Water Weird (4e Creature)
Water weirds are a life form originating in the elemental chaos. They attack all living things, feeding from their essences in some unknown manner. These elementals form from water, appearing as a serpent, and lash out to grab targets. Their victims are dragged into water where they drown.

A character knows the following information about water weirds with a successful Arcana check.
DC 10: A water weird is a rare snake-like water elemental. They are as fast on land as they are in the water, and seek to drown their victims.
DC 20: Unlike most other water elementals, water weirds actively attack any living things to drain their life-force. Cold and ice attacks partially solidify them, rendering them vulnerable to further attacks.
DC 25: A water weird sometimes has an entourage of lesser water elementals. It is said that they can forcefully take control of such creatures by touch alone.
Level 2 Encounter (XP 700)
This water weird is the adopted deity of a tribe of bullywugs. Several bullywugs have been sacrificed to the elemental, their life forces drained as they drowned. Their withered corpses rise to defend the shrine. (Adapted from Greg Gillespie's The Bastion of the Boglings.)
- 1 water weird (Level 3 elite controller)
- 3 bullywug zombies (Level 1 brute)
- 1 lesser water elemental (Level 1 controller) [Monster Vault]
- 1 pool of fetid, stinking water (2 squares by 2 squares; difficult terrain)
- 4 pillars (1 square; obstructing terrain)
- 4 piles of bullywug and human skulls (1 square; difficult terrain; creatures entering the square must make a DC 20 Acrobatics check to avoid losing their balance; creatures adjacent to the skull pile can kick it over as a minor action, making a Strength vs. Reflex attack against one creature adjacent to the skull pile. On a hit, the target is knocked prone.
- 4 piles of offerings (totaling 90 gp and 2 turquoise gems, worth 100 gp each)
Water Weird
Water weirds are usually encountered in a body of water, such as a pond or fountain, in a dormant amorphous state. In this form they have total concealment and it requires a DC 26 Perception check to be noticed. When they decide to attack, it takes them one turn to form during which the DC to notice them drops to 21. Once a water weird has grabbed one or two victims, they will sustain the grab and use drowning - grabbed victims are considered to be deprived of air:
As it does this, it will continue to serpent lash at other foes. |
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