
Because I was unable to fix them in the class's page, I will keep my tables here. Dragon Shaman (3.5e Class) is the class attached to these.

Table: Totem Dragons
Color Alignments Allowed (Usually) Class Skills Breath Weapon
BlackNE, CE, CNHide (Dex), Move Silently (Dex), Swim (Str)Line of Acid
BlueNE, LE, LNBluff (Cha), Hide (Dex), Spellcraft (Int)Line of Electricity
BrassNG, CG, CNBluff (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Survival (Wis)Line of Fire
BronzeNG, LG, LNDisguise (Cha), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str)Line of Electricity
CopperNG, CG, CNBluff (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str)Line of Acid
GoldNG, LG, LNDisguise (Cha), Heal (Wis), Swim (Str)Cone of Fire
GreenNE, LE, LNBluff (Cha), Hide (Dex), Move Silently (Dex)Cone of Acid
RedNE, CE, CNAppraise (Int), Bluff(Cha), Jump (Str)Cone of Fire
SilverNG, LG, LNBluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Jump (Str)Cone of Cold
WhiteNE, CE, CNHide (Dex), Move Silently (Dex), Swim (Str)Cone of Cold
Table: Auras
Aura Effect
EnergyAura bonus to Reflex DC's against breath weapons of the dragon shaman's energy type. This also applies to any spell, power, spell-like ability, supernatural ability, or any other ability of the same energy type, either of the same damage or appropriate descriptor.
SwiftnessAura bonus to Climb, Jump, and Swim checks and 5 times the aura bonus feet to all movement speeds. This does not give you a movement speed if you do not already have it.
StaminaAura bonus to Constitution checks and Fortitude checks.
Energy ShieldAttackers with a natural or non-reach weapon takes damage of the dragon shaman's energy type equal to the dragon shaman's aura bonus. At 11th level, this increases to 2 times the aura bonus.
PowerAura bonus to damage or half of the aura bonus to attack (rounded down) and half of the aura bonus to damage (rounded up).
PresenceAura bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate.
Resistance5 times the aura bonus to resistance to energy of the dragon shaman's energy type.
SensesAura bonus to Listen, Spot, and initiative checks.
ToughnessProvides DR/magic equal to the aura bonus. At 11th level, this increases to DR/magic equal two times aura bonus or DR/Adamantine equal to the aura bonus or DR/- equal to half of the aura bonus.
VigorProvides Fast Healing equal to the aura bonus. This can only increase a person's health to half their total hp.
InsightAura bonus to Knowledge, Decipher Script, and Spellcraft.
DragontongueAll that are in the aura's effects can speak, read, and write languages equal to the aura bonus. These languages are chosen by the dragon shaman and do not change with each use. These bonus languages are forgotten by a person 5 minutes after the aura no longer effects them.
FocusAura bonus to Concentration checks and on saves against fear, paralysis, and sleep effects.
PragmatismAura bonus to bull rush, trip, and sunder attempts.
AccuracyAura bonus to confirm critical hits and disarm attempts
Table: Draconic Abilities
Totem Dragon 5th level 10th level 15th level
BlackWater Breathing (Ex)Darkness (Sp)Subtle Taint (Sp)
BlueSound Imitation (Ex)Create/Destroy Water (Sp)Ventriloquism (Sp)
BrassSpeak with Animals (Sp)Endure Elements (Sp)Suggestion (Sp)
BronzeWater Breathing (Ex)Alternate Form (Sp)Fog Cloud (Sp)
CopperSpider Climb (Sp)Stone Shape (Sp)Transmute Mud to Rock/Rock to Mud (Sp)
GoldWater Breathing (Ex)Alternate Form (Sp)Bless (Sp)
GreenWater Breathing (Ex)Suggestion (Sp)Plant Growth (Sp)
RedTreasure Seeker (+5 on Appraise (Int) and Search (Wis) checks) (Ex)Locate Object (Sp)Suggestion (Sp)
SilverFeather Fall (Sp)Alternate Form (Sp)Cloud walking (Ex)
WhiteIcewalking (Ex)Fog Cloud (Sp)Gust of Wind (Sp)
Table:Breath Form?
Breath Form Normal Breath Range Improved Breath Range Superior Breath Range
Burst15 (radius 5)30 (radius 10)60 (radius 20)
Single Target01530
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