Vampire, 2nd Variant (5e Race)

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Vampire,(Day Walker), Revised for More Interesting RP (Incomplete atm)

This type of vampire is a race that will be more interesting to play than the standard vampire of D&D 5E. As this type of vampire is able to be played out in the sunlight without the constant pain of the burning sun. This vampire makes an excellent enemy/mysterious NPC as well.

As always, please ask your DM before choosing this race.

How to Become a Vampire

There are two ways of becoming a vampire.

♦ The first way:

• Starts with a living humanoid; whom is not immune to Vampire-ism or cannot contract magical diseases.

• This humanoid is then bit by a vampire and receives the vampire's blood.

• Then this humanoid must die within two days.

• This death must be of some thing the target can comeback from, such as being stabbed or bleeding to death. If the head is removed or if the body is dismembered in such a way that the target can not come back then the target will simple just die.

• Upon a successful turn the target will rise as a fledgling vampire after 1d6 hours.

♦ Then there is the second way, which is a rare occurrence:

• This way the humanoid was born a Dhampire and then later turned into a vampire. This type of vampire is considered a pureblood vampire as they have little of the mortal blood in them.


As a fledgling vampire you do not have all the traits of a full vampire and have the status of Fledgling Hunger.

Fledgling Hunger: Within 24 hours of rising as a vampire you must feed on blood. If you do not you will take 1d20 necrotic damage unless you feed on blood. This blood can also be blood of another vampire. If your are exposed to sunlight while still under the effect of Fledgling Hunger you will take 1d20 radiant damage per turn while exposed to sunlight.

Upon Reaching Zero hit points the fledgling Vampire dies and cannot be brought back to life.

Physical Description

Generally Vampires have a very pale complexion as they are undead, though there are exceptions to this ruling; such as creatures with fur or very dark skin to begin with, in these situations the skin tends to look a shade lighter.

Their physical form of whatever race they were will stay the same, though they will tend to become leaner after a few years of becoming a vampire. Eyes and teeth of the vampire usually will stay the same, unless the vampire is hungry.

Being a Vampire

Being a vampire has many new balances; such as feeding will give you benefits, while not feeding can be very dangerous both to you and everyone around you.


Vampire's will often be associated with a bloodline of some kind. Generally those in more pure bloodlines look down on those who are not pure blooded vampires.


The history of vampires depends greatly on the world they are in.

In some homebrew campaigns it might be a curse or a blessing of a god that started the first vampire. In this case for this race it is more of a blessing than a curse.


These vampires tend to blend in rather well with normal societies. Though they tend to like cloudy days over sunny days, but they are still seen walking in daylight though they usually have some kind of heavy coat, big hat, or umbrella with them to stay out of direct sunlight. They tend to like to be in far north or south areas. It is very rare to find a vampire in a desert region.

Though if a vampire is discovered it is common that it will try to either us its charm or its other skills to stay in familiar area or will be forced to leave if it lets more than one normal person know.

Vampire Names

Generally Vampires will keep their first name from when they were not vampires, but there are occasions that they will change their name to avoid their past live. Last names can change sometimes to the last name of the vampire that sired them or from the specific bloodline they are from.

Vampire Traits

Ability Score Increase. There are two options you can choose in between: (As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.)

You remove the base ASI from your base race then your Charisma score increases by 2 and increase your Dexterity and Strength scores by 1.


You keep your original ASI from your base race then choose between Charisma, Dexterity, and Strength scores to increase it by 1.
Age. Vampires upon being turned the body they have will not mature any further thus they have a limitless life as long as they feed or are not killed.
Alignment. Generally Vampires are out for themselves not implicitly evil. Their alignment tends to be in the Neutral or Chaotic categories.
Size. Your size will be equivalent to the size of your previous race.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Undead. You gain resistance to necrotic damage. You also do not normally eat or drink, but instead drink blood. You do not need to breathe, but you must breathe if you wish to smell. You do not have to sleep, though you can choose to meditate.
Spider Climb. A vampire can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
Keen Smell. A vampire can smell things even when they cannot see them. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Charming. You gain the ability to can cast charm person three times using this trait. You regain all expended uses of this trait when you complete a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell. As a side note this spell has the similar effect of the Glamor bard charm person, as they target charmed will not recall being charmed.
Languages. Same as they were before you were a vampire.

Vampire Weaknesses


You have disadvantage on all ability checks and ranged attacks while in direct sunlight, but not on melee attacks. Also regeneration does not work in direct sunlight.

Occupied Houses.

You can’t enter a house without an invitation from one of the occupants. Unless it is a public house, were anyone is welcome. If you are forced into a place you have not been allowed to enter, you will take 3d6 force damage every turn you are past the barrier.

Being Staked.

If a wooden stake is driven through your heart you are paralyzed until it is removed.

Holy Water.

You take 2d12 Radiant damage. You may not heal until after the end of your next turn.

Vampire’s Diet

You are required to feed at minimum of once per week, unless otherwise specified. Such as those whom have higher Constitution scores they can go longer without being hungry. You increase the amount of weeks you can go without feeding by your Constitution modifier.

Hunger Save: this starts a 0 after a feed. Each day the this increases by 5. Using Regeneration this increases by 1 each use.

To save against Hunger you you will need to pass (I'll work on this later.)

To Feed is considered 2 full action "Bite" attacks.

If the DM wishes to make this more difficult they can simply make the feed take double the amount of "Bite" attacks.

A vampire can go without feeding for a number of weeks equal to 1 + Con mod. (With a minimum of 1 week and a maximum of 6 weeks.)

If the DM wishes to make this more difficult they can make this they just half the time, such as from 1 week to 1/2 a week so the maximum amount of time the vampire could go with out feeding, before penalty, would be 3 weeks.

Taking Injury

The more often you are hurt, the more often you will use your regeneration ability. Each time you use this free action to regenerate, you will gain one to your hunger level.


You can bite a creature that is willing, charmed, incapacitated, restrained or grappled.

As an action you can choose to grapple a target that is living, and on a successful grapple, you may attempt to bite your target as a bonus action.

Bite: After grappling a target you have advantage to roll your bite attack. The attack for this is 1d20 + proficiency bonus + either Strength or Dexterity modifier, on a successful hit to their AC you deal 2d6 + the modifier you used in the attack as necrotic damage. You heal that damage.

A humanoid slain in this way, but not feed the vampire's blood, will rise the following night as a Vampire Spawn. If the Vampire Spawn wishes to become a full Vampire, it must seek out the vampire that turned it and receive its blood with in a week of turning into a Vampire Spawn. This Vampire Spawn will regard you as its Master.

Going beyond your limit…

At the start of the first day beyond your limit, you must make a constitution save of DC 5. If you fail to make this save you will gain the status for the first level of permanent hunger. If you succeed the DC is increased by 2 until you fail. (This will reset back to a DC 5 when you feed.)

After you gain a level in permanent hunger the constitution save you must make will change based on at what status level you are at. When you fail this save you will need to make a wisdom save or feed on the nearest living target that has blood. If you cannot feed you will gain one more level of permanent hunger.

In order to remove the status of permanent hunger, you will need to have to feed as many times as you have your status level.

Stages of Permanent Hunger

At stage one:

• Requires you to feed 1 time to remove this status.

• Your features do not change much other than there is a hunger to your eyes.

• You take a penalty to your regeneration ability.

• They have disadvantage to any saves or skill checks that involve charisma.

• If there is blood spilled near them they will have to make a con save dc 12; if they fail they will have the strong desire to feed on that creature. Will have to make a wisdom save of dc 12 to avoid feeding on target.

At stage two:

• Requires you to either feed 2 times in a day to remove this status, or you may choose to only feed 1 time and reduce your Permanent Hunger status to stage one.

• Your features look gaunter, eyes irises will have a light red tint to them, and fangs will look sharper.

• You take a penalty to your regeneration ability.

• They have disadvantage to any saves or skill checks that involve charisma and wisdom.

• If there is blood spilled near them they will have to make a con save dc 14; if they fail they will have the strong desire to feed on that creature. Will have to make a wisdom save of dc 14 to avoid feeding on target.

At stage three:

• Requires you to either feed 3 times in a day to remove this status, or you may choose to only feed 1 time and reduce your Permanent Hunger status to stage two.

• Your features look gaunter, eyes irises will have a strong red tint to them and glow lightly in the dark, and fangs will look very sharp.

• You take a penalty to your regeneration ability.

• They have disadvantage to any saves or skill checks that involve charisma, wisdom, and intelligence.

• They have advantage to any saves or skill checks that involve strength.

• If there is blood spilled near them they will have to make a con save dc 16; if they fail they will have the strong desire to feed on that creature. Will have to make a wisdom save of dc 16 to avoid feeding on target.

At stage four:

• Requires you to either feed 4 times in a day to remove this status, or you may choose to only feed 1 time and reduce your Permanent Hunger status to stage three.

• Your features look feral, as your eyes are blood red and glowing in the dark, your fangs cannot be hidden if you have your mouth exposed, and your skin is very pale.

• They have disadvantage to any saves or skill checks that involve charisma, wisdom, and intelligence.

• You take a penalty to your regeneration ability.

• They have advantage to any saves or skill checks that involve strength and dexterity.

• If there is blood spilled near them they will have to make a con save dc 18; if they fail they will have the strong desire to feed on that creature. Will have to make a wisdom save of dc 18 to avoid feeding on target.

At stage five:

• Requires you to either feed 5 times in a day to remove this status, or you may choose to only feed 1 time and reduce your Permanent Hunger status to stage four.

• Your features look monstrous. There is no way you are fooling anyone that you are not a vampire.

• You have double disadvantage to any saves or skill checks that involve charisma, wisdom, and intelligence.

• You can no longer regenerate hit points. You must meditate or feed.

• Gain the status of Blood Thirsty and roll 1d100 if you get below a 80 your also get the status of Ripper.

• You have advantage to any saves or skill checks that involve strength and dexterity.

• If there is blood spilled near you, you will feed on the nearest living target with blood.

Stages of being Well Fed

If a vampire decides to feed more than once a week they can gain this status effect. In order to maintain or increase the status the vampire must feed often.

These effects do not stack, they just replaces previous effects.

At stage one:

• Must feed at least every 3 days to gain/maintain this status.

• The vampire has an increased regeneration.

• The vampire’s speed is increased by 5.

At stage two:

• Must feed at least every 2 days to gain/maintain this status.

• The vampire has an increased regeneration.

• The vampire’s speed is increased by 10.

At stage three:

• Must feed at least once a day to gain/maintain this status.

• The vampire has an increased regeneration.

• The vampire’s speed is increased by 15.

• Has advantage on grapple.

At stage four:

• Must feed at least twice a day to gain/maintain this status.

• The vampire has an increased regeneration.

• The vampire’s speed is increased by 20.

• Has advantage on grapple and any dexterity skills or checks.

At Stage five:

• If you feed more than twice a day you will have to roll a 1d2.

• If you roll a 1 your gain the status Blood Power, else you rolled a 2 and you gain the status of Blood Lust. This status is re-rolled if you feed again in the day.

• The vampire has an increased regeneration.

• The vampire’s speed is increased by 20.

• Has advantage on grapple and any dexterity skills or checks.

Status Effects

Blood Thirsty:

Blood thirsty fear: you a 20ft presence of fear around you. Anyone in a 20ft radius from you must make a Wisdom save DC of 8 + Intimidation + Proficiency.

>• If they pass the save, they are now afraid and can move half their movement away from you as a reaction. If you come within 20 feet of them they have advantage on the roll.

>• If they critically pass, they are not afraid of you at all but understand that you are still a threat. They do not have to roll again.

>• If they fail the save, they are now frozen in fear of you and cannot move and have disadvantage with attacks towards you. They also have disadvantage on resisting grapple. Can roll again at the beginning of their next turn.

>• If they critically fail, they are stunned with fear. They cannot attack nor move nor resist being grappled. The stun will end on the end of their next turn. They will have to roll again if you are within 20ft of them at the end of the stun.

• Your throat burns with the need to feed; you have disadvantage on constitution and wisdom checks related to resisting feeding on someone. The closest person to you is your target.

Ripper: you feed on a target until they are dead, interrupted, or you manage to pull yourself away from the target.

• If someone attempts to interrupt you they must break your grapple on the target, you cannot choose to fail this.

• If you are trying to break yourself away from the target, you must make a wisdom save.

>• The wisdom save DC changes with how long you have been feeding on the target.

>• It first starts as 20, then moves down by 2 each round. Unless the target dies.

• Upon finishing this feed your Permeant Hunger is lifted by how ever many rounds you were feeding on the target.

Blood Power: has advantage on charming or persuading a target. Your charm effect is now harder to resist, targets make the wisdom save with disadvantage.

Blood Lust: This status makes you have advantage on intimidate checks. Also you have the craving to feed, even when you are not hungry; you have disadvantage on constitution and wisdom checks related to resisting feeding on someone.


Each turn you recover hit points lost. This includes when you are unconscious, only if you pass your death saving throw, but you will only have an action or bonus action or movement upon waking.

If the Vampire takes damage from, Radiant Magic or Holy Water, this trait doesn't function at the start of the vampire's next turn.

Calculating Regeneration

Normal: The average of your hit dice + your constitution modifier + your total level (max of 10)

+1 to Hunger save

Permanent Hunger

Stage 1: Normal divide by 2 round up.

Stage 2: Normal divide by 3 round up.

Stage 3: Normal divide by 4 round up.

Stage 4: Normal divide by 5 round up.

Stage 5: you do not regenerate.

Well Fed

Stage 1: Normal + Normal divide by 4 round up.

Stage 2: Normal + Normal divide by 3 round up.

Stage 3: Normal + Normal divide by 2 round up.

Stage 4: Normal x 2

Stage 5: Normal x 3


Upon falling unconsciousness, you are set to permanent hunger stage 5.

Thus when you reach 1hp or are healed to wake up you will need to make a constitution saving throw at disadvantage with the DC of 20. Upon failing this save you will mindlessly attack and feed on the first living target.

If you succeed, on your next turn, you must find a target to feed on, this can be a target of your choice. If you do not feed on a target on that next turn at the end of that turn you must make the same saving throw with disadvantage.

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