

Me, myself, and I

Hello, my name Cjtoddx and I'm here to see what the whole wiki editing is about. Mainly, I want a place for me to put my campaign ideas for pathfinder and some other random assortment of stuff. Hopefully, people will give me a good discussion when it comes to balance, because I can only talk my dads ear off for so long. I'm twenty something years old and (of course) I love tabletop roleplaying.

The Kingdom of Alor

This is the setting for the newest game that I will be GMing. Currently it's set in a Discord that my friend D.L. has set up. It's set up for him and other GM's to have a game within one continuity and world. The world will be large enough to fit in mutiple GM's game's and world changing events. The Kingdom of Alor is set up in this world but crossovers will be difficult due to the nature of the region and gods associated within. However they are not completely out of the question.


The Kingdom of Alor was set up 454 years ago when a Fiendish invasion began to plague the lands. The two landmasses that make up this area cover about five million square miles across various oceans and seas. Alor its self has a capital in the center of the south most landmass of the continents. This is squarely in front of a Planar Gate "Hell's Arch" that was the focal point of the afor mentioned fiendish invasion. Alor is ruled by various dukedoms and alliances, some of which are old relics of the Fiendish hoards and others made newly in peace that came after what the locals called "The destruction of Hell." You'll find the common races of the world in Alor, but in oddly different fashion. Never the less, as mortals always do, their are multiple different factions. All of the individual races, Tribe of Giants, Council of Dragons, Gods Council, and the guild of the Hunt which all have they're respective regions that they govern with the exception of the Gods Council and the Guild of the Hunt, which are more like religions on to themselves.

Character Generation

Stats: 4d6 drop the lowest, 25 pts minimum and 30 pts maximum (best of 2 stat arrays, no swap or drop/add)
or point buy 27pts
Class restriction: No Alchemist and Summoner (This is only for thematic purposes.)
Class Addition: Scrivener (Pathfinder Class)
Alchemy as the class feature is awarded to characters with the Feat Skill focus: Alchemy and the Trait Alchemical adept, further more if in addition you obtain the Alchemical Intuition Trait and the Master Alchemist Feat you'll be awarded with Swift Alchemy as the class feature.


(cir. 400IF-430IF)Within the span of a six months, most of the time there is a couple of discharges of hellish energy that spawn out from Hell's Arch. This causes a mass of mindless undead to rise out of the ground. All have the unique quality of a fiery aura. The undead skeletons that come forth from this regular happen stance usually only last for a few days; The longest that they have been recorded to last is a three weeks. After which though, they crumble and disinergate. The number of burning skeletons that happen at most anyone time is 20 or 30, but rare instances have occurred when they've become numbering in the thousands. Those happen stance have almost never lasted too long. These usually small skeletal units of fiery undead don't usually come anywhere near any settlements, there was one that actually attacked the Guild of the Hunt's settlement: Arothos. It was called the Skeletal Blaze. It was not a hard fought battle, thankfully. Mostly what happened the settlement was taken by surprise and a couple of walls were destroyed.


Edinar: In the region of Edinar, most of the wildlife are small rodents. Even though this area has multiple wide open expanses of dry plains there doesn't seem to be too many large herd animal. There have been some signs of Bullete in the area, they have never seemed to cause any problems.

gollark: You just said you typed at 50WPM or so.
gollark: 150WPMish.
gollark: Faster than that, I think?
gollark: Sometimes I plug my phone into my computer and use `scrcpy` to type unreasonably fast on it, for text conversations.
gollark: I thought it was 115. Oh no.
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