Virus, Mayday (3.5e Class)


A Virus will give it's life for yours. It's a support class for the party, and a pain in the ass for the enemy. A Virus uses a rare technique that allows it to link itself to others. Once a Virus has linked to someone it has a special bond with them even when disconnected.

Making a Virus

Viruses are not combat focused at all but make up for it with their abilities, utility, and HP.

Abilities: Constitution is probably the most important ability for Viruses since they sacrifice some of their health to aid their friends. Intelligence affects their special abilities and is a key trait amongst successful Viruses. Dexterity would be the next most important for AC so they can avoid damage.

Races: Any humanoid race.

Alignment: Any good alignment.

Starting Gold: 6d4 x 10. (150 gp)

Starting Age: Simple.

Table: The Virus

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
1st+0+0+2+0 Link, Disconnect, Install
2nd+1+0+3+0 Linked Empathy
3rd+2+1+3+1 Toughness
4th+3+1+4+1 Security
5th+3+1+4+1 Hack, Overload, Upgrade, Toughness
6th+4+2+5+2 Improved Toughness
7th+5+2+5+2 Control, Toughness
8th+6/+1+2+6+2 Ability Focus
9th+6/+1+3+6+3 Toughness
10th+7/+2+3+7+3 Shutdown, Install II
11th+8/+3+3+7+3 Toughness
12th+9/+4+4+8+4 Lag
13th+9/+4+4+8+4 Toughness
14th+10/+5+4+9+4 Security II
15th+11/+6/+1+5+9+5 Toughness
17th+12/+7/+2+5+10+5 Upgrade II, Toughness
19th+14/+9/+4+6+11+6 Toughness
20th+15/+10/+5+6+12+6 Overclock

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Balance (Dex),Climb (Str), Concentration (Con),Diplomacy (Cha),Jump (Str), Listen (Wis),Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str),.

Class Features

Link(Su): As a full-round action, The Virus establishes a link from itself to a single willing party member.

Disconnect(Ex): The Virus can break a link with a person/creature he has established a link with. The party member may break the link by succeeding on a DC 10 + 1/2 Virus levels + Virus's Intelligence Modifer Will Save. If the link is broken unwillingly, the party member loses 5 HP and is fatigued for 1 round.

Install(Ex): The Virus can heal a linked party member 2HP per 1HP the Virus sacrifices.

Linked Empathy(Ex): At second level a Virus has grown accustomed to linking with others, allowing itself to concentrate more on the linked character. The Virus understands who it is linked to, allowing it to sense their motives and know how the character is really feeling. The Virus can better empathize with the linked character, gaining a +2 Circumstance bonus to Diplomacy, Sense Motive, and Bluff checks. The Virus also cannot be fooled by a linked person, all attempts to bluff fail.

Toughness(Feat): At 3rd level, and every two levels after, The Virus gains Toughness as a bonus feat, even if it does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.

Security(Ex): The Virus can negate half of the damage the linked character receives for 2 rounds per Virus level. The Virus takes half of the negated damage.

Hack(Su): A Virus becomes more skilled at linking, that it can link itself to an unwilling person/creature on a successful Ranged Touch Attack (Range: Close, 25ft +5ft/ 2 Virus levels). If the Virus physically touches the target, it gets a +5 circumstance bonus. The target may attempt to disconnect itself as a standard action by succeeding a will save of DC 10 + 1/2 Virus levels + Virus's Intelligence Modifer.

Overload(Su): The Virus may deal 3d8 + Intelligence Modifer damage to the linked person/creature.

Upgrade(Su): As a Full-Round Action, The Virus can give a +4 Morale bonus to all die rolls of the linked character for 2 + Virus Level rounds, or until the Virus or linked character disconnects. This ability can not be used again until it ends.

Improved Toughness(Feat): At 6th level, The Virus gains Improved Toughness as a bonus feat, even if it does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. If it already has this feat, it may instead gain a bonus feat.

Control(Su): As a Full-Round action, The Virus may exert control over the linked person/creature and control the linked person/creature's actions during their next turn if the target fails a DC 10 + 1/2 Virus Class level + Intelligence Modifier Will Save. This causes the linked person/creature to be unable to take any actions during their turn. If not in combat the Virus may control the person/creature for 5 minutes.

Ability Focus(Feat) At 8th level, The Virus gains Ability Focus as a bonus feat, even if it does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.

Shutdown(Su): Once per day a Virus may shut itself down for 1 hour to regain all it's health. During this time the Virus is considered Helpless.

Install II(Su): The Virus can now heal a linked character 3HP per 1HP the Virus sacrifices.

Lag(Su): The Virus slows down the linked person/creature, causing them to move up to half their movement speed and take -5 penalty to all attack rolls for 1 Round per 2 Virus Class Levels + Intelligence Modifer or until disconnected.

Security II(Ex): The Virus can negate all of the damage the linked character may take for 2 rounds per Virus level. The Virus takes a third of the negated damage.

Upgrade II(Su): As a Full-Round Action, The Virus can give a +8 Morale bonus to all die rolls of the linked character for 4 + Virus Level rounds, or until the Virus or linked character disconnects. This ability can not be used again until it ends.

Overclock(Su): Once a month a Virus may link up to 5 people/creatures at once, even if the targets are unwilling, for 2 rounds. The Virus may have it's class abilities affect any number of characters it has established a link to in this fashion. Once the ability ends, the Virus must immediately shutdown for 1 day, during which time the Virus is considered Helpless. Due to the instability of this ability, it's just as likely that it may not work at all.


If a Virus willing allows a party member to die it loses all of it's abilities.

Epic Viruses

Table: The Epic Virus

Hit Die: d8

21stInstall III
22ndSecurity III
23rdUpgrade III
24thOverload II
25thQuick Restart
26thHack II
27thControl II
28thLag II
29thOverload III
30thOverclock II

Install III:(Ex) The Virus can heal the linked party member 5HP per 1HP the Virus gives up.

Security III:(Ex) Once per day the Virus may negate all damage and take no damage in return.

Upgrade III:(Su) As a Full-Round Action, The Virus can give a +12 Morale bonus to all die rolls of the linked character for 4 + Virus Level rounds, or until the Virus or linked character disconnects. This ability can not be used again until it ends.

Overload II:(Su) The Virus deals 5d20 + Int Modifer damage to the linked person/creature.

Quick Restart:(Su) As a Full-Round Action, The Virus may quickly shut itself down and restart, fully healing itself. It is considered Helpless as it does this. This can only be done once a week.

Hack II:(Su) A Virus becomes so skilled at linking that it can link itself to an unwilling person/creature without a problem. The target may attempt to disconnect by rolling a will save of 10 + Virus Class Levels + Virus's Intelligence Modifer.

Control II:(Su) As a Full-Round action, The Virus may exert incredible control over the linked person/creature and control the linked person/creature's actions during their next 3 turns if the target fails a DC 10 + Virus Class Levels + Intelligence Modifer. This causes the linked person/creature to be unable to take any actions during their turns. If not in combat the Virus may control the person/creature for 30 minutes.

Lag II:(Su) The Viruses slows the linked person/creature to a complete stop for 3 rounds or for 30 minutes if not in combat. The subject becomes paralyzed and freezes in place. It is aware and breathes normally but cannot take any actions, even speech for 1 Round per Virus Class Levels + Intelligence Modifer or until disconnected.

Overload III:(Su) The Virus deals 5d20 +50 damage to the linked person/creature. You may reroll a d20 up to a number of times equal to your Intelligence Modifier.

Overclock II:(Su) Once a month a Virus may link up to 10 people/creatures at once, even if the targets are unwilling, for 5 rounds. The Virus may have it's class abilities affect any number of characters it has established a link to in this fashion. Once the ability ends, the Virus must immediately shutdown for 1 day, during which time the Virus is considered Helpless. Due to the instability of this ability, it's just as likely that it may not work at all.

Human Virus Starting Package

Weapons: None.

Feat: Toughness.

Bonus Feats: Toughness.

Gear: Scale mail. Torches. Rations and water. Backpack. Bedroll.

Gold: 150 gp.

Playing a Virus

Protect your party at all costs even if it means giving your life for a friend.

Religion: Virus may worship whoever they choose even if not the same alignment.

Other Classes: A Virus gets along with just about everyone, for they are empathetic. Those who try to harm who a Virus cares about shall be punished.

Combat: A Virus tends to stay in the back, helping the party from a distance, once linked to a party member.

A Virus in the World

"Let us bond and see what potential we can unlock."
—The System

Daily Life: A Virus travels the world looking for those in need and a place to call home.

Organizations: Viruses dont usually gather. Though if they happen to come across another they immediately sense it.

NPC Reactions: Those who do not know what a Virus is are cautious of them. Otherwise they have no fear of them and will act normal.

Viruses in the Game

You are not likely going to find a Virus in your game. If you do, have no fear.

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gollark: Generally it *implies* money being involved.
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gollark: > Lobbying, persuasion, or interest representation is the act of attempting to influence the actions, policies, or decisions of officials, most often legislators or members of regulatory agencies. Lobbying, which usually involves direct, face-to-face contact, is done by many types of people, associations and organized groups, including individuals in the private sector, corporations, fellow legislators or government officials, or advocacy groups (interest groups).
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