User:Zellfaze/Mecha D20/Mecha Stat Block
Like creatures, mecha have a number of statistics. Mecha that can transform or merge may have multiple stat blocks.
Optionally list the individual Mecha Point costs (positive or negative) after each entry, for ease of modification, or, if a player, to help the GM check your totals. If so, use the abbreviation MP for Mecha Points and list the cost in brackets after the entry — for example, Hit Points: 10 HP [20 MP].
Stat Block Descriptions
Type: Whether the mecha is a suit, giant robot, or vehicle.
Class: The general category of mecha, like "sailing ship" or "main battle tank." This is up to the designer to specify; the classes are not defined by the rules. This determines what Skills or Feats are needed to operate the mecha.
Size: The mecha's size, which may range from fine to colossal. Most mecha designed to carry human-sized passengers will be medium-sized or larger. List the longest dimension and mass in parenthesis, for example: "Colossal (70' tall, 100 tons)."
Hit Points: The mecha's Hit Points, for example "200 HP."
Occupants: The number of medium-sized occupants the mecha transports. If the mecha has both crew and passengers it will have two entries separated by a slash. The second is passengers.
Cargo: The cargo the mecha can carry. This will specify either (lbs. or kg).
Armour: The mecha's damage reduction.
Defence: The mecha's defence, factoring in the values from Armour (if any) and size. (The value listed in brackets is for use with Anime d20's rules for Armour Class)
Strength: The mecha's strength ability. This is only listed for giant robots and suits, not for vehicles.
Land Speed (or Air Speed, etc.): The mecha's top speed in the specified environment, in mph or kph, with the combat speed (usually in feet, metres, or squares) noted in parenthesis. Follow underwater speed with the depth it can dive and an air speed entry with the ceiling (for example, Ceiling: 12,000'). If space flight, list thrust in G (for example, 3 G) and if realistic space flight, also G-rounds and a parenthetical delta-V. If the mecha is a suit, or has FTL, a multiplier is given instead of an actual speed, such as land speed x2.
Handling: The mecha's Initiative and Manoeuvre modifiers. List Initiative first, then Manoeuvre, separated by a slash. Some d20 System games use a single Handling modifier instead of two statistics. If so, list it with (handling) in parenthesis to prevent confusion.
Special Abilities: The other capabilities possessed by the mecha, such as sensors or an ejection seat. Special abilities are listed one at a time in alphabetical order. If a special ability requires an additional notation (or example, the range of a sensor), list it in parenthesis.
Exotic Abilities: Any exotic abilities possessed by the mecha, along with their any parenthetical notes regarding their capabilities. Exotic abilities include Force Field, Merging, Summonable, and Transformation. If an exotic ability has an additional notation, list it in parenthesis.
Defects: List any overall flaws the mecha possesses, such as being Flammable or a Hangar Queen. Defects are listed one at a time in alphabetical order (for example, Defects: Flammable; Hangar Queen; Windows). If the Defect has an additional note, list it in parenthesis — for example, Reduced Endurance (3 days).
Weaponry: The names of the weapons built into or carried by the mecha. Each weapon that is designed will be given its own stat block.
Required Feats or Skills: Any Feats or Skills required to operate the mecha, such as Pilot. Note (Feat) or (Skill) in parenthesis afterward if it is unclear whether a Feat or Skill is being referenced.
Cost: The total Mecha Point cost of the mecha. If desired, a conversion to dollars, credits, gold pieces, or other Points may be listed in parenthesis. For example, "Cost: 100 Mecha Points (20,000 gp)."
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