Witcher Potions (3.5e Equipment)

Witchers augment their fighting and life style with alchemical potions. To anyone else these potions are poisonous (see Poison spell). When a Witcher passes the Trial of Grasses he becomes able to drink Witcher potions. However, Witchers do not become completely immune to the poison. When a Witcher reaches the max "Toxicity" they become unconscious and soon after die. This effect may only be counter-acted by a Remove Poison spell (This also removes the potion effects) before the poison kills him/her (after 1d4 round(s), Fortitude Dc of 20 postpones the Death effect each round max of 20rounds[2mins]). Antitoxin may postpone the death of the Witcher up to 1 hour, but does not cure the effect. This limits how many effects may be active at a time upon a Witcher. The max Toxicity that a Witcher may be under before death is 1 + Constitution Modifier per day. Witchers may meditate for 8 or more hours and cleanse their Toxicity. Another way in which a Witcher may cleanse their Toxicity, a Witcher may use the potion White Honey. Although, White Honey clears toxicity at the cost of clearing all potion effects.

Witcher Alchemy:


To create potions Witcher must get a hold of a alcohol base and ingredients. To obtain ingredients Witchers may either research plants and/or monsters to find substances to create their potions. The 6 substances that ingredients are comprised off are:

NamePrice per piece
Vitriol5 sp
Rebis1 gp
Caelum15 sp
Aether2 gp
Fulgur3 gp
Quebrith4 gp
Sol5 gp
Hydragenum6 gp
Vermilion12 gp

(Example: White Myrtle Petals are comprised of Vitriol and can be used to create potions that require Vitriol)

(For the purpose of letting players experiment until they find potion formulas (rather then seeing the exact formulas), I left out ingredients needed to create each potion. This I leave to Dungeon Masters so they may choose to use the formulas they personally create or may even those used in the Witcher games. If the Dungeon Master do not wish to work with the "experimenting aspect" they may require the Witcher in their games to buy premade formulas instead.)

To discover potions Witcher may find premade formulae or experiment on their own. Each potion is created with a strong alcohol base to merge the ingredients and create the wanted effect. Witchers may use any strong alcohol (Vodka, Whiskey, Bourbon, etc.) and creates White Gull (Alchemical Base). Once a Witcher possesses White Gull he may create any potion in which he desires. If a Witcher fails in creating a new potion the ingredients are spent. The following list shows all potions in which a Witcher may create:

(Side Note: These potions do not list/include Mutagens although Mutagens are created through alchemy)

Witcher Alchemy
NameCraft DCDurationEffect.
Bindweed168 HoursImmune to Acid.
Black Blood308 HoursBlood Becomes Poisonous (2d6 damage to monsters who bite The Witcher).
Blizzard2620 Mins+3 Dodge Bonus to AC and +4 to Reflex.
Brock258 HoursGrants +4 to Strength with a -4 to Dexterity (Stacks with other potions benefits).
Cat158 HoursGrants Darkvision 60ft.
De Vries' Extract241 HourSees the Blood of Living Creatures. This may see through walls.
Full Moon198 HoursIncreases Temporary Constitution +6.
Gadwall292 HoursAn improved version of Swallow. Grants Fast Healing 10 but leaves the body in an Exhausted state (Does not stack with Swallow). Also grants twice the toxicity upon drinking.
Golden Oriole178 HoursCures Poisons. Becomes Immune to Poison.
Kiss188 HoursCures Bleeding. Becomes Immune to Bleeding.
Lapwing302 HoursAn improved version of Petri's Philter. Grants Sign Intensity +100% (Does not stack with Perti's Philter). Also grants twice the toxicity upon drinking.
Maribor Forest218 HoursGrants +4 to Dexterity and Constitution (Does not stack with Full Moon but does stack with Wolverine).
Perfume13ConsistentGift Item.
Petri's Philter238 HoursSign Intensity +50% (as of empowered spell).
Rook228 HoursGrants +1d6 additional damage.
Shrike218 HoursGrants +3d6 additional damage to critical strikes.
Stammelford's philtre278 HoursSign DCs increase by 5. Also grants twice the toxicity upon drinking.
Swallow242 HoursGrants Fast Healing 5.
Tawny Owl228 HoursCures Fatigue and Witcher may cast a sign each round (only 1 Sign may be active at a time).
Thunderbolt278 HoursGrants +10% physical damage. However, cancels blizzard and removes Dexterity Bonus from Armor Class.
Tiara288 HoursGrants Damage Reduction 5/silver. However, takes a -4 to Strength and Constitution. Also grants twice the toxicity upon drinking.
Virga238 HoursGrants a +5 to saves and +2 to Armor Class. However, takes a -4 to Strength.
White Honey20InstantCures Toxicity and removes all potion effects.
White Gull12ConsistentAlchemical base for creating Witcher potions.
White Raffard's Decoction25InstantCures 3d8 +3/Witcher level to HP.
Willow208 HoursGrants immunity to Trip or Disarm.
Wives Tears14InstantCures drunkenness becoming completely sober.
Wolf268 HoursGrants Keen Effect to all Weapons (Does not stack with Keen/Keen Edge/Imp. Crit).
Wolverine288 HoursGrants rage when below 1/2 HP. This effect does not hinder the Fiery Dancer (or Cat) fighting style of a Witcher.


Creating oils is similar to potions in most aspects. However, the effects of an oil remain in effect until removed. Oils are applied in the same manner as the Poison Use class ability except it does not effect the person applying it if they are not of the creature type. Witchers may apply any of these oils as if they had the Poison Use ability. If a creature is attacked with the wrong type of oil they take 25% less damage from the attack and are immune to the oils effects. Applying or removing an oil requires 5 minutes.

Witcher attempting to make any kind of oil must have a base substance of tallow (Aka Animal Fat). Tallow takes the place of a alcoholic base when trying to create oils instead. However, tallow may be used without first preparing it like with the White Gull substance. Tallow is rather cheap (1-4 Copper pieces) and can be found in large amounts in any restaurant that serves meat.

When referring to "Additional Attack Power" from oils, damage out put is increased from non-magical sources. Example: B-sword +1 of shocking, +5 points of power attack. The damage amplified would be seen as: (1d10+str+5)x125% +1d6+1

Oil Use
Magical Beast Oil1210% Additional attack power against animals and Magical Beasts.
Enhanced Magical Beast Oil1825% Additional attack power against animals and Magical Beasts.
Superior Beast Oil2650% Additional attack power against animals and Magical Beasts.
Cursed Oil1410% Additional attack power against Cursed Ones (Lycanthrope).
Enhanced Cursed Oil2025% Additional attack damage against Cursed Ones (Lycanthrope).
Superior Cursed Oil2850% Additional attack power against Cursed Ones (Lycanthrope).
Draconid Oil1310% Additional attack power against Draconids (Dragon).
Enhanced Draconid Oil1925% Additional attack power against Draconids (Dragon).
Superior Draconid Oil2750% Additional attack power against Draconids (Dragon).
Elementa Oil1310% Additional attack power against Elementa (Elementals and Constructs).
Enhanced Elementa Oil1925% Additional attack power against Elementa (Elementals and Constructs).
Superior Elementa Oil2750% Additonal attack power against Elementa (Elementals and Constructs).
Hanged Man's Venom1210% Additional damage against humans and non humans (Humanoids).
Enhanced Hanged Man's Venom1825% Additional attack power against humans and nonhumans (Humanoids).
Superior Hanged Man's Venom2650% Additional attack power against humans and nonhumans (Humanoids).
Hybrid Oil1310% Additional attack power against Hybrids (Anything that is part of 2 or more creatures [Chimera, Centaurs, Griffins]).
Enhanced Hybrid Oil1925% Additional attack power against Hybrids (Anything that is part of 2 or more creatures [Chimera, Centaurs, Griffins]).
Superior Hyrbid Oli2750% Additional attack power against Hybrids (Anything that is part of 2 or more creatures [Chimera, Centaurs, Griffins]).
Insectoid Oil1110% Additional attack power against Insectoids (Vermin).
Enhanced Insectoid Oil1725% Additional attack power against Insectoids (Vermin).
Superior Insectoid Oil2550% Additional attack power against Insectoids (Vermin).
Necrophage Oil1410% Additional attack power against Necrophages (Undead).
Enhanced Necrophage Oil2025% Additional attack power against Necrophages (Undead).
Superior Necrophage Oil2850% Additional attack power against Necrophages (Undead).
Ogroid Oil1310% Additional attack power aganist Ogroids (Giant).
Enhanced Ogroid Oil1925% Additional attack power against Oroids (Giant).
Superior Ogroid Oil2750% Additional attack power against Ogroids (Giant).
Relict Oil1410% Additional attack power against Relicts (Fey, Devils, Demons).
Enhanced Relict Oil2025% Additional attack power against Relicts (Fey, Devils, Demons).
Superior Relict Oil2850% Additional attack power against Relicts (Fey, Devils, Demons).
Specter Oil1310% Additional attack power against Specters (Spectral Undead).
Enhanced Specter Oil1925% Additional attack power against Specters (Spectral Undead).
Superior Specter Oil2750% Additional attack power against Specters (Spectral Undead).
Vampire Oil1210% Additional attack power against Vampires.
Enhanced Vampire Oil1825% Additional attack power against Vampires.
Superior Vampire Oil2650% Additional attack power against Vampires.

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