Lethal warrioress, but differs from brute fighters, as she knows when to strike.
Ordinate/Subordinate: STR/ASM,
Tier Path: Stalker -> Hero -> Paragon -> Chieftess -> Buttkicker (until she invents a better one).
- Offense: Critical hits from her ASM. This is the class that gets an auto-crit (double the face value when the highest # is rolled).
- Inner: Attunement to surroundings (useful for fighting, very spry), +1 on DC checks requiring perception.
- Outer: Resource finding (finding the materials or adapting items at hand to accommodate needs)
- Defense: Adventuring: the skills of simply finding novel adventures, with or without the fighting aspect
Boon to party:
- Finding traps
- Extra roll action — getting things without a fight, ability to stand up to foes if they. intimidate other players
- Improvisation, finding solutions without pre-planning
- hands: crafted items that aid the party;<-> organizes arcana of the realms
XP gained by: HP2 + 1
Mana goes towards: storing knowledge with well-organized efficiency as lean muscle.
Dice Use: Like male warriors, gets weapon dice, but instead of +DAM modifiers gets greater probability TOHIT (-AC on NPCs) XXXby virtue of her moral code, get’s luck dice for various effects when certain numbers are in effect (related to the day of gameplay?).
Lore: This female warrior came about after the men were getting all of the spoils of wars. Their modus operandi is to make justice rather than war.
Group affiliation: In a group fight with fellow, aligned women, they form a gestalt which befuddles NPCs granting an AC bonus (-TOHIT from the NPC) to themselves proportional to the sum(LVL_of_members)/#_of_members * (estimated_alignment_differntial).
Conflict resolution: CON battles.
Evil/Chaos characteristics: Evil neo-warriors kill men. Chaos warriors destroy the imbalances in the world.
Demi-god modifier:
The semi-peaceful warrior. A warrior of the mind more than steel. The warrior not of slaying but of defending. A gender-balanced warrior, tailored less to stereotypical male traits of dominance than a conventional fighter class. They make themselves as they want, for their knowledge hones their mind until their blade is an extension of it. XXX mana a factor INT and ancestor
Can only be surprised by a character of a higher level, otherwise is never surprised by an offensive move (only the type of move, perhaps).
This is also the class that gets to try to outwit the DM -- not as a player, but as your character. They make excellent managers of the general store at the village.
Neo-Warriors are unconsciously drawn to things that other characters have concealed (non-Afriqan, non-Aryan races). They have an inner sense of mischief and seek it out (see roll table). They go towards a wall that has an unusual object on it, only to spring the trap behind it. They have to temper this trait to hone it into value for the team.
They get dispensations of mana from entities above (released or re-allocated by the dice roll), whether they know them or not. These "gods" can be simply people of higher power, like a Legendary Warrior.
They can gain XP through knowledge and knowledge sharing. The more knowledge they have of the realms, the more XP, for example. Mana and XP are the same for this class (if feywild)?. If they have knowldge that many people want the XP accumulates linearly; i.e. 10 people with 1000XP knowledge = 10,000XP.
Their higher-than-average time-slots are most amendable to being re-allocated such that they can turn the vigilance normally expended for adventuring into searching as they move with a party providing them protection that would otherwise make them vulnerable to surprise attacks. In this way they can always be expending 4 or 5 time-slots for searching per round as they leave the 2 needed for movement with their party. This leaves very little for talking as they go.
The above is out-of-date. As they level they get LEVEL time-slots per round. That means they start lower than everyone else, but quickly get higher than everyone else. This can potentionally lead to massive amounts of advantage. Each round the DM can roll a d360. If the result is divisible by 2, the DM can make an “intuition check” on themselves and see if one or more of the NPC should be able to step in. If the result is divisible by 4, the DM can check with the party and ask if anyone would like to step in. XXXIf the result is divisible by 12, the gods can step in and offer a time-slot for the NPCs (up to 3 per roll).XXX If a neo-warrior is multiclassed, they must build-up enough timeslots to perform an act in the other class (usually 2 timeslots, but if the task has the complexity requiring 2 other classes, then 4 time-slots to perform the act).
Neo-warriors use STR as their main advantage, everything else they will have to use to define themselves. STUB This page is mostly an offering for one type envisioned for the game, focusing on: STR, INT, DEX, and CON.
They level normally, but lose prestige (levels) if they can't provide something someone wants. To this end, they may have to seek out herbalists, metalsmiths, and such to supply their store and have many such stores in town. The lost XP turns to Mana, allowing the loss to be reconciled.
They advance tiers by level of satisfaction: To hero, by ability to supply every class with basic essentials. To paragon, by offering things no ones thought of, but everyone wants. To legendary, by serving legendary adventurers.
Luck dice are based on sequential 1d4s. Usually, only 1 die is rolled, but if the god/desses are favorable, up to 4 -- each one adding an additional advantage. ?The first die is the old warrior effectively of STR, the next is for INT, then for PER, and then for ASM?. Table of effects. You accumulate them if you are multiclassed, so that you can choose which of the four: From the warriors of old 1d4: LEVEL feats: 5. Critical Hitter: knows exactly when to strike 1. Perceptual Acumen: notices a natural feature, temporarily elevated PERception (20 for the day). 2. Patriarchal Void: can choose to get advantage rolls over standard power rule related to her LVL in battle. XXXgets a special attack bonus or cunning word for opponents equal or less than theirs 3. DC luck: has half the challenge rating to overcome with her “can-do” attitude for DC under their LVL (must choose what to do BEFORE rolling) 4. Peace-maker. gets to calm the arena for a moment’s respite when she shouts her power word "Hey!", offering a new look or direction, even flee with an extra advantage.
1. INT: You turn a disadvantage into an advantage, turning the situation around. Any disadvantage rolls are turned into normal ones. 2. You remember important facts to aid you in need. 3. 4. 1. PER 2. 3. 12. If you the situation is with an opposite sex partner, you automatically sway them towards yoru direction 13. ASM: extra perception you automatically see secret or hidden items up to your own level. Legendary perception; you spot a trap/secret door regardless of it`s own LVL. The only exception are DIVINE traps or hidden doors (deity level 100+) or secrets hidden by the elves (unless elven yourself). 14. You get an an extra crit if you use your CHR to yoru advantage: legendary: you get a crit (double your DAM for the round) regardless of CHR 15. Whatever is thrown against you, you are defended against up to opponents of your own level. Legendary: Automatic save, regardless of level. Missile weapons glance off, even if they get a crit. Edged weapons glance off 16. You get a victory of any opponent up to your LVL, unless prevented by your gods. Legendary: You get a victory unless opponent has a legendary save, regardless of their level.
If or when the neo-warrior gets past level 50, they continue with this table and learn to master the wisdom contained thereupon to extract greater value out of these.
DM Notes:
- This class gets auto-crits on any roll on the highest number. The amount is automatically doubled. Ideally, you'd roll the archimedian solid with octagons, hexagons, and squares. On a square, you get a rollx2, on a hexagon, x1.5 multiplier. 2d30, one black and one white. The closer these are to each other, the higher the crit value when fighting a non-female.
- The auto-crit is balanced with a -DAM penalty: (20-20/STR). That gives -3 for average strength
- For the auto-AC bonus of a group, if they break rank at some point, the AC drops in the same round.
- For name/titles at legendary levels, a common form is to reference the body part that is most hit. "Taisha the Decapitator/back breaker/etc"
- Two female warriors of the exact same alignment vector have 100% correspondance when fighting together at the womb. If they're not in agreement (vector difference [g2-g1, h2-h1, i2-i1, j2-j1]) they may not get any AC protection and even damage themselves.