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5e Alternate Hag Coven Spells(Party Time)
- 1st Level(4 slots) Disguise self, Tasha's Hideous Laughter
- 2nd Level(3 slots) Detect Thoughts, Enthrall
- 3rd Level(3 slots) Hypnotic Pattern, Major Image, Tongues
- 4th Level(3 slots) Compulsion, Confusion
- 5th Level(2 slots) Dominate Person, Legend Lore
- 6th Level(1 slots) Otto's Irresistible Dance
5e Tools
Printing Press 4000 GP, 500lb(?) It includes a Owner's Manual(in Gnomish), 3 Sets of Letters(Common, Dwarvish, and Elvish), and a set of masterwork Tinker's Tools
5e Magical Items
Alchemical Donut Potion, Common; It increases the user's weight by 50 lb and decrease his Constitution and Charisma by 2 eacg.
Air Spores Potion, Rare; It allows you to exist without BREATHABLE air for 2D4 Days.
Bone Mace Weapon, Rare; It grants advantage on Turn Undead Checks
Fart Gun Weapon, Uncommon; It stuns by noxious gas.
Field Provisions Box Wondrous Item,rare; Once a day, it produces up to 45 lbs of food.
Flaming Anvil Wondrous Item,very rare; It allows creation of Metallic Common and Uncommon Magic Items w/o the need to be a spellcaster.
Gauntlets of the Sacred Stone Wondrous item, Uncommon; It grants Proficiency with Mason's Tools and Smith's Tools.
Hand of the Mage Wondrous Item, Uncommon; It allows you to cast Mage Hand at will.
Heart of Heroes Wondrous Item, Legendary(?); The user gets immunity to fear effects and gains advantages on saves to resist insanity effects.
Groovitron Wondrous Item, rarae It casts Otto's Irresistible Dance on everyone (except the user) within 30ft.
Key Mace Weapon, Rare(?); It allows use of Knock 3/day.
Kourshah(wine) Potion, Common; It restores 2d4+2 HP.
Onyx Medallion Wondrous item, Uncommon; It allows Animal Friendship to be cast at will.
Pocketful of Miracles Wondrous Item, Legendary (requires attunement by Cleric) Anything within reason (subject to DM's approval)
Potion of Addiction Potion, Rare; It causes an indefinite madness that makes the drinker crave a specific food or drug.
Quicksilver Mirror Wondrous Item, Very Rare; It can either do 2d6 Psychic Damage or Dispel Psionics.
Ring of Corruption Ring, Rare(?) It grants Resistance to Acid, Cold, Necrotic, or Poison Damage. Curse It turns alignment of the wearer to Chaotic Evil.
Ring of the Musketeer Ring, Very rare; Any firearm or rapier used by the wearer is treated as a magic weapon.
Shambler's Watering Can Wondrous Item, Very rare (requires Attunement by a Druid or Warlock of the Archfey); Once a week, it allows the creation of a Shambling Mound.
Skeleton Key of Unlocking Wondrous Item, Very Rare; It allows use of Knock at will.
Time Throttle Wondrous Item, Rare; It allows use of Haste Spell. It can't be used again until you finish a long rest.
Warhammer of Opening Weapon, Rare; It allows use of Knock spell 3/day.
Skeletal Dinosaur template
Change type to Undead and alignment to Lawful Evil. Grant immunity to poison and exhaustion. Gains vulnerability to bludgeoning damage.