Tier path: Grunt -> Fighter -> Warrior -> Legion -> Titan
Ordinate/Subordinate trait: STR/CON
- STR: Using weapons, swashbuckling (can use anything as a weapon and get XP). DICE.
- PER: Armed Defense (shields): the micro ability to avoid getting hit from a micro-point of view
- Resistance (DEX): the ability to simply avoid getting hit by seeing from a larger point of view
- Self-healing (CON):
XP gained by: (HP taken)2+1
Mana goes to: muscles (+STR but already included from LVL gains and equation)
Dice Use: weapon and armor dice. Armor dice: one die for each piece of armor related to its AC and dice related to weapon used, multiplied by LVL/10, rounded up. This modifier might get negated in some cases (related to the history of war) related to fighting other types of races, as this modifier is related to stored, racial-related bodily knowledge that lets the warrior move in advance of their opponents move (feeling their internal bodily choices). Rolled each round during an encounter. (Weapon dice get modified according to power equation?)
Real-world interaction: Since players should have a chance to riase the level of dialog, an exchange of achievements ("I have scaled the tower of Xonthol with my bare hands and taken out the Wizard of Frobozz!").
Lore: This class is one of the oldest, as Man started fighting each other for dominance. The ultimate aim for the warrior is to be at the top (of evil or other warriors) and preserve his honor.
Alignment characteristics: Evil warriors tend to be barbaric, killing things without concern for valor. Chaotic warriors might use any utensil to do so--not caring about the skill and craftlanship it takes to master the art of the sword/bow/etc.
Group affiliations: Teach extra bonus moves as they level in class guilds...?
Moral Code: Removing evil from the realm.
God modifier: Gets up to +5 DAM (from the god side) or +5AC (from the goddess) on non-DC dice rolls. The actual number is related to the # of gods.
Fighters gain experience through fighting. This may or may not be kills. The actual equation is (HP_taken+1)2. However, if they take the kill of an oppositely-aligned character (not through accident), then it’s 500*LVL_of_their_opponent extra XP.
The gain +1DAM for every kill of opposite alignment that is of equal or greater LVL than themselves and lose it for kills of the same alignment. This is a gift of the gods.XXX This is the adjustments by the gods. See dieties and demigods, prolly.
Warriors. The defining feature of this class is their ability to fight. For this, they commonly have a trusted weapon, which they hone to perfection. They also have armors, which allows them to roll dice for defense. The perfection of that is one of the defining features of the best warriors. Most warriors eventually go out into the wild and slay to make a name for themselves.
Warriors draw strength from having a worthy purpose and from the history and lineage of warriors who came before them. Perhaps they will clear out a territory of goblins to build a great city that is amenable to trade routes running far away. They may become the defender of the realm, preventing bandits from ransacking the city. Or perhaps they are dwarven and will forge a tunnel through a mountain range to make them passable by the average faeruni. They may hone themselves to greatness, perfecting the blade, and gathering whole armies to aid them. Whatever their purpose, they inherit various skills and dispensations of the warrior. They can get skills with knives, swords, shields, whips, hammers, and such.
Warrior can declare their loyalty to a god and receive +DAM modifiers in battle (depending on their god`s STR) or be ronin and independent. Their PTY will dictate how much trust the god places in the warrior for DAM benefits. For this reason, this class can transfer points from other stats (INT, CHR, etc.) to aid their PTY score. They can do this as they want in accordance with their fealty to their god. For this class, STR helps them wield their weapon, DEX helps them hit the intended target, WIS lets them know if they should bring their long sword or just a knife, while CHR prevents them from having to swing at all.
They level by taking HP. XP = (HP taken+1)2 + (mana remaining)/10)2; +1DAM on next fight if last kill was oppositely aligned (-200 mana * ? if they lose, meaning they will likely die rather than get a resurrection save)
Rather than guilds, warriors establish armies. They may besiege a city, or defend one worthy of their strength. Such a warrior clan establishes a shield which can be put on their city's flag. For this they must befriend a leader, magistrate, or become one. Perhaps they will claim the ONE sword of Excalibur (blessed, enchanted 3d8 sword?? updated: User:Cedric/Sword of Excalibur).
Warriors can build fab by "counting coup". Even though you may not be able to kill an ancient dragon, for example, getting a hit gives you HP2 XP and a badge. You can also strike other players, but should not kill them. If you do, you lose all of your death saving throws and one goes to the other player. If you have none, you lose your own character. Since warriors get XP by hit-points they've taken, they can have more sophisticated strategies of engagement. If they get an NPC to relinquish their main purpose (guarding the bridge, protecting a secret treasure room) over to the party, they forfeit their remaining mana-points (mana/10)2 as XP.
It would be good for a warrior to make friends with an herbalist as she has remedies that can bring full restoration to fighters that s/he can bring along with them. Although as a warrior learns to recover from battle, s/he can l/earn special abilities. These abilities amount to better CON. Warrior's can also ally with clerics and fight for or with their gods to get protection and be shielded from critical hits (hits that do double damage). Clerics get experience by restoring your hit-points.
If you track proficiency, it should track level to something like LVL ~= Proficiency/2.
Metalsmithing: advanced techniques allow your sword to last longer and be superior in battle than regular swords, adding longevity and perhaps +DAM (if your STR is high?) or +HIT (if your CHR is high). Such swords take 2x as long to make, minimally.
DAM ~= weapon_dice * (LVL*(HP/MAX_HP)*(STR/20)) (UPDATE: See regualr class power equaiton). In other words, if you’re. at 1 HP, you’re not going to get a lot of damage, just like if you’re low on strength, or a low-level warrior — that is what this equation says.
In Fourth Age play, warrior don’t kill non-evil creatures unless they’ve given their opponent a chance to negotiate. If a players fails to adhere to this, they do not collect the kill bonus.
STUB in process of revision this. list is normalized where LVL ~= Age. 1. 1, (moving on ones own) 2. 2, (recognizing something and verbalizing) 3. 4, (locomotion) 4. 8, (walking) (basic words) 5. 16, (regular talking, walking with own purpose) 6. 31, (learning to read or other skill) 7. 62, (learning to write, getting others attentions meaningfully -- like shouting an alarm) 8. 125, (do chores, take care of self and hygiene) 9. 250, (be independent, caring for youngers) 10. 500 (collaborate with adults, budgeting or caring for one’s possessions) 11. 1000. 12. 2000 13. 4000 14. 7000 15. 11000 and thereafter (LVL-10)*1000)
Dice table(1). Perhaps each renown confers a 1d4 bonus die: 1. Dodge: gets to neutralize attack dice of 1 opponent. 2. Bash: gets half more damage if armor appropriate 3. 4. Second attack: can roll again and stack dice rolls.
DM. notes:
- If they save their adversary from death (even if just to the point before death), they can gain +CON, rather than the extra kill experience. This gift comes from the esteem gained. The. formula is to add+1CON at every LVL. amounts of salvation. So that a level 10 warrior has to reserve killing 10 times to gain a level. Only one CON gain. per level.
- The DM can award XP from the god/desses for kills, in addition to HP taken. (~NPC_LVL*500 if new kind of oppositely-aligned NPC or NPC_LVL*50 if not) (mostly for Third Age and earlier)
- Fighters can smith superior swords by listening to the sword-metal ring with the hammer strikes.
- Technically, this is just a STR class, so if you wanted you could get XP not from taking HP like a fighter but moving/smashing heavy objects. 20lbs moved ~5ft upwards is 1HP, so moving it 100 ft in elevation is 202=400XP. This is only an approximation. For smashing objects, probably their own HP2.
- The DM god modifier is calculated by totalling the levels of the gods in favor of the warrior (attenuated through the trust card?) divided by 100. So, 2 LVL51 gods in favor of the warrior with 100% trust equals 102, divided by 100, equals +1 DAM. If you don't use the trust score, then calculate the average roll (which approximates 50% trust on average).
- In a group of warriors, they can get bedazzle effects whereby they can re-roll low dice rolls, but must take the results if lower. The effect is proportional to the amount of their co-alignment.
AL Notes:
- This class gets XP for smithing (really smiting) achievements as STR is the predominant(?) skill...
1. Credit to Hexonyx MUD for warrior class skills.