Winged Wonder (3.5e Feat)

Winged Wonder [Origin]

3e Summary::The Winged Wonder origin feat grants the super hero the power of flight.
Prerequisite: Use of the Super or Sinister supplemental mechanic, Can only be taken at Character Creation
Benefit: The superhero has discovered that he or she has the ability to fly. This new mode of movement grants the hero a speed and maneuverability that improves as the character increases in power (see Table:Winged Wonder below).
Normal: A character would not have a fly speed unless utilizing a special race, template, or spell
Special: The taking of this feat opens up the option of taking any honing feats with the Winged Wonder prerequisite.
Table:Winged Wonder
Character LevelManeuverabilitySpeed
1Clumsy30 ft.
2Clumsy30 ft.
3Clumsy30 ft.
4Poor30 ft.
5Poor40 ft.
6Poor40 ft.
7Average40 ft.
8Average40 ft.
9Average50 ft.
10Good50 ft.
11Good50 ft.
12Good50 ft.
13Perfect60 ft.
14Perfect60 ft.
15+Perfect60 ft.

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