Warforged, 3rd Variant (5e Race)


Physical Description

Warforged are bulky humanoids covered in plates of metal and stone. A skeleton of these materials supports woody fibre bundles that comprise a warforged's muscular system. Warforged bodies have an internal network of tubes filled with a bloodlike fluid that nourishes and lubricates their systems. Their hands have only two thick fingers and a thumb whilst their feet only have two broad toes. The warforged face loosely resembles their creator's, though they have a toothless jaw, heavy brow line and are lacking noses. Each warforged has a "ghulra" engraved upon their foreheads. Each of these runes are unique to each warforged, giving them a sense of individuality.

The warforged are completely sexless and genderless, though their bodies may have been designed with masculine or feminine features, these are considered by the warforged to be little more than aesthetic aspects. The warforged are able to be repaired and modified by those with the know-how, which can give an endless array of possibilities to their appearances.

A warforged on average is roughly 6'0" and weigh 300 lbs. These numbers will vary among the warforged "subraces" as warforged scouts are smaller and warforged juggernauts are larger. Refer to the size chart for more details.


Warforged can have unique personality traits, though, as they are constructs, those are restricted in some ways. They experience anger, pain, fear, and hatred like their creator's. All warforged naturally seem reserved, stoic, and pensive, hiding an array of emotions behind their inexpressive metallic faces. Their faces were not designed to display facial expressions, so it can seem like they are distant to the conversation. Despite their lack of physical facial expressions, they're not completely without them, as their eyes tend to brighten when experiencing strong or specific emotions. Some warforged have their faces modified to be more expressive for their companion's comfort, but these expressions are learned rather than natural and often appear stilted and awkward.

Some warforged can be incredibly naive and lack a sense of introspection. However, many others are the opposite and question their existence, they wonder if, as constructs, they have souls, and ask what becomes of them in the afterlife. The more intelligent warforged create complex philosophies about what they perceive and learn. Though warforged can show loyalty to religions and organizations, typically they become loyal to a small group of comrades. War and military thinking are the foundation of Warforged personalities. They understand duty, the chain of command, and conflict.


The technology used to create warforged began with the methods used to create mindless constructs. Although true sentience was a goal, there was little thought given to what the effects of sentience would be or how to best prepare those minds for their new existence.

At the moment of a warforged's first awakening, it has no knowledge of the world, no understanding of falsehood, and no feelings about good or evil. They were made as the ideal soldiers to serve on the battlefield. Warforged often have little life experience as they have spent most of their time working towards one specific duty, usually soldiering.

If there is one interest all warforged share it is their love of working and the satisfaction of a job well done. Many create endless lists of goals and chores to feed that feeling. They take pride in their work and can work incredibly hard, both traits that make them dislike idleness and failure.

For warforged, the purpose of life was to fight in conflicts & wars, and in times of peace, many warforged continue to exist as warriors. Whether as constables, bodyguards, pirates, bounty hunters, gladiators, soldiers, or adventurers, etc. Other warforged have chosen or been forced to take up other lives and new purposes. Regardless, all warforged have opinions about war, but their reasoning about it tends to mystify members of other races.


Warforged usually either adopt their names from whatever race currently built them or they adopt a name for their purpose, rank, or job along with the surname of their creator. Some Warforged adopt names from the culture they were created in, though most of their names were assigned at construction. Many Warforged simply accept the nicknames given to them by their comrades while others seek more meaningful names that best describe them.

Some warforged adopt a "personal name," these are decided by the warforged themselves and are usually determined after long periods of soul-searching. This is usually a special designation a warforged has for its friends and carries a special meaning to them emotionally.

Warforged dislike being called "it" and usually accept the gendered pronoun that they most closely resemble.

Warforged Traits

Sentient constructs created for the purpose of battle and decimation, or for whatever their creator wishes.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. A Warforged is complete and considered fully developed at construction and are built to last. The maximum age for a Warforged has not yet been determined and if their bodies are maintained a Warforged could live indefinitely.
Alignment. Warforged are generally Neutral, though they are capable of independent thought and moral speculation allowing them to be of any alignment.
Size. Warforged are generally broader and heavier than humans. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30.
Composite Plating. Your construction incorporates metal, stone and wood, granting you a +1 bonus to Armor Class.
Living Construct Sentinel. Even though you were constructed, you are a living creature. You have no sense of smell and do not need to breath, sleep, eat or drink; but you can ingest food and drink if you wish. You are immune to disease and sleep effects. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal, you cannot be rendered unconscious through any means.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Subrace. Soldier, Scout, Juggernaut, Tactician, Surveyor, Infiltrator

Warforged Soldier

Warforged soldiers make for excellent fighters and bodyguards.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
Incredible Resolve. At the start of your turn, if you are incapacitated, paralyzed or stunned, you can end that effect. You must complete a short rest before you can use this ability again.
Natural Weapon. You can never be disarmed because you are a weapon. You are proficient with your unarmed strikes, which deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage using your Strength modifier.

Warforged Scout

Smaller and lighter than other warforged, scouts are quick and agile.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Small. Your size is Small.
Extra Movement. Your base walking speed increases to 35.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Naturally Stealthy. You can attempt to hide even when you are slightly obscured.
Skill Proficiency. You have proficiency in the Stealth skill.

Warforged Juggernaut

Larger than other warforged, juggernauts are and more robust and sturdy.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Constitution scores each increases by 1.
Relentless Endurance. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Toughness. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.

Warforged Tactician

These warforged tend to have a higher capacity to adapt, often working to ensure the best outcome for their side.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2.
Magical Construct. You were constructed with the innate ability to perform magic. You learn one of the following cantrips: mending, resistance, spare the dying, and true strike. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these cantrips.
Innate Magic. You know the guidance cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the cure wounds spell once and need to finish a long rest before you can cast it again. When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the prayer of healing spell once and need to finish a long rest before you can cast it again. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Warforged Surveyor

Surveyors make excellent explorers and guides, are more often the ones to travel away from home to seek knowledge and adventure.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
Extra Movement. Your base walking speed is 40.
Light Guide. You know the dancing lights cantrip. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it.
Inquisitive Mind. You have the capacity to store more information. You are proficient in both the Insight and Perception skills.

Warforged Infiltrator

Unlike other warforged, infiltrators have a much more humanoid design, in both shape and manner, and can quickly pick up on quirks and mannerisms of other races.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Illusionary. You know the minor illusion cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Skill Proficiency. Infiltrators are fast learners of the behaviors and quirks of other races. You are proficient in both the Deception and Persuasion skills.

Random Weight and Height Table

Table: Subrace Size, Height, and Weight
Warforged SoldierMedium5'5" - 6'5"200 - 400
Warforged ScoutSmall2'5" - 4'0"30 - 60
Warforged JuggernautMedium6'5" - 7'5"200 - 400
Warforged TacticianMedium5'5" - 6'5"200 - 400
Warforged SurveyorMedium5'5" - 6'5"200 - 400
Warforged InfiltratorMedium5'5" - 6'5"200 - 400
Table: Warforged Random Height and Weight
Base HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Small - 2'5"+3d6 inches30 lbs+ (1d10 x 3) lbs
Medium - 5'5"+3d6 inches200 lbs+ (1d20 x 20) lbs

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gollark: Just threateningly wave bees at clients.
gollark: What if you replace your boss with a bunch of bees and a ~~speech~~ buzzing-to-text system?
gollark: I mean, apart from sleeping.
gollark: Also, yes, I am back after an unprecedented several hours not on Discord.
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