs, and others.
gollark: I was going to breed a 30G aeon/red messy inbred thuwed from various prizes but I was locked and forgot.
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