Werewolf God (3.5e Class)

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Werewolf God

In mythology and folklore, one of the recurring aspect is the otherwise decent man or woman turning into a vile beast. However, though extremely rare, a creature can gain abilities that trumps all others of their kind. These beings are known as Werewolf Gods. Whether through a nature spirit possessing them, or perhaps a curse afflicting them or even maybe transformation as the result of occult experiment. A Werewolf God is blessed with strength unlike any other of their kind, granting them prestige and nobility amongst his kind.

Making a Werewolf God

Werewolf Gods are strong front-line fighters that excel in taking down wild beasts since they don't carry silver weapons on them. Physical stats are really important for Werewolf Gods.

Abilities: A Werewolf God is much like a barbarian but to a greater extreme, unless they multiclass the only ability scores they truly need is their Constitution. They also gain benefits from having a high Dexterity for their AC and Reflex saving throws. A Werewolf God will benefits for an extraordinarily high Strength and mental ability scores as well, especially Wisdom or Charisma for their sanity reserve and skill checks..

Races: Any races can be Werewolf God, but orcs and human make most of them.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: As Fighter.

Starting Age: Moderate.

Table: The Werewolf God

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
1st+1+2+2+0 Attribute Boost, Curse of Lycanthropy, Double Identity, Partial Transformation, Low-Light Vision
2nd+2+3+3+0 Werewolf God Abilities, Special Ability fast heal 5
3rd+3+3+3+1 Full Transformation, Bonus Feat
4th+4+4+4+1 Werewolf God Abilities
5th+5+4+4+1 Strength of the Beast
6th+6/+1+5+5+2 Werewolf God Abilities, Darkvision, Bonus Feat
7th+7/+2+5+5+2 Improved Meditation
8th+8/+3+6+6+2 Werewolf God Abilities
9th+9/+4+6+6+3 Bonus Feat
10th+10/+5+7+7+3 Attribute Boost, Werewolf God Abilities fast heal 10
11th+11/+6/+1+7+7+3 Eyes Of The Hunter
12th+12/+7/+2+8+8+4 Werewolf God Abilities, Spirit Of The Wolf, Bonus Feat
13th+13/+8/+3+8+8+4 The Endurance Of The Hunter, Werewolf Ascendant
14th+14/+9/+4+9+9+4 Werewolf God Abilities
15th+15/+10/+5+9+9+5 Timeless Body, Bonus Feat
16th+16/+11/+6/+1+10+10+5 Werewolf God Abilities
18th+18/+13/+8/+3+11+11+6 Werewolf God Abilities, Bonus Feat
19th+19/+14/+9/+4+11+11+6 Soul Of The Hunter, Abominable Form
20th+20/+15/+10/+5+12+12+6 Attribute Boost, Werewolf God Abilities, Beastborne fast heal 15

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Control Shape (Wis), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex).

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Werewolf God is proficient with all simple, martial and one exotic weapon of their choice as well as light armor but not shield.

Sanity (Ex): A Werewolf God rely on their sanity to keep themselves in control when undergoing a transformation, they possess 3 + 1/2 Class level + their Charisma or Wisdom bonus (whichever is higher) sanity points. A Werewolf God recovers all of their sanity by meditating for 10 minutes, but no more than once per day and only in their normal form.

Attribute Boost: At first level Werewolf God's gain a +1 bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. At tenth level Werewolf God's gain a +1 bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. At 20th level Werewolf God's gain a +1 bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma.

Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): At first level any humanoid or giant hit by a Werewolf God's bite attack in animal or hybrid form must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract lycanthropy. Afflicted lycanthropes cannot pass on the curse of lycanthropy.

Double Identity (Ex): A Werewolf God often lives a double life, in one life living as an upstanding citizen or a mysterious wanderer while roaming the street or countryside as a beast. At 1st level they gain a double identity selected below:

Brilliant Doctor: You are a brilliant doctor, whether your affliction is because of a curse or experimental treatment done upon yourself is a meaningless difference. You gain Skill Focus (Craft Alchemy) or (Heal) as a bonus feat and you may perform Advanced Medical. If you have or take levels in Biotechnician or Chemist you gain the Dual Classing feat between it and Werewolf God (but only the first, not both).

Lone Woodsman: You live far away from civilization, living on your own secluded from civilization. You gain the Track feat as a bonus feat, you gain half your class as a bonus on Survival Skill. If you have or take levels in Ranger or ScoutCAdv you gain the Dual Classing feat between it and Werewolf God (but only the first, not both).

Mysterious Wanderer: A Mysterious Wanderer can be anyone, they can also be anything. If you have or take levels in another base class you gain the Dual Classing feat between it and Werewolf God (but only the first, not both).

Nature Worshiper: Your worship of nature may have attracted a curse that made you more like it children, something you may or may not embrace, either way you have some minor druidic abilities even if untrained. You gain Hidden Sorcery (Druid) as a bonus feat. If you have or take levels in Barbarian or Druid you gain the Dual Classing feat between them and Werewolf God (but only the first, not both).

Travelling Performer: You are travelling performer, perhaps it a guise for stealing or perhaps it is genuine, either way it make a good cover for your dark secret. You gain a +2 bonus on Perform checks and gain the Born Thief feat as a bonus feat. If you have or take levels in Bard or Rogue you gain the Dual Classing feat between them and Werewolf God (but only the first, not both).

Upstanding Citizen: You are upstanding citizen of the upper middle class or upper class, since no one would believe such an upstanding citizen could be a beast you gain a +5 bonus on your Disguise check to conceal you identity (see below). Additionally at 6th level you gain the Variant Leadership feat as a bonus feat.

Notes: In higher level of play, you may take Multiclass Progression instead of Dual Classing.

Additionally when confronted while transformed the Werewolf God may make an immediate Disguise check with a +10 bonus opposed by Spot, if successful the creature is unable to tell that the monster was in fact the Werewolf God's true identity. If the Werewolf God wears an item or heirloom that is strongly associated with their double identity they do not gain the +10 bonus. If confronted when in full transformation the check is automatically successful, unless they wear an item or heirloom as described above, in which case the check is made with a +10 bonus. You automatically fail your check if the creature correctly identifies you and witnesses you transform.

Partial Transformation (Su): A 1st level a Werewolf God is too weak to fully transform, instead they are capable of turning partially into a terrible beast-man hybrid. As a move action the Werewolf God can take on terrible bestial traits, features become feral and the Werewolf God grows long claws and teeth. The Werewolf God lose a single point of sanity when they transform and each minute they are transformed. They may transform back into their human form as a move action, if the Werewolf God was transformed for less than 1 minute she lose 1 sanity.

During a partial transformation the Werewolf God gains the following traits:

  • Their Strength becomes 18, or gains a +4 bonus. Whichever is higher.
  • Their Dexterity becomes 14, or gains a +2 bonus. Whichever is higher.
  • They gain 2 temporary hit points per class level, they may recover these hit point as a move action but immediately lose 1 sanity.
  • Land speed is increased by 10 ft.
  • A Werewolf God gains DR 3/Silver.
  • They gain Scent and Low-Light Vision
  • They gain an armor bonus of 2 + 1/2 class level.
  • They gain two claws dealing 1D8 damage each, these claws do not interfere with the Werewolf God's ability to use weapon.
  • The Werewolf God become agitated and take all penalties as if they were raging. It count as rage for the purpose of prerequisites and effect which affect rage also affect this transformation.
  • The Werewolf God alignment shift one step toward chaotic.

If the Werewolf God runs out of sanity during partial transformation they become confused as per lesser confusion(bypassing immunities) for as long as they stay transformed and 1 minute thereafter.

Low-Light Vision (Ex): A Werewolf God's eyesight is comparable to a beholder. A Werewolf God has low-light vision in any form.

Werewolf God Abilities (Ex): At 2nd, 4th and each even level thereafter the Werewolf God receives a single Werewolf God ability from the list below.

Armored Hide (Ex): The armor bonus granted by partial transformation increase by 2, the bonus granted by full transformation increase by 4.

Beast Roar (Su): As a standard action the Werewolf God can replicate the effect of shout and fear, doing so makes the Werewolf God lose 2 points of sanity. Beast Roar require a minimum of 8th class level.

Bloody Claws (Ex): The claw strike granted by partial and hybrid transformation now inflict 2 points of bleed and possess the tactical maneuver of a shred spear.

Breath Weapon (Ex): The Werewolf God gains a breath weapon usable every 1d4 rounds, it deal 1d6 damage per class level level with a Reflex save (DC 10 +1/2 HD + Constitution mod) halving the damage, it is either shaped as a 30 ft cone-shaped spread or a 60 ft line (chosen when the breath weapon is used). In partial transformation the damage increase by 1d8 per level and in full transformation to 1d10 It may deal acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic damage, chosen when this ability is gained, however if sonic is chosen it deal a base of 1d4 instead of d6 (d6 in partial and d8 in full). Using the breath weapon in partial or full transformation consume 1 point of sanity,

Bite of the Lycan (Ex): The Werewolf God gain Improved Grab with the bite attack they gain while in hybrid form. Bite of the Lycan requires a minimum of 3rd class level.

Damage Resistance (Ex): The partially and fully transformed Werewolf God's damage reduction/silver become damage resistance/silver (as the invulnerable armor), it is still bypassed by anything that would bypass DR/Silver (but not any effect which bypass DR in general).

Devour (Ex): The fully transformed Werewolf God gains the ability to eat the body of the recently slain for both nourishment and vigor, eating a medium sized body takes 1 minute, and it takes twice as long to eat something larger, and half as long for something smaller. After eating, the Werewolf God regains hp equal to the HD of the consumed creature. While eating a body the Werewolf God does not lose any sanity, they in fact regain 2 point of sanity upon finishing the meal, if such action can truly be considered sane.

Some creatures such as constructs, undead, and oozes, are likely inedible. Poisonous creatures must be eaten with care, for consuming such a creature will expose you to its poison unless the Werewolf God succeeds on a DC 15 Heal or Craft Cooking check to ensure the food is safe to eat.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The Werewolf God gains a frightful presence out of 30 ft. When in either partial of full transformation. The DC is charisma-based and leaves creatures who failed their saving throw shaken for 5 rounds (if in partial transformation) or frightened for 5 rounds (if in full transformation). Frightful Presence require a minimum of 8th class level.

Keen Scent (Ex): The range of your scent doubles, it quadruples against creatures that are bleeding (under half hit point or having any amount of bleed).

Maneuver-like Ability (Ex) or (Su): The Werewolf God gains a maneuver-like ability of the wild moon discipline. They must meet the prerequisite for the maneuver (including initiator level, although they use their full character level as normal for maneuver-like abilities). They may take this ability multiple time, each time gaining a new maneuver-like ability.

Noxious Fluids (Ex): Pure Werewolf God is incredibly poisonous, so is the saliva of it bearer. While in partial or full transformation, making a natural attack or unarmed against the Werewolf God carry a deadly poison (DC is Constitution-based) dealing 1d6 point of constitution damage as both primary and secondary effect. If the natural attack is a bite attack the DC of the noxious fluid increase by 2. In full transformation the poison is also carried by the Werewolf God's bite attack, although the damage is reduced to 1d4.

Retributive Transformation (Ex): Upon being struck for at least 10 damage the Werewolf God may assume partial transformation as an immediate action, or full transformation if she was already partially transformed.

Full Transformation (Ex) A 3rd level Werewolf God gains the ability to fully transform, as a full-round action (or as a standard action from partial transformation) the Werewolf God can take on the terrible form of a manbeast. The Werewolf God loses a point of sanity during the initial transforming and at the beginning of each turn the Werewolf God is transformed. Upon transforming any clothes or armor the Werewolf God was wearing are torn and left adjacent to them Broken. Turning back into a human from full transformation is a 1 round action.

During the full transformation the Werewolf God gains the following traits:

  • Their Strength becomes 24, or gains a +4 bonus. Whichever is higher.
  • Their Dexterity becomes 18, or gains a +2 bonus. Whichever is higher.
  • The Werewolf God gains Powerful Build.
  • Their land speed increase by 30 ft. and they gain a climb speed equal to half their land speed.
  • The Werewolf God is treated as a monster by most NPCs, which typically has a bad effect when interacting with them.
  • They gain 5 temporary hit points per class level, that may be recovered as a move action but immediately cause the lose of 1 sanity.
  • They gain DR 6/Silver.
  • They gain Scent and Low-Light Vision
  • They gain an armor bonus of 4 + 1/2 class level.
  • They gain two claws (same as partial) and one bite dealing 1d10, these claws do not interfere with the Werewolf God's ability to use weapon.
  • The Werewolf God becomes agitated and take all penalties as if the Werewolf God was raging. It count as rage for the purpose of prerequisites and effects which affect rage also affect this transformation.
  • The Werewolf God's alignment shifts one step toward chaotic and evil.

If the Werewolf God runs out of sanity during full transformation they become confused(bypassing immunities) for as long as transformed and 1 minute thereafter, if they roll to flee they must instead attack the nearest creature. They must make a DC 20 will saving throw in order to turn back when there is no sanity left.

Lycanthropic Empathy (Ex): At fourth level in any form, Werewolf God can communicate and empathize with normal or dire animals of their animal form. This gives them a +4 racial bonus on checks when influencing the animal’s attitude and allows the communication of simple concepts and (if the animal is friendly) commands, such as “friend,” “foe,” “flee,” and “attack.”

Strength of the Beast: The 5th level Werewolf God adds 1/2 of their class level as a bonus to their Strength score when in partial or full transformation, this is on top of the set ability score.

Darkvision (Ex): At sixth level Werewolf God's eyesight allows him to hunt in the darkest of the nights. A Werewolf God in animal or hybrid form has 60-foot darkvision.

Improved Meditation: The 7th level Werewolf God's can meditate any number of time per day, however each time after the first they recover 2 less sanity points (to a minimum of 0).

Eyes Of The Hunter (Ex): At eleventh level Werewolf God's sight is perfect for hunting. Werewolf God can see in normal or magical darkness as if it was fully illuminated. Also Werewolf God's gains Lifesense as a bonus feat even if he doesn't meet the prerequisites. A Werewolf God can see as if under the effect of a true seeing spell at all times.

Spirit Of The Wolf (Ex): At twelfth level Werewolf God's becomes one with the spirit of the Wolf. This grants him immunity to fear and immunity to ability drain or damage.

Werewolf Ascendant (Su): A 13th level Werewolf God's no longer lose Sanity when using Partial Transformation. They still lose sanity from using Werewolf God abilities.

The Endurance Of The Hunter (Ex): At 13th level Werewolf God's now have a different metabolism. This grants him immunity to poison and diseases.

Timeless Body (Ex): After attaining 15th level, a Werewolf God no longer takes ability score penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any penalties they may have already incurred, however, remain in place.

Bonuses still accrue, and the Werewolf God still dies of old age.

Abominable Form: A 19th level the Werewolf God may grow one additional size category when in full transformation, receiving all bonus and penalties associated with it with the exception for ability score adjustment.

Beastborne (Su): A 20th level Werewolf God's no longer lose Sanity when using Full Transformation. They still lose sanity from using Werewolf God abilities.

Ex-Werewolf Gods

If a Werewolf God somehow gets rid of his natural lychanthropy he exchanges all of his Werewolf God levels with another class.

Werewolf God Starting Package

Weapons: .

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.


Feat: .

Bonus Feats: .

Gear: .

Gold: .

Playing a Werewolf God

Religion: .

Other Classes: .

Combat: .

Advancement: .

Werewolf Gods in the World


Daily Life: .

Notables: .

Organizations: .

NPC Reactions: .

Werewolf God Lore

Characters with ranks in can research to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.


Werewolf Gods in the Game

Adaptation: .

Sample Encounter: .

EL : .

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gollark: I get the lasers much cheaper than market price by going to kepler's blaze farm then lemmmy, at least.
gollark: Admittedly the traffic turtles *are* really expensive (30KST laser+ ~5KST entity sensor + ~5KST turtle).
gollark: We don't need border security, just more traffic turtles.
gollark: Also traffic lights.
gollark: Why not use cheaper AR street signs like Chorus City?
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