< User:Quincy

User:Quincy/Quincy's Workshop

Quincy's Workshop

This is where I shall conduct my own research and experiments. Quincy (talk) 17:32, 1 November 2018 (MDT)

Age Chart (D100)

  • 1-10: Young (7 + 1d8 years of age)
  • 11-50: Adult (15 + 1d10 years of age)
  • 51-80: Mature Adult (25 + 1d10 years of age)
  • 81-90: Middle Age (34 + 1d16 years of age)
  • 91-100: Old Age (50 + 1d50 years of age)

Mega-Damage Chart

Normal Scale: Infantry forces; most personal weapons
Mega-Scale: Tank; Most heavy weapons
Heavy Mega-Scale: Warship; Very heavy weapons
Super-Heavy Mega-Scale: ?; Exotic heavy weapons

Armor TypeVs. Normal
Vs. Mega-Scale
Vs. Heavy
Vs. Super-Heavy
NormalX1 DamageX5 DamageX10 DamageX20 Damage
MSX1/2 DamageX1 DamageX5 DamageX10 Damage
HMSX1/5 DamageX1/2 DamageX1 DamageX5 Damage
SHMSX1/10 DamageX1/5 DamageX1/2 DamageX1 Damage


0.5 ½¢Half-Cent
$1Dollar (Silver)
$2.50Quarter Eagle
$10Eagle (Gold - 26 weigh 1 lb.)
$20Double Eagle
$50Half Union
$100Union (Platinum)
$200Double Union
$500Half Continental
$1,000Continental (Mithril)

Miscellaneous Damage Severity By Level


Speed Chart

1−25 ft.
2–3−20 ft.
4–5−15 ft.
6–7−10 ft.
8–9−5 ft.
12–13+5 ft.
14–15+10 ft.
16–17+15 ft.
18–19+20 ft.
20–21+25 ft.
22–23+30 ft.
24–25+35 ft.
26–27+40 ft.
28–29+45 ft.
30+50 ft.

Variant Speed Rules. 1 point of Speed = 1 yard/turn. Normals have SPD 10 = 10 yards/30 ft. per round. This is nicer because with this system SPD 20 = exactly twice as fast as SPD 10. Assume points of SPD and running speed (in MPH) is a 1:1 conversion, this makes math easier too. Speed is not soft-capped at 20, nor is it hard-capped at 30 - SPD can be raised without an upper limit.

Ship Classifications

TinyFighterYour typical fighter craft
TinyBomberPretty much a heavier fighter
SmallCorvetteSmall, cheap, and wimpy
MediumFrigateFragile but can punch far above its weight
LargeCruiserGood all-arounder
LargeLight CarrierCarries small craft
HugeDestroyerFast for its size and TOUGH
HugeCarrierLightly armed and armored, carries lots of smaller ships
Explodes if you so much as sneeze at it.
GargantuanSuperdestroyerPretty much what it says
ColossalBattleshipI bet ur mum is dead


  1. Fanatical Good
  2. Orderly Good
  3. Neutral Good
  4. Moderately Good
  5. Discordant Good
  6. Fanatical Orderly
  7. Orderly Neutral
  8. Fanatical Neutral
  9. Discordant Neutral
  10. Neutral
  11. Fanatical Neutral
  12. Moderately Neutral
  13. Fanatical Discordant
  14. Fanatical Evil
  15. Orderly Evil
  16. Neutral Evil
  17. Discordant Evil
  18. Moderately Evil
  19. Amoral/"No Alignment"
  20. Insane


(Racename) stand ____ feet tall and average about ____ in weight. Your size is Large. (Racename) can wield Large-sized weapons (DMG p. 278). Your unarmed strikes are Large-sized weapons as well; as such the damage of your unarmed strikes is doubled. Your reach is 10 feet. Your carrying capacity is your Strength score multiplied by 150. It is harder for you to find cover; where a Medium creature would find total cover, you might only receive three-quarters cover; where a Medium creature finds three-quarters cover, you might only receive half cover; and where a Medium creature finds half cover, you find none (DM's adjucation).

Armor Piercing

Attacks with weapons or ammunition with the armor piercing trait are quite effective against armor, by either burning straight through it or passing through unsealed areas. Targets with natural armor or worn armor take a penalty to AC against armor piercing attacks determined by referencing their AC against the following table:

ACAC Penalty

Armor Piercing Variant

Attacks with weapons or ammunition with the armor piercing trait are quite effective against armor, by either burning straight through it or passing through unsealed areas. Targets with natural armor or worn armor take a penalty to DR against armor piercing attacks determined by referencing their DR against the following table:

DRDR Penalty

Body Build Chart

D10 Die RollBody TypeModifications
1Extremely Skinny-33% Weight; -2 STR; -2 CON; +2 DEX; +4 SPD
2Skinny-16% Weight; -1 STR, -1 CON, +1 DEX; +2 SPD
3-6AverageNo modifications
7Muscular+10% Weight; +1 STR, +1 CON
8Very Muscular+20% Weight; +2 STR, +2 CON
9Overweight+50% Weight; -3 SPD; -1 DEX
10Obese (Very Fat)+100% Weight; -6 SPD; -2 DEX; +1 DR (Natural Armor)
Die RollFrame
1Xtra-Small (Male: 4'10/Female: 4'4)
2-3Small (Male: 5'4/Female: 4'10)
4-9Average (Male: 5'10/Female: 5'4)
10-11Large (Male: 6'4/Female:5'10)
12Xtra-Large (Male: 6'10/Female: 6'4)


  • Outlaw
  • Common/Serf
  • Middle Class
  • Religious Class
  • Warrior Class
  • Nobility


LevelCohort Level

Leadership:Mustering Abilities

LevelTroop Strength

Overland Random Encounters

Roll every hour of travel "off the beaten path", every two hours of travel on secondary roads/trails, and every four hours of travel on main roads. Base odds are 1/8 during the day, 2/8 during the night, except in woodlands, marshes, or jungle, in which case the odds are 2/8 during the day and 4/8 during the night. Also double for "wild-natured", giant, or exceptionally hazardous terrain. If woodlands, marsh, or jungle is also wild, giant, or exceptionally hazardous, odds are 3/8 during the day and 6/8 during the night.

The reasoning for the reduced rate of encounters on roads comes from a combination of lacking cover for ambushes and the fact that better-traveled areas have authorities keeping the peace; hence monsters/banditry etc. are reluctant to attack.

Appearance (APP) Chart

Score Modifier Description
1-5Monstrous looks. The character is so indescribably and bizarrely ugly that she looks more like a supernatural monster than a member of his or her race.
2–3−4Hideous, probably horrifically maimed or deformed. Most people will flinch or even scream and run away at the sight.
4–5−3Very ugly. Looks disgusting and inspires revulsion.
6–7−2Pretty ugly but still tolerable by most standards.
8–9−1Low average looks. Rough around the edges but not too bad.
10–11+0Average looks.
12–13+1Fair to better than average looks. OK but nothing special.
14–15+2Definitely nice looking.
16–17+3Exceptionally good looking. Easily stands out in a crowd.
18–19+4Very handsome or beautiful.
20–21+5Stunningly good looking. Inspires jealousy all around.
22–23+6Dreamlike, one-in-a-million beauty.
24–25+7Ideal, perfect specimen of his or her race.
26–27+8Supernaturally beautiful.
28–29+9A god or goddess.
30+10The most beautiful thing in the universe.


  • -1000: Vile (At this level: Permanent +2 bonus to Charisma and Charisma maximum)
  • -500: Monstrous (At this level: Frightful presence)
  • -200: Wicked (At this level: Permanent +2 bonus to Charisma and Charisma maximum)
  • -100: Notorious (At this level: Leadership bonus)
  • -50: Scandalous (At this level: Leadership bonus)
  • -20: Despicable
  • -10: Deplorable
  • -5: Disgraceful
  • -1: Dubious
  • 0: Who?
  • +1: Decent
  • +5: Respectable
  • +10: Admirable
  • +20: Honorable
  • +50: Prominent (At this level: Leadership bonus)
  • +100: Prestigious (At this level: Leadership bonus)
  • +200: Heroic (At this level: Permanent +2 bonus to Charisma and Charisma maximum)
  • +500: Magnificent (At this level: Awesome Presence)
  • +1,000: Legendary (At this level: Permanent +2 bonus to Charisma and Charisma maximum)

Advantages/Disadvantages System

  • Attribute Bonus (+2): +2 STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, or CHA [10 pts]
  • Attribute Bonus (+4): +2 STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, or CHA [20 pts]
  • Attribute Bonus (+6): +2 STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, or CHA [30 pts]
  • Attribute Bonus (+8): +2 STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, or CHA [40 pts]
  • Attribute Bonus (+10): +2 STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, or CHA [50 pts]
  • Aura of Power (+1): +1 mana/level
  • Aura of Power (+2): +2 mana/level
  • Aura of Power (+3): +3 mana/level
  • Aura of Power (+4): +4 mana/level
  • Flare (10 yd radius stun effect; DC = 8 + prof + con bonus; 1/long rest at 1st level, 2/long rest at 5th, 3/long rest at 11th, 4/long rest at 17th)
  • Fleet of Foot (+5): +5 SPD
  • Fleet of Foot (+10): +10 SPD
  • Inner Strength (+1): +1 HP/level
  • Inner Strength (+2): +2 HP/level
  • Inner Strength (+3): +3 HP/level
  • Inner Strength (+4): +4 HP/level
  • Lifelong Goal: +1 to +4 to all tasks relating to completion of lifelong goal [10 pts]
  • Natural Armor (DEF 11 + Dex; DR 1)
  • Natural Armor (DEF 12 + Dex; DR 2)
  • Natural Armor (DEF 13 + Dex; DR 3)
  • Natural Armor (DEF 14 + Dex; DR 4)
  • Natural Armor (DEF 15 + Dex; DR 5)
  • Natural Melee Attack (I): 1d4 damage [10 pts]
  • Natural Melee Attack (II): 1d6 damage [15 pts]
  • Natural Melee Attack (III): 1d8 damage [20 pts]
  • Natural Melee Attack (IV): 1d10 damage [25 pts]
  • Natural Melee Attack (V): 2d6 damage [30 pts]
  • Natural Melee Attack (VI): 2d8 damage [35 pts]
  • Natural Melee Attack (VII): 2d10 damage [40 pts]
  • Natural Ranged Attack (I): 1d4 damage, Range 100/300 [20 pts]
  • Natural Ranged Attack (II): 1d6 damage, Range 100/300 [25 pts]
  • Natural Ranged Attack (III): 1d8 damage, Range 100/300 [30 pts]
  • Natural Ranged Attack (IV): 1d10 damage, Range 100/300 [35 pts]
  • Natural Ranged Attack (V): 2d6 damage, Range 100/300 [40 pts]
  • Natural Ranged Attack (VI): 2d8 damage, Range 100/300 [45 pts]
  • Natural Ranged Attack (VII): 2d10 damage, Range 100/300 [50 pts]
  • Weapon Master (+1): +1 to attack and damage rolls [10 pts]
  • Weapon Master (+2): +2 to attack and damage rolls [20 pts]
  • Weapon Master (+3): +3 to attack and damage rolls [30 pts]

Proficiency Levels:

0: You are proficient with zero weapons like a typical CIVILIAN.
1: You are proficient with four simple weapons.
2: You are proficient with all simple weapons.
3: You are proficient with all simple weapons and four martial weapons.
4: You are proficient with all martial weapons.
5?: You are proficient with all martial weapons and four exotic weapons.
6?: You are proficient with all exotic weapons.

High and Low Open-Ended rolls

If the result of a d20 is 1, roll again and subtract 20 from the result. If the result is a 20, roll again and add 20 to the result.

Fatigue Points

Maximum FP = 4x your Constitution score. Missing a meal costs you 1 FP (you need 3 meals/day). Humans need 2 quarts of water per day, which is doubled in hot climates and tripled in the heat of the desert. You can get by on less than that if you drink at least half your recommended amount, but it still costs you 1 FP/8 hours. Going with less than half your water requirements costs you 2 FP/8 hours, and at the end of the day you must make a Constitution check (DC = 5, +5 for every previous save) or lose one hit die's worth of maximum hit dice. Thus, you lose 9 FP/day of going without food and water.

3/4 FP to max FP: Fine 1/2 FP to 3/4 FP: disadvantage on ability checks 1/4 FP to 1/2 FP: Speed halved less than 1/4 FP: disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws 0 FP: DC 5 Constitution check, +5 every hour thereafter, to avoid falling unconscious. Every 1 FP thereafter comes off your maximum HP on a 1:1 basis.

Random Special Abilities


  • 1-4: One ability
  • 5-7: Two abilities
  • 8-9: Three abilities
  • 10: Four abilities

The average is two.

Spellcasting DC

  • Cantrip: DC 10
  • 1st-level spell: DC 12
  • 2nd-level spell: DC 13
  • 3rd-level spell: DC 15
  • 4th-level spell: DC 16
  • 5th-level spell: DC 18
  • 6th-level spell: DC 20
  • 7th-level spell: DC 21
  • 8th-level spell: DC 22
  • 9th-level spell: DC 23
  • 10th-level spell: DC 25
  • 11th-level spell: DC 28
  • 12th-level spell: DC 30
  • Failure by 1-4: Minor blunder
  • Failure by 5+: Major catastrophe

Virtues Chart

# Virtue Meaning
1ChastityPurity; absence from deviant sexual conduct
2TemperanceModeration and restraint
3CharityBenevolence; Generosity; Self-sacrifice
4DiligenceDue carefulness; Work ethic
5PatienceThe ability to endure difficult circumstances (e.g. delay)
6KindnessPleasantness; Consideration of others
7HumilityRecognition of self in relation to God; Balance between pride and indulgent self-deprecation
8ValorActing rightly in the face of opposition and shame; Truly Righteous Fury; Balance between injustice and wrath

Vices Chart

# Vice Meaning
1LustImpure desire; immoral sexual acts
2GluttonyOverindulgence; Wastefulness
3GreedInordinate longing for material things
4SlothFailure to do things one should do
5WrathAnger, rage, and hatred; Vengeance without justice
6EnvyCovetousness; Unhappiness wrought by others happiness
7PrideHubris; Forgetting one's own lack of divinity
8DespairFeeling sorrow for or denial of spiritual goodness (Nihilism); Hopelessness

Unarmed Strike


  • 1-4: 1d4 (2d4 Expertise)
  • 5-10: 1d6 (2d6 Expertise)
  • 11-16: 1d8 (2d8 Expertise)
  • 17-20: 1d10 (2d10 Expertise)
  • 21-24: 1d12 (2d12 Expertise)
  • 25-30: 2d8 (4d8 Expertise)

Sweeps & Throws:


  • 1-4: 1 + Str damage, Push 5 feet & knock prone
  • 5-10: 1d4 + Str damage, Push 5 feet & knock prone
  • 11-16: 1d4 + Str damage, Push 10 feet & knock prone
  • 17-20: 1d6 + Str damage, Push 10 feet & knock prone
  • 21-24: 1d6 + Str damage, Push 15 feet & knock prone
  • 25-30: 1d8 + Str damage, Push 15 feet & knock prone

Serrated Weapons

Exotic Melee Weapons Cost Damage Weight Properties
Serrated Dagger8 gp1d41 lb.Bleed, finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)
Serrated Shortsword40 gp1d62 lb.Bleed, finesse, light
Serrated Scimitar100 gp1d62 lb.Bleed, finesse, light
Serrated Longsword60 gp1d83 lb.Bleed, versatile (1d10)
Serrated Greatsword200 gp2d66 lb.Bleed, heavy, two-Handed

A creature that you damage with a serrated weapon bleeds profusely, taking slashing damage equal to your proficiency bonus at the end of its next turn.

Human Traits

It's hard to make generalizations about humans, but your human character has these traits.

A human character possesses the following traits:
Ability Score Increase. Your ability scores each increase by 1.
Ages. Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.
Alignment. Humans tend toward no particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.
Size. Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Skills. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.
Feat. You gain one feat of your choice.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice. Humans typically learn the languages of other peoples they deal with, including obscure dialects. They are fond of sprinkling their speech with words borrowed from other tongues: Orc curses, Elvish musical expressions, Dwarvish military phrases, and so on.

gollark: Again, it's a general-purpose computer.
gollark: Thanks!
gollark: Oh, that'll make it easier to power it on when we need to run ML tasks.
gollark: Ah, the memetics are working perfectly.
gollark: Well, that would have made ML workloads difficult, but you do.
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