Windwalker, Variant (5e Subclass)
Fighter Martial Archetype. Windwalkers are fighters who seek the power of the wind to enhance their physical capabilities and aid them in harnessing the power of the air around them.
- Wind Stance
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to enter a stance in which you are one with the wind. Once per long rest you may use a bonus action to enter a Wind Stance, this lasts 1 minute and grants you the following effects
- Uncanny Speed- You speed increases by 10 feet while wearing heavy armor, this increases by 5 for each armor class you go down from heavy, medium armor(15 feet), light armor(20 feet), No armor(25 feet)
- Fleet Movements- Your AC becomes 14 + max Dexterity bonus to AC(Based on armor)
- Zephyr- Advantage on Dexterity checks and saves
- Graceful Glide- You may choose to fall slowly, supported by air, and can use this to glide a distance equal to half your height before reaching the ground. You take no fall damage while gliding.
- Updraft- Double your jump height/distance
The number of times you can use Wind Stance per long rest increases by 1 at levels 7(2 times), 10(3 times), 15(4 times), and 18(5 times)
- Attunement of Air
Starting at 3rd level, you learn the secrets of manipulating the air around you. At 3rd level you learn the gust cantrip. At certain levels you learn certain spells that you can cast once per long rest, as shown on the following
- Level | Spell Learned
- 7 | gust of wind
- 10 | wind wall
- 15 | freedom of movement(self cast only)
- 18 | Control Winds
- Wind Bursts
Starting at 10th level, you gain the ability to execute bursts of wind empowered techniques. Upon entering Wind Stance you have 5 Burst Points, this number increases by 2 at level 15(7 points) and 3 at level 18(10 points). Any remaining Burst Points are lost upon the end of Wind Stance. The saving throw for these abilities is 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier. You can use these Burst Points, as a bonus action, for the following techniques
- Wind Blast- A blast of wind emanates from your weapon as you swing it. When making a Melee Attack you may choose to Spend 1 Burst Point and choose to give your Attack one of these 3 effects-
- Slicing Winds- Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes your Melee Attack damage + 2d10 force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
- Forceful Winds- Your Attack has a range of 20 feet, on a successful attack target must make a CON saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes the damage of your Melee Attack + 2d10 force damage and is pushed 10 feet away from you. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn't pushed.
- Piercing Winds- Your Attack has a range of 30 feet, on a successful attack target must make a Dexterity saving throw. The creature takes your Melee Attack damage + 3d10 force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful save.
- Windβs Grace- Dash in a straight line at incredible speeds. Spend 1 Burst Point, use your move action to move up to your speed + 15 feet in a line ignoring attacks of opportunity. Alternatively, spend 3 Burst Points to do this as a bonus action.
- Grand Leap- Leap into the air and be held in place for a few seconds. Spend 1 Burst Point, use your move action to jump up to 20 feet into the air and hover in place until the end of your next turn or until you decide to fall. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Alternatively spend 3 Burst Points to do this as a bonus action.
- Quick Strike- Let the wind guide your hand for an extra strike. Spend 1 Burst Point, use your bonus action to make one Attack with a finesse weapon you are currently wielding.
- Wispy Form- Take the the form of the flowing wind for a few seconds. Spend 1 Burst Point, use your bonus action to dodge.
- Burst of Wind- Channel your energy into controlling the air around you in some way. Spend X Burst Points to cast a spell you know from Attunement of Air where X is the level of the spell. Alternatively spend X+2 Burst Points to do
- Whispering Winds
At level 15, you gain the ability to use the wind to carry noises between 2 locations or creatures. Concentrate on a creature or location within 1000 feet of your current location. After channeling for 1 minute. As long as you maintain concentration your voice will be carried to the creature or location by the wind and noise from that creature or location will be carried to you. You may choose to make this effect 1-sided in either direction. This fails if there is no route for the wind to connect between you and your target, such as being inside a building.
- Avatar of the Heavens
At level level 18, you become perfectly in tune with the Air and Winds that surround you. This grants you the following benefits-
- Extended Focus- Upon the end of Wind Stance gain back half of the Burst Points. Burst Points gained this way are lost upon a long or short rest.
- Inherent Wind Essence- You are in constant state of attunement with the surrounding winds. Choose two of the effects of Wind Stance to be active when not in Wind Stance, you may concentrate for 5 minutes to change the currently active effects to new ones.
- Recharging Rest- Upon ending a long rest you have 5 Burst Points or 2 after a short rest.
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