Weapons of Sin, Gluttony (3.5e Equipment)

Ravenous (Gluttony): The Weapons of Sin are seven legendary weapons created by an evil wizard and his brother, a cleric of a depraved god who commissioned the weapons in person. Over the centuries the names of the creators have faded from history thanks to many heroes destroying evidence of their existence.

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Each weapon is a different type, ranging from the delicate Lustful Hand (a crystal dagger) to the bulky Force of Wrath (a large two-handed, two-headed maul). These weapons are cursed, forcing their owners into the depraved behavior each represents. It is rumored that they were created using wild magic and that is why they sometimes work for the benefit of the wielder and sometimes cause their destruction during battle.

This +4 heavy mace has a critical threat range of 19-20 and is perhaps the strangest looking Weapon of Sin. It appears as a huge, heavy iron spoon with a long handle, like you would use to stir a large pot of stew over a fire. Despite its appearance, Ravenous is a dangerous weapon, to targets as well as the wielder.

When used in combat, the weapon transforms the wielder, causing his teeth to elongate into great fangs that may be used as a natural weapon dealing 1d4 points of damage plus 1 point of temporary Constitution damage. The weapon also instills in the wielder a hunger for the flesh of sentient beings, and he must succeed at a saving throw as though against a suggestion spell (DC 14) every round in combat with such a creature or be compelled to bite the target in addition to making his normal attacks.

CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Polymorph, SRD:Suggestion; Cost 56,312 gp + 4,480 XP; Market Price: 12,312 gp

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