WereWorg (5e Race)

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This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: Incomplete. This really needs to be fleshed out because as of right now it lacks any substantial Fluff. While it can be regarded by some as useless information it has a significant impact on how your content is used by players. Consult the 5e Race Design Guide for help.

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This page is of questionable balance. Reason: This race seems overpowered compared to similar first-party races and would benefit from having less powerful traits. For example, 40 feet of movement speed and removing the strength score from the game for this character. However, the main issue is Unstable Lycanthropy, which introduces a ridiculous transformation that grants some equally as ridiculous benefits, see the aasimar transformation traits for help on balancing this. Overall requires more work from a mechanical perspective to better compare and integrate with the first party content. Consult the 5e Race Design Guide for help and consider checking out some of the comparable Featured Articles.

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This page needs grammatical help. Reason: A number of spelling/grammatical/capitalization/wording errors throughout. Consult the Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize for help. The traits need to be mechanically worded correctly as they are often vague or written like casual conversation. For example, "Your size is Medium." not "Your base size is medium.", "Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1." not "As a Wereworg, you gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity and a +1 bonus to Constitution.", etc...

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The scourge in our blood, the damning power in our very veins. Its grants us staggering strength, but shreds our insides if we dare to tap into its beasial ferosity.
—Cortel Vasermine, Wereworg Fighter.

Physical Description

Wereworgs have the appearance of normal, although gaunt humans. While their sickly complexions and thin gates make for an unnerving site, this is second to the true horror. When forced to transform, their true bestial visage takes shape. Their once gaunt bodies twist and break into large animal-like forms buried under writhing fleshy masses of dull black hairs.


First thought to merely be gosip between commoners, the abominations known as " Wereworgs " turned out to be anything but. Alchemists and Clerics have theorised that the creation of these creatures came about through an aggressive strain of lycanthropy created by dark magics.


Wereworgs find them selves to be isolated and even hunted if knowledge of their condition spreads. Few, if any, will be willing to permit insight into their condition to others out of fear of persecution. To mitigate threat, Wereworgs will either stay with in small packs of their own kind or follow the path of a lone wanderer.

Wereworg Names

As only humans are affected by this strain of lycanthropy, their names will mostly likely be based in human culture. It is common however for Wereworgs to take on fake names or handles to hide their identities.

Male: Martin, Bruce, Elliot

Female: Claire, Marie, Rose

Wereworg Traits

Carriers of an unstable strain of lycanthropy. Their sickness shreds the flesh of their foes with fangs and claws, and even their very own from bodily stress.
Ability Score Increase. As a Wereworg, you gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity and a +1 bonus to Constitution.
Age. Wereworgs can live to surprisingly long intervals, it is said that the oldest wereworg has just broke his first millennia.
Alignment. Wereworgs will typically follow chaotic alignments.
Size. Your base size is Medium.
Speed. Your speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Beast Blood. You gain advantage against Constitution saves against poison and diseases. You also use Dexterity instead of Strength on attack, damage and skills that involve strength.
Unstable Lycanthropy. When you drop to 0 hit points make a Wisdom Saving Trow, DC is 15 + you proficiency bonus, on a fail you recover all your life and become powerful bestial monstrosity that will attack the closest creature ,including allys, and gain the following conditions:

-Upon transforming, you gain advantage to Perception, Survival, Acrobatics and Athletics.

-You increase by one size category .

-Your speed increases by 30

-You gain temporary hit points equal to your total hit points.

-You gain proficiency in unarmed strikes that deal 1d10 slashing damage, and when grappling a creature you gain a harrying bite that deals 1d12 piercing damage.

-While transformed you take 1d6 + proficiency bonus psychic damage at the end of your turn.

-On the first turn of your transformation, your damage is doubled, this does apply to the bite attack if the grapple is successful.

-You are a sight to be feared, even more so by fellow shapechangers, should they look you in the eye they must make a Charisma save with a DC of 13 and on a fail they are paralyzed.

-You may, as a free action after hitting a target, make a grapple attempt with the target at disadvantage.

-If It is a creatures first time witnessing your transformation, and they are hostile and close enough to see you.

You need to drop again to 0 hit points or have a long rest to revert the transformation, you will lose every benefit from the transformation when you do so. You need to have a short or long rest to transform again.
Languages. Common and one other of your choice

Random Height and Weight

5′ 7″+2d4110 lb.× (2d6) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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