User:Ref3rence/Multi-Work Shonen Tabletop/Leveling
When creating a character, features should be rolled in the same manner of 5e ability scores, after which they take into account any racial feature changes.
Physical Features
Physical Features represent what a creature’s body is capable of. As one’s physical limits can be broken countless times given the right circumstances, the following scores can go infinitely high.
- Strength - measures a creature’s ability to harm.
- Speed - measures a creature’s agility.
- Sturdiness - measures a creature’s endurance.
- Sight - measures a creature’s wisdom, insight, and perception.
Mental Features
Mental Features represent elements of a creature not encapsulated in their body. As there are hard limits for what the mortal and immortal mind is capable of, Mental Features only go up to 100.
- Sense - measures a creature’s ability to develop and grasp increasingly complex thought.
- Soul - measures a creature’s purity of heart.
Skills & Proficiency
Skills are various ways a creature’s features can be applied. You can gain proficiency in skills through training. For every rank of proficiency you have, the minimum percentage you can roll increases by 5%. You may only have 20 ranks of proficiency in any one skill or attack rolls (see Mechanics (DBGT), but not damage rolls. Typically, skills are contests between rolls of then same or different skills.
Physical Skills
- Strength
- Grappling - The ability to restrain a living creature. As an action, a creature may challenge another to a grappling contest. On a success, a creature gains the grappler condition. On a failure, they gain the grappled condition.
- Lifting - The ability to manipulate heavy objects. A creature may manipulate up to half of their roll pounds as an action.
- Jumping - The ability to physically move one’s body through the air. A creature may jump up to 1/4th of the roll feet as an action.
- Speed
- Acrobatics - The ability to finely manipulate one's body.
- Sleight of Hand - The ability to commit theft with observation without notice.
- Stealth - The ability to hid yourself or others from notice.
- Sturdiness
- Constitution - The ability to not die from substantial wounds.
- Bodily Mastery - The ability to not die from lack of nutrient, poisons, disease, and the elements.
- Sight
- Arcana - The ability to understand and master magical concepts.
- Insight - The ability to understand and recognize human motivation and deception.
- Energy - The ability to understand and master physical energy.
- Perception - The ability to gain and prioritize information using one's senses.
- Religion - The ability to know and understand religion and to discern the nature of the Kai pantheon and afterlife.
Mental Skills
- Sense
- History - The ability to recall lore about historical events, legendary people, ancient kingdoms, past disputes, recent wars, and lost civilizations.
- Investigation - The ability to discover hidden details in one's environment, but not in people.
- Nature - The ability to know, learn about, understand, and benefit from fauna and flora.
- Science - The ability to know, learn about, understand, and benefit from advanced technology.
- Soul (Soul score counts as inverse when contested against an opposite moral aligned creature (A good creature with 51 Soul would count as having a score of 49 when contesting against an evil creature))
- Deception - The ability to hide the truth, either verbally or through your actions.
- Intimidation - The ability to influence someone through overt threats, hostile actions, and physical violence.
- Performance - The ability to delight an audience with music, dance, acting, storytelling, or some other form of entertainment.
- Persuasion - The ability to attempt to influence someone or a group of people without intimidation or deception.
Each creature has 2 primary resources: hit points (also referred to as life or health) and energy points.
Hit Points
Hit points represent a combination of physical and mental durability, the will to live, and luck. Creatures with more hit points are more difficult to kill. Those with fewer hit points are more fragile.
A creature’s maximum hit points is equal to twice its Sturdiness. A creature's current hit points (usually just called hit points) can be any number from the creature's hit point maximum down to its negative hit point maximum (usually called hit point minimum). This number changes frequently as a creature takes damage or receives healing.
Whenever a creature takes damage, that damage is subtracted from its hit points. The loss of hit points has no effect on a creature's capabilities until the creature drops to 0 hit points, upon which it falls unconscious until it is restored to at least 1 hit point. If it is reduced to below its minimum hit points, it is killed instantly.
Energy Points
Energy points represent a creature’s biological energy, spiritual determination, and efficiency in applying this energy into techniques.
A creature’s maximum energy points is equal to its highest Feature. A creature may spend energy points until their current energy points (more often referred to as simply energy points) are equal to 0. A creature regains all their maximum energy points at the end of a long rest, a percentage of their maximum equal to their Sense at the end of a short rest, or a listed amount when targeted by a energy restoring effect.
Gaining Experience
There are various ways of gaining xp. Not all players need to use the same system.
- When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you gain an amount of xp equal to 1/10th their highest feature.
- When you reach a significant point in the story as dictated by the SK, you gain an amount of xp.
- For every 100 damage you take in combat, and again when you are reduced to 0 hit points, you gain 1 xp.
Spending Experiences
Typically, you may only spend experience as part of a long rest. An SK may choose to do away with this rule entirely or have exceptions, such as when gaining a transformation. The following are the various choices a player may spend their experience on. Certain listed options do not have listed requirements, and should be treated as an epic boon. Costs listed as Feature/Number allows a player to spend a number of points equal to the listed Feature per xp spent, and the technique or transformation is gained after it reaches the listed amount.
Name | Requirements and Cost | Description |
Physical Training | 1 XP | 1 Physical Feature of your choice increases by 1. |
Mental Training | 5 XP | 1 Mental Feature of your choice increases by 1. |
Skill Refinement | 1/5 Skill's Current Proficiency XP (minimum 1) | You gain 1 rank of proficiency in one skill or attack rolls. |
When targeted by an attack not listed as an attack that deals damage, the initiator contests with an Attack and the defender contests with Speed (Acrobatics). The defender takes a percentage of damage equal to the remaining result up to 100%. If they are already charging a similar technique, they may contest their own Attack, dealing their own damage to the initiator on their success. You may combine multiple variants of the same technique (i.e. Precise and Rush Energy Wave), applying its effects on a by-round basis.
Name | Requirements & Cost | Description |
Energy Sense | Sense/20 | You can sense the general direction of a creature for a number of feet equal to their highest Physical Feature to an amount equal to the distance (a creature 10 feet from a creature with 1000 Strength would sense a Strength of 990). |
Godly Energy Sense | Sense/20,000 | You can sense the general direction of a creature under the effects of godly energy for a number of feet equal to their highest Physical Feature to an amount equal to the distance (a creature 10 feet from a creature with 1000 Strength would sense a Strength of 990). |
Energy Shield (Defense) | Sense/50 | You spend a number of energy points to decrease the damage of an attack by an equal amount. |
Explosive Energy Shield (Defense) | Sense/100, 9 Energy | You make an unarmed strike against every creature within 5 ft. of you that deals energy damage. |
Expansive Energy Shield (Defense) | Sense/100, 12 Energy | The distance of another Energy Shield technique increases by 5 ft. You may use this multiple times on a single reaction. |
Energy Blast | Sense/100, 3 Energy | As an action, you can make an unarmed attack with a range equal to your Sight that deals energy damage. |
Rapid-Fire Energy Blast | Sense/100, 3 Energy per blast | As an action, you can make 2 unarmed attacks that deal half as much damage with a range equal to your Sight that deals energy damage. You may make 1 of these attacks as a bonus action on the same turn. You may charge this technique, doubling its range and making 4 additional attacks per charge. Charge distance 1/3 movement distance. |
Beam Energy Blast | Sense/100, 3 Energy | As an action, you can make an unarmed attack that deals half as much damage with a line range equal to your Sight that deals energy damage. |
Guided Energy Blast | Sense/100, 6 Energy | As an action, you can make an unarmed attack with a range equal to your Sight that deals energy damage with advantage. |
Exploding Energy Blast | Sense/250, 25 Energy per charge | For every turn you charge, the distance a targeted creature can be from you increases by half your Sight ft., and its energy damage increases by half your Strength. You may charge for a number of turns equal to your Sight or Sense. For every 5 ft. a creature is from the target, any creatures are targeted and take half as much damage on their failure (a creature 10 ft. away takes half as much damage as a creature 5 ft. away takes half as much damage as the original target). Charge distance 0. |
Kiai Energy Blast | Sense/150, 9 Energy | As an action, you can make an unarmed attack with a range equal to your Sight that deals energy damage. This technique has advantage against targets without blindsight or a Sight of 85. |
Eye Energy Blast | Sense/150, 9 Energy | As an action, you can make an unarmed attack with a range equal to your Sight that deals energy damage. This technique does not require a free hand. |
Energy Wave | Sense/500, 25 Energy per charge | For every turn you charge, the range targeted by this technique increases by 10 ft. x 2.5 ft., and its energy damage increases by half your Strength. You may charge for a number of turns equal to your Sight or Sense. Charge distance half movement speed. |
Rush Energy Wave | Sense/500, 30 Energy per charge | For every turn you charge, the range targeted by this technique increases by 2.5 ft. x 2.5 ft., and its energy damage increases by your Strength. You may charge for a number of turns equal to your Sight or Sense. Charge distance 2/3 movement speed. |
Precise Energy Wave | Sense/500, 30 Energy per charge | For every turn you charge, the range targeted by this technique increases by 15 ft., and its energy damage increases by 2/3 your Strength. You may charge for a number of turns equal to your Sight or Sense. Charge distance 0. |
Bending Energy Wave | Sense/750, 35 Energy per charge | For every turn you charge, the range targeted by this technique increases by 5 ft. x 2.5 ft., you may redirect the rest of this technique's range into any direction, and its energy damage increases by half your Strength. You may charge for a number of turns equal to your Sight or Sense. Charge distance half movement speed. |
Exploding Energy Wave | Sense/750, 35 Energy per charge | For every turn you charge, the range targeted by this technique increases by 10 ft. x 2.5 ft., the end of this technique's range becomes a 5 ft. radius area that gains an additional +5 ft. of radius per turn charged, and its energy damage increases by half your Strength. You may charge for a number of turns equal to your Sight or Sense. Charge distance half movement speed. |
Surrounding Energy Wave | Sense/750, 35 Energy per charge | For every turn you charge, the beginning of this technique's range becomes a 5 ft. radius area that gains an additional +5 ft. of radius per turn charged, and its energy damage increases by half your Strength. You may charge for a number of turns equal to your Sight or Sense. Charge distance half movement speed. |
Exhausting Energy Wave | Sense/750 | As part of charging a Energy Wave, you double its cost to negate needing to spend a charge turn. You may forego spending energy to instead spend twice as many hit points. |
Kiai Energy Wave | Sense/1000, 75 Energy per charge | For every turn you charge, the range targeted by this technique increases by 10 ft. x 2.5 ft., and its energy damage increases by half your Strength. This technique has advantage against targets without blindsight or a Sight of 85. You may charge for a number of turns equal to your Sight or Sense. Charge distance half movement speed. |
Mouth Energy Wave | Sense/1000, 75 Energy per charge | For every turn you charge, the range targeted by this technique increases by 10 ft. x 2.5 ft., and its energy damage increases by half your Strength. This technique does not require a free hand. You may charge for a number of turn equal to your Sight or Sense. Charge distance half movement speed. |
Energy Control | Sense/35 | As a bonus action, you can lower any or all of your Physical Features by a percentage equal to your Sight, or raise them by 10% up to their original score. |
Flight | Sense/200, 1 Energy | You gain a flying distance equal to your movement distance for 1 minute. |
Afterimage | Sense/150, 10 Energy | As a bonus action in place of your movement, you create an identical image of yourself within 15 ft. of you that lasts until the beginning of the next round, and move 15 ft. A creature must succeed a Sight (Perception) contest against your Sight (Ki) roll to discover that the image |
Clothes Beam | Sense/150, 15 Energy | As an action, you wreath one creature within 10 feet in clothing of your choice that is materialized out of thin air. |
Solar Flair | Sense/150, 15 Energy | As an action, you contest your Attack with every creature that can see you's Speed (Acrobatics) or Sight (Perception). On a failure, they are blinded until the beginning of the next round. |
Energy Bomb | Sense/1000, 25 Energy per charge | For every turn you charge a Energy Bomb, a 5 ft. radius sphere's radius up to 100 ft. directly above you increases by 5 ft. You may charge a number of times equal to your Soul. As an action, you may throw it forward. At the beginning of each of your turns, it moves 30 ft. You may choose to detonate it as an action, damaging every creature within the bomb for your Strength x your Sense x rounds charged. Charging distance 0. |
Spirit Bomb | Soul/1000 | For every turn you charge a Spirit Bomb, a 5 ft. radius sphere's radius up to 100 ft. directly above you increases by 5 ft. You may charge a number of times equal to your Soul. As an action, you may throw it forward. At the beginning of each of your turns, it moves 30 ft. You may choose to detonate it as an action, damaging every creature within the bomb for your Sturdiness x your Soul x rounds charged / their Soul force damage. Charging distance 0. |
Tri-Beam | Soul/1000, 250 Energy | As an action, you make an attack against every creature in a Sight x 5 ft. cone. On a hit, they take 10 x your Strength force damage. You may replace any amount of Energy with twice as many hit points. |
Destructo-Disk | Soul/1000, 150 Energy | As an action, you create a disk of energy that occupies a 5 ft. x 5 ft. area. It moves 15 ft. in a straight line at the beginning of each of your turns a number of time up to your Sight. If it occupies the same space as another creature, they take your Strength x your Sense slashing damage. |
Guided Destructo-Disk | Soul/1000, 200 Energy, Destructo-Disk, Guided Energy Blast | As an action, you create a disk of energy that occupies a 5 ft. x 5 ft. area. It moves 15 ft. in a direction of your choice at the beginning of each of your turns a number of time up to your Sight. If it occupies the same space as another creature, they take your Strength x your Sense slashing damage. |
Instant Transmission | Soul/500, 10 Energy | As an action, your instantly teleport to a creature you can sense. |
Kai Kai | Sense/500, Instant Transmission, 15 Energy | As an action, you teleport to a location or creature you can visualize. |
Telepathy | Sense/500 | You can communicate telepathically with creatures within a number of feet equal to your Sturdiness. |
Magic Materialization | Sense/500 | You can create a number of pounds of material equal to the amount of energy spent. Edible material costs x50 as much ki, and equipment costs x20 as much ki. |
Imprisonment | Sense/11,000, 6,000 Energy | As an action, one creature within your Sight feet must succeed a Dexterity (Acrobatics) contest or become subject to one of the following which must be gained individually. They are sealed inside a close-able object and are Paralyzed until the object is opened. They are sealed inside an alternate dimension. If the caster has Barrier of Light, they are sealed inside a 120 ft. radius sphere of impenetrable time-based material that can only be traversed by openings created by the caster (only one of this "Time Labyrinth" can exist at once). The creature's physical features are reduced to 10, increasing by 1 up to their previous maximum on the same day once per year. |
Dimensional Rift | Sense/9,000, 1,000 Energy | You open a 5 ft. rift in space-time that leads to and from a location of your choice in the same dimension for 3 rounds. You may double this cost to open the rift to a different dimension, and double it again to open the rift to a different timeline. |
Unlock Potential | Soul/3000 | As a 24 x percentage of potential unlocked hours ritual, you unlock a creature's potential up to an amount equal to your own potential, granting them the Potential Unleashed transformation. This can not be used on yourself. Potential is equal to twice a creature's Mental Features combined. |
Dragon Creation | Sense/5000 | You transform 7 stone balls into crystal, fusing the power of a dragon into them. In abstract terms determined by the SK, this dragon can grant a number of wishes with a power relative to your Physical Features + (your Mental Features x 100) when all balls are brought together. Depending on the strength of said dragon balls, they move to random, far of locations after use ranging from the same continent for single, low-power wish balls to beyond the multiverse's edge for the super dragon balls, the most powerful set known. |
Dark Magic | Sense/8000, Evil Energy | You imbue a creature with Evil Ki. They enter the Supervillain Transformation with a multiplier equal to the amount of energy spent/200. |
Hakai | Sense/16,000, Sense/8000 with Godly Ki, Sense/4000 with God of Destruction, 10,000 Energy | As an action, you contest Speed (Acrobatics) rolls with a creature you can touch. If you succeed, they are killed instantly and reduced to nothing. |
Sorcery Manipulation | You and one creature you can see must contest Sight (Arcana) rolls. If you succeed, they become Charmed by you and their Physical Features are multiplied by x4. They may choose to initiate this contest at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on their success. When this technique ends, they may initiate a Soul skill contest, with both parties choosing the skill. On their success, they keep their x4 multiplier. | |
Technique Modifiers | The following can be applied to any damaging technique after charging for 1 round. Any contests with ongoing effects allows the creature to retry the contest at the end of their last turn each round. | |
Acidic Attack | Sense/4000, 175 Energy | The technique deals acid damage and the target must succeed another contest or become burning. |
Concussive Attack | Sense/4000, 175 Energy | The technique deals bludgeoning damage and the target must succeed 2 additional contests, becoming Unconscious for 3 rounds if they fail both. |
Freezing Attack | Sense/4000, 175 Energy | The technique deals cold damage and the target must succeed another contest or become Frozen. |
Burning Attack | Sense/4000, 175 Energy | The technique deals fire damage and the target must succeed another contest or become Burning. |
Immense Attack | Sense/4000, 175 Energy | The technique deals force damage and the defender's remaining percentage counts as twice as much up to 100%. |
Shocking Attack | Sense/4000, 175 Energy | The technique deals lightning damage and the target must succeed another contest or become Paralyzed for 3 rounds. |
Rotting Attack | Sense/4000, 175 Energy | The technique deals necrotic damage and the target must succeed another contest or become Bleeding. |
Piercing Attack | Sense/4000, 175 Energy | The technique deals piercing damage and the target must succeed another contest or become Bleeding for twice as many hit points as they usually would. |
Venomous Attack | Sense/4000, 175 Energy | The technique deals poison damage and the target must succeed another contest or become Poisoned for 1 hour. |
Psychic Attack | Sense/4000, 175 Energy | The technique deals psychic damage and the target must succeed another contest or become Confused for 1 minute. |
Godly Attack | Sense/4000, 175 Energy | The technique deals radiant damage and the target must succeed another contest or become Stunned for 5 rounds. |
Slashing Attack | Sense/4000, 175 Energy | The technique deals slashing damage and the target must succeed another contest or become Bleeding. Healing that would reduce their Bleeding condition counts for half as much. |
Blaring Attack | Sense/4000, 175 Energy | The technique deals thunder damage and the target must succeed 2 additional contests or become Blind and/or Deaf for 1 minute depending on which contests they fail. |
Dirty Fireworks | Sense/4000, 175 Energy | The technique deals internal damage and the technique deals twice as much damage. |
Unless listed otherwise, a creature must enter a transformation as an action, and it ends if they become unconscious, they choose to end it as an action, or they fail to meet the cost at the end of each of their turns. Certain transformations, as listed under X Transformations, are restricted to a single race. Multipliers do not effect your current energy or energy point maximum.
Name | Requirements & Cost | Description |
Universal Transformations | ||
Kaio-Ken | Soul/750 | As a bonus action, you multiply your Physical Features by a number chosen by you up to your Sense. You take an amount of internal damage equal to 10,000 x chosen multiplier / Soul at the beginning of each turn and when you enter this form. |
Max Power | Sense/3000 | After spending 1 charging round, your Physical Features are multiplied by x10, and your size increases by +5x+5. You must spend 200 energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Spirit Bomb State | You absorb a Spirit Bomb upon coming in contact with it with the consent of the creature who created it. Your Physical Features are multiplied by the number of rounds spent charging up to your Soul, decreasing by 1 for every round you spend in this transformation. | |
No Ego Zone | Sense/3000 | Your Physical Features are multiplied by x10, and you can not be detected by Scouters or Energy Sense. You must spend 200 energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Super Maximum Light Speed Mode | Sense/3000 | After spending 1 charging round, your Speed is multiplied by x1500. You must spend 4,000 energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Ultra Instinct -SIGN- | Inverse Sense/10,000, Godly Energy | Your Physical Features are multiplied by x160,000,000 and you can not speak. At the end of each turn, you must make an inverse Sense contest against a base 85 roll. On a failure, this form ends and you can not use it again until you complete a short or long rest. |
Mastered Ultra Instinct -SIGN- | Inverse Sense/5,000, Ultra Instinct -SIGN- | Your Physical Features are multiplied by x160,000,000 and you lose 100,000 energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Autonomous Ultra Instinct | Inverse Sense/20,000, Ultra Instinct -SIGN- | Your Physical Features are multiplied by x3,200,000,000 and you can not speak. At the end of each turn, you must make an inverse Sense contest against a base 100 roll. On a failure, this form ends and you can not use it again until you complete a short or long rest. |
Mastered Autonomous Ultra Instinct | Inverse Sense/5,000, Autonomous Ultra Instinct | Your Physical Features are multiplied by x1,200,000 and you must spend 500,000 energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
God of Destruction | Soul/2500, Godly Energy | While in Godly Energy after spending 1 charging round, your Physical Features are multiplied by x200 (x1200 total). You must spend 6,000 energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Version 0 Tailed Beast Cloak | Soul/50, Sealed Bijuu | Your Physical Features are increased by +30. You may benefit from as many instances of this transformation as tails your Bijuu have. You lose -10 hit points per instance when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Version 1 Tailed Beast Cloak | Soul/100, Version 0 | The Physical Features increase of any number of instances of Version 0 are increased by +30. You lose an additional -15 hit points per instance when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Version 2 Tailed Beast Cloak | Soul/100, Version 1 | The Physical Features increase of any number of instances of Version 1 are increased by +60. You lose an additional -25 hit points per instance when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Version 3 Tailed Beast Cloak | Soul/200 or beat your Bijuu in single combat, Version 2 | The Physical Features increase of any number of instances of Version 2 are increased by +120. You lose an additional -35 hit points per instance when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. After gaining this feature, you may replace any hit point loss from any Tailed Beast Cloak with energy loss. |
Baryon Tailed Beast Cloak | Soul/300, Version 3 | The Physical Features increase of any number of instances of Version 3 are increased by +240. You lose an additional -85 hit points per instance when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. You must spend his points on this feature. |
Cursed Mark First Stage | Inverse Soul/200 | Your Physical Features are multiplied by x5. You lose 5 hit points or energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Cursed Mark Second Stage | Inverse Soul/200, First Stage | Your Physical Features are multiplied by x2. You lose 5 additional hit points or energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Earthling Transformations | ||
Animal-like Transformation | Soul/500 | Your Physical Features are multiplied by x25 and you become Berserk for 1 minute. |
Saiyan Transformations | While in any saiyan transformation except Oozaru, you shed bright light for 30 feet and dim light for another 30 feet | |
Oozaru | When you see the full moon or a similar entity, your size becomes 20x20, you become Berserk if your Soul or Sense is 60 or lower, your Mental Features are halved, and your Physical Features are multiplied by x10. | |
Wrath State | Oozaru | You become Berserk if your Soul or Sense is 60 or lower, your Mental Features are halved, you lose 750 hit or energy points at the beginning of each turn and when you enter this form, and your Physical Features are multiplied by x10. |
Pseudo Super Saiyan | At an SK’s behest while you are on the verge of defeat, your Physical Features are multiplied by x25 and you Soul is halved. | |
Super Saiyan Power! | Soul/500, has Super Saiyan | Your Physical Features are multiplied by x25. You must spend 500 energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Super Saiyan | Soul/1000, 3,000,000 max energy | Your Physical Features are multiplied by x50, your Soul is halved. You must spend 1,000 energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Super Saiyan 2 | Soul/1500, has Super Saiyan | While in Super Saiyan, your Physical Features are multiplied by x2 (x100 total), and your Soul is halved. You must spend twice as many energy points (4,000/2,000 with Grade 4) when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Super Saiyan 3 | Soul/2500, has Super Saiyan 2 | While in Super Saiyan 2 after spending 1 charging round, your Physical Features are multiplied by x4 (x400 total), and your Soul is halved. You must spend 10 times as many energy points (40,000/20,000 with Grade 4 SS1/10,000 with Grade 4 SS1 & 2) when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Golden Oozaru | Super Saiyan 3 | When you see the full moon or a similar entity, your size becomes 20x20, you become Berserk if your Soul or Sense is 85 or lower, your Mental Features are halved, and your Physical Features are multiplied by x4,000. |
Super Saiyan 4 | Soul/2500, has used Golden Oozaru | While in Super Saiyan 3, your Physical Features are multiplied by x25 (x10,000 total), and your Soul is halved. You must spend 5 times fewer energy points (8,000/4,000 with Grade 4 SS1/2,000 with Grade 4 SS1 & 2) when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Full Power Super Saiyan 4 | Soul/2500, Super Saiyan 4 | While in Super Saiyan 4, your Physical Features are multiplied by x2 (x20,000 total), and your Soul is halved. You must spend twice as many energy points (16,000/8,000 with Grade 4 SS1/4,000 with Grade 4 SS1 & 2) when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Limit Breaker Super Saiyan 4 | Soul/2500, Full Power Super Saiyan 4 | While in Full Power Super Saiyan 4, your Physical Features are multiplied by x8 (x160,000 total). You must spend twice as many energy points (16,000/8,000 with Grade 4 SS1/4,000 with Grade 4 SS1 & 2) when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Super Saiyan God | Soul/2500, Godly Energy | While in Godly Ki, your Physical Features are multiplied by x10,000 (x160,000 total). You must spend 6,000 energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Super Saiyan Blue | Soul/2500, Godly Energy | While in Godly Energy after spending 1 charging round, your Physical Features are multiplied by x50 (x8,000,000 total). You must spend twice as many energy points (12,000/6,000 with Grade 4 SSG) when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Super Saiyan Blue Evolved | Soul/2500, Super Saiyan Blue | While in Super Saiyan Blue after spending 1 charging round, your Physical Features are multiplied by x20 (x160,000,000 total). You must spend twice as many energy points (24,000/12,000 with Grade 4 SSB/6,000 with Grade 4 SSB & G) when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Super Saiyan Berserk | While in a Super Saiyan transformation, a large amount of evil energy from another saiyan causes you to become Berserk, your Physical Features are multiplied by x3.5, and you do not spend energy to maintain your transformation. | |
Legendary Super Saiyan | While in a Super Saiyan transformation, you become Berserk, your Physical Features are multiplied by x10, you do not spend energy to maintain your transformation, and you gain 500 energy at the end of each of your turns. After regaining energy points in this way, you must attempt a Sense contest against a base 75 roll. On a failure, you are Berserk until your next opportunity to make this roll. On a success, you must spend 1.5x as much energy as the initial Super Saiyan transformation costs or this form ends. | |
Full Power Legendary Super Saiyan | Legendary Super Saiyan | While in a Super Saiyan transformation, you become Berserk, you do not spend energy to maintain your transformation, and you gain 500 energy and your Physical Features are multiplied by x10 at the end of each of your turns until your highest feature has the same number of digits as the strongest creature you can sense. After regaining energy points in this way, you may attempt a Sense contest against a base 75 roll. On a success, this form ends.
Only 1 saiyan per universe can have this transformation every 1000 years, clones and cell cultivation not withstanding. |
Namekian Transformations | ||
Great Namekian | Sense/1000 | Your size becomes 20x20. You must spend 100 energy at the end of each turn you spend in this form. |
Gigantification | Sense/1000 | Your size increases by +5x+5, and your Physical Features are multiplied by x1.2. You must spend 50 energy at the end of each turn you spend in this form. |
Red-Eyed Namekian | Soul/1000 | Your Physical Features are multiplied by x50. You must spend 1,000 energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Blue-Eyed Namekian | Soul/1000, Godly Energy | While in Godly Energy after spending 1 charging round, your Physical Features are multiplied by x10,000 (x160,000 total). You must spend 12,000 energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Namekian Fission | Sense/500, Sense/500, Soul/500 | You divide your Physical Features evenly between 2 creatures, becoming one of them. If one creature dies without passing their soul onto one of their Evil Spawn if they are part of the Demon Clan, both creatures die. They can communicate telepathically over any distance, and share your techniques and proficiencies. |
Alien Transformations | ||
Gigantification | Sense/1000 | Your size increases by +5x+5, and your Physical Features are multiplied by x1.2. You must spend 50 energy at the end of each turn you spend in this form. |
Kai Transformations | ||
Barrier of Light | Soul/1000 | While in Godly Energy after spending 1 charging round, your Physical Features are multiplied by x10,000 (x160,000 total). You must spend 12,000 energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Frost Demon Transformations | ||
Muscular Form | Sense/200 | Your Physical Features are multiplied by x2. You must spend 400 energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Assault Form | Sense/300, Muscular Form | While in Muscular Form, your Physical Features are multiplied by x6 (x12 total), and your size becomes 10x10. You must spend 600 total energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
True Form | Sense/1500, Assault Form | While in Assault Form, your Physical Features are multiplied by x10 (x120 total), and your size returns to 5x5. You must spend 800 total energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
100% True Form | Sense/2000, True Form | While in True Form, your Physical Features are multiplied by x2 (x240 total). You must spend 1,000 total energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Armored Form | Sense/2500, 100% True Form | While in 100% True Form, your Physical Features are multiplied by x2 (x480 total), and your size becomes 10x10. You must spend 2,500 total energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Ultimate Form | Sense/2500, 100% True Form or Armored Form | While in 100% True Form or Armored Form, after spending 1 charging round, your Physical Features are multiplied by x500,000 (x120,000,000 total w/100%, x240,000,000 total w/Armored). You must spend 12,000 additional energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. |
Super Saiyan Rage | Your Physical Features are multiplied by x1,000,000. You must spend 8,000 energy points when you enter this form and at the end of each of your turns to maintain this. | |
Transformation Bonuses | The following can be applied to any 1 transformation chosen when you gain the bonus. You may learn a bonus more than once, and treat each instance of said bonus as a unique transformation. Stacked bonus multipliers effect previously applied bonus multipliers. | |
Enhanced Transformation | Sense/1000 | While in the transformation, your positively effected Physical Features are multiplied by x1.2, and you must spend x1.2 as much resources per turn. |
Select Transformation | Sense/1000 | While in the transformation, your positively effected Physical Features are multiplied by x1.4, but one Physical Feature does not benefit from this and is multiplied by x0.6. |
Refined Transformation | Sense/1000 | While in the transformation, its resource cost per multiplied by x0.8, and any penalties to your Mental Features are reduced by 5. |
Boon Transformations | ||
Godly Energy | After substantial training with a deity, being a deity, or undergoing an obscure ritual, you gain the power of a god. Your energy can not be detected by Energy Sense or Scouters, and your Physical Features are multiplied by x16. | |
Fruit of the Tree of Might | Your Physical Features are permanently multiplied by x15. | |
Universe Seed Absorption | Your Physical Features are multiplied by x1,000,000. | |
Supervillain | Your Physical Features are multiplied by a number described in Dark Magic, your Mental Features are halved. | |
Potential Unleashed | Your Physical Features are multiplied by a number equal to the amount of potential unlocked by Unlock Potential. This can not be used in combination of other transformations. | |
Rage Mode | Your Physical Features are multiplied by x10 until the source of your rage is defeated. | |
Evil Energy | Your body is imbued with evil ki. Your Physical Features are multiplied by x6, and you can use any features that require Evil Ki. | |
Machine Planet Control | Your body combines with a planet made entirely out of machinery. Your size increases by +10x+10, your Physical Features are multiplied by x15, you can control every aspect of the planet, and you may divide yourself in the same manner as namekian fission (divided clones do not have this feature's size increase). | |
Fusions | Unless otherwise stated, adding a creature's Feature's to your own through absorption is restricted to their base form Features. | |
Namekian Fusion | Namekian | You and another willing Namekian fuse. You gain any Features that were higher than yours, you gain their techniques, transformations, and proficiencies that aren't higher than your own, and your Physical Features are doubled. Doing this more than once triples your original Features, rather than doubling them again, so on and so forth. |
Android Fusion | Infinite Energy or Energy Absorption Android | You and another dead android fuse. You gain any Features that were higher than yours, you gain their techniques, transformations, racial bonuses, and proficiencies that aren't higher than your own, and your Physical Features are doubled. Doing this more than once triples your original Features, rather than doubling them again, so on and so forth. |
Bio Android Absorption | Bio Android | You contest your Strength (Grappling) with a creature you are grappling's Attack contest as an action. After you have consecutively succeeded 3 of these contests, you gain any Mental Features that were higher than yours, add 1/100th (100% if they are an android) of their Physical Features to your own, you gain their techniques, transformations, racial bonuses, and proficiencies that aren't higher than your own. If an effect would cause you to throw up, such as a concussion, you lose the most recent creature you have absorbed, which is still alive. |
Machine Mutant Fusion | Machine Mutant or Neo Machine Mutant Android | You and another willing android fuse. You gain any Features that were higher than yours, you gain their techniques, transformations, racial bonuses, and proficiencies that aren't higher than your own, and your Physical Features are doubled. Doing this more than once triples your original Features, rather than doubling them again, so on and so forth. |
Neo Machine Mutant Possession | Neo Machine Mutant | You contest your Sturdiness (Bodily Mastery) with a creature you are grappling's Sturdiness (Constitution) as an action. After you have consecutively succeeded 3 of these contests, you gain any Features that were higher than yours, you gain their techniques, transformations, racial bonuses, and proficiencies that aren't higher than your own, and if you end this transformation they are Charmed by you. |
Majin Absorption | Majin | You contest your Strength (Grappling) with a creature you are grappling's Attack contest as an action. After you have consecutively succeeded 3 of these contests, you add their Features to your own (even if they were a result of a transformation), you gain their techniques, racial bonuses, and proficiencies that aren't higher than your own. You may have multiple creatures absorbed at once, but you may only benefit from one creature of your choice. |
Metamoran Fusion | You and up to 4 other creatures must succeed a Soul (Performance) contest against 75. Regardless of the outcome, all creatures become a single creature. On a success, a creature adds their Features to a single creature's, or subtract their Features from the creature's on a failure. This fusion has a minimum Feature of 12, an regardless of the outcome its Features are multiplied by 80. | |
Potara Fusion | Using a pair of earrings created by the kais, you and one other creature add your Features to your fusion and multiply the result by x400. |